Barroso Blabs Back
By Staff News & Analysis - May 08, 2013

Federal Europe will be 'a reality in a few years', says Jose Manuel Barroso … A fully fledged federal Europe may seem like "political science fiction" today but will soon become reality for all European Union countries whether inside or outside the euro, Jose Manuel Barroso has said. The president of the European Commission has fanned the flames of British debate over EU membership by insisting that fiscal union in the eurozone will lead to "intensified political union" for all 27 member states. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: The EU will go on.

Free-Market Analysis: Hardly anyone exhibits what we have called Europe's "immovable rigor" more than Jose Manuel Barroso.

Barroso, a socialist and communist in his youth, is one of Brussels's top Eurocrats and one of its most arrogant. His statement is an example of the immoveable and unbreakable will that leaders throughout history have been fond of citing.

Napoleon often spoke of it, and Hitler, too.

But Napoleon's dreams of a French Europe crumbled. Hitler's dreams of a European Reich didn't last.

So why make these sorts of statements? Probably because those behind Europe in its current form are aware of history and want to make sure there is no hint that the current regime is in any danger of failing.

In fact, Barroso's statements are evidence of how important it is for those backing the EU to keep it together. Even a single defection, as of Greece, would puncture the façade of inevitability that Barroso and others are counting on.

Yet the EU, certainly the euro, is fully foundering now. Unemployment around Europe for youth is said to be 50 percent. And unemployment generally, especially for Southern Europe, is said to be 25 percent. It is probably a lot higher.

There is not a single state in Europe, it seems, without a sizeable and vocal block of citizens who want nothing to do with further EU centralization. French citizens voted against a European constitution previously. British voters would vote to leave the EU if given a chance. Now Germany has an anti-euro, or even anti-EU, party.

This is the core of Europe. Its citizens are at least decidedly ambivalent about the benefits of the EU and certainly the euro.

Back to Barroso …

Mr Barroso's announcement that he will set out plans for a European federation next spring, before elections to the European Parliament in May 2014, will further deepen Conservative divisions over the EU.

The intervention will add weight to the argument made by Lord Lawson, and other anti-EU Tories, that it is pointless to try and improve Britain's membership terms when the dynamic, set by the eurozone, is towards a fully-fledged federal Europe.

The commission president's argument is that as the eurozone adopts federalist structures on fiscal and economic policy, supported by Britain as necessary for financial stability, there will also be a need for political structures that will fundamentally change the way the EU works.

"Further economic integration would transcend the limits of the intergovernmental method of running the EU and the eurozone in particular," Mr Barroso said.

… Mr Barroso has called on all European leaders to accept that political union is inevitable in order to confront outright opposition to the EU, such as that from the UK Independence Party.

"This is why I believe the mainstream forces in European politics must seize the initiative, should leave their comfort zone to welcome and embrace this debate, rather than relinquish the momentum to eurosceptic or europhobic forces," he said.

This does not sound like a man at ease with his convictions or the future of his particular organization. Obviously, Barroso felt a need to make the statement now, perhaps because Europe, as he and others envisioned it, is collapsing around his ears.

His statement only confirms what we have written in the past … that the Eurocrats are desperate to salvage their project and believe any defection will be poisonous.

While those globalists running the show always advance by chaos, it is very likely that if given a choice they would fully retain the current union and, like Barroso, a mouthpiece, they seek only expansion of their flawed project.

After Thoughts

It seems they are not so confident as they want us to believe. Is Barroso "whistling past the graveyard"?

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