How To Restore the West
By Ron Holland - December 31, 2012

By any political, cultural or economic measure the nations of the West are in total decline. The historic virtues of hard work, free-market thinking and a common cultural integrity as well as religious and historical principles are gone. They have been subverted and replaced by an emphasis on rampant materialism and a consumer driven society that exceeds 70 percent of GNP in addition to private and public debt. Furthermore, a kind of parasitism has laid claim to Western culture by which sports stars, politicians, media darlings and financial scam artists get recognition and exorbitant incomes while real workers find their incomes falling and promised benefits curtailed.

Western society has lost its way. The main reason is the former political leadership of individual European nations and America, as imperfect as they were, have been co-opted and taken over by a corrupt power elite that uses its control over mob rule democracy and massive financial contributions to buy controlling influence over the "representative" governments of most Western nations.

This control has meant the political leadership and central bankers do not represent the citizens or the best interests of the nation at large. Instead, politics works to advance the financial and global governance interests of a small, secretive power elite. This takeover has bankrupted most nation-states and now threatens all existing fiat paper currencies as well as public and private wealth and retirement savings.

The Restoration

How can the remaining productive, freedom loving people of the West reestablish control over their individual nations and personal lives from an elite that considers us little more than sheep to be shorn and serfs to be pillaged and ruled?

Working through the existing controlled political process to elect a few more freedom advocates is a "feel good action" but in reality, the power elite's domination guarantees this is not a real solution; nothing will change since they control the parasitical, mob rule democracy. Actually, the fake political sacrament of democracy and universal suffrage is the agent of our serfdom rather than an opportunity to participate in genuine self-government.

We have to confront the institutions and false belief "memes" used to control and manipulate Western citizens, rendering us powerless to determine our personal or national destinies. We must restore localism and regional sovereignty over mega and supra-national governments and institutions along with protections to defend us from elite control. These include private free-market solutions when possible, limited and decentralized confederation governments, direct democracy strategies such as referendums that bypass elite actions, repudiation of sovereign debt used to enslave us and competition for paper currencies and central banks as well as audits for all institutions controlling us. We must destroy neocon control and their war making actions over governments and limit the growing cancer of mob rule and pillage of productive citizens. Finally, every people and regional part of larger government entities should have the right of peaceful, democratic self-government and secession as the ultimate bulwark against tyranny.

It is to this end I have developed the 12 Axioms of Freedom Restoration listed below:

  1. Advance Individual & Regional Sovereignty Over Elite & Global Governance Control
  2. Incorporate Human Action & Free-Market Thinking In All That You Do
  3. Promote the Political Benefits of Limited Confederation Government & Referendums
  4. Incorporate "Swiss" Direct Democracy to Control Representative "Mob" Democracy
  5. Work to Remove the Elite Domination Over Politics, Political Parties & Think Tanks
  6. Return Major Powers & Programs to States, Provinces & Regional Jurisdictions
  7. Encourage Governments to Repudiate Destructive & Illegitimate Sovereign Debt
  8. Guarantee Right to Declare Independence From Empires, Occupiers or Unions
  9. Create Public & Private Competition for Monopoly Currency & Central Bank Rule
  10. Audit Central Banks, Claimed Gold Reserves & All Government Entities
  11. Support a "George Washington Style" Peaceful, Noninterventionist Foreign Policy
  12. Return Voting To An Earned Privilege Rather Than a Mob Right to Pillage

More details and information will follow on each of the 12 Axioms in future editorials.

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