Overpopulation Alarmism Gives Rise to Corporate 'Sustainable Cities'
By Staff News & Analysis - October 27, 2011

U.N.: World can 'thrive' as population reaches 7 billion … As the global population hits 7 billion in the coming days, nations can take steps to tackle critical challenges and prepare for the arrival of billions more people this century, the United Nations said Wednesday. The milestone is expected to be reached on October 31. "With planning and the right investments in people now … our world of 7 billion can have thriving, sustainable cities, productive labor forces that can fuel economic growth, youth populations that contribute to the well-being of economies and societies, and a generation of older people who are healthy and actively engaged in the social and economic affairs of their communities," UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, said in a new report. Among the steps the report focuses on are empowering young people with economic opportunities; planning for the growth of cities; developing programs to share and sustain the Earth's resources; and improving education, including sexual education. – CNN

Dominant Social Theme: There are too many people and the UN will have to help us with population control. We will build cities that are sustainable and you can live in them if you are a worthwhile person and work for a multinational corporation. Good luck!

Free-Market Analysis: This is one of the hoariest of all dominant social themes of the power elite: Overpopulation. It is also one of the most predictably effective. When people – especially in the West – contemplate the world's total, growing population, they tend to get nervous, upset even.

There are many potential solutions to the elite meme of "overpopulation." Certainly "culling the herd" via war, plagues, etc. is a popular theme on the 'Net. But there are other ways to take advantage of this theme and to further implement societal control. In this article we want to discuss the growing phenomenon of "sustainable cities."

We have written about these cities in the past. Not only are they politically correct (carbon neutral and "powered" by solar energy), they are intended in our view to house an emergent corporatist elite. In the future, the world's largest multinationals may well construct cities for valued workers much as industries used to do during the initial Industrial Revolution. Vestiges of these company towns with their two- and three-family houses can still be seen in Britain and America.

The modern idea has evolved, of course. One of the goals of the new corporate (company) town is perhaps to entrap the "best and brightest" by providing municipalities that offer every kind of resource, amusement and modern amenity. Of course, woe to those who find themselves on the "outs" with the corporate structure. They may find themselves in a position not only of losing their jobs, but also their housing, friends, colleagues and anything else of value. Leaving such places, especially involuntarily, will be seen as a form of banishment. Here's an excerpt on article entitled India: Building Private Cities from the International Real Estate Digest:

A light in the tunnel … A new approach, tailored to match the Indian needs and Indian realities, may be to give enough power to private interests in solving the entire problem, instead of dividing the tasks with a largely ineffective public sector. A recent deal of almost $30 billion that will allow foreign private interests from Dubai to build two whole cities with their entire infrastructures is only the first tentative step in what some day may be called the 'Indian way of urbanization' … They all, in one way or in another, target booming residential, retail and office market.

Yes, it all seems quite innocent and peaceful until one dissects the language and does a bit of research into what, say, a "sustainable" city entails. These cities will doubtless become tremendous control grids for those with the kind of (mathematical) talents valued by the top elites. They are not just going up in India. Abu Dhabi is constructing something called Masdar City. Information on the city's ongoing construction can be found at Wikipedia and a press release issued back in 2008 explains what's taking place, as follows:

"Masdar City" to be flagship of WWF One Planet Living Programme … "WWF and Abu Dhabi's Masdar initiative unveil plan for world's first carbon-neutral, waste-free, car-free city" … The WWF and Masdar, The Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, today launched a "Sustainability Action Plan" to deliver the world's greenest city – Masdar City.

Masdar City will be the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste, car-free city, aiming to exceed the 10 sustainability principles of "One Planet Living™"– a global initiative launched by the WWF (known internationally as the Worldwide Fund for Nature and in the U.S. as the World Wildlife Fund) and environmental consultancy BioRegional.

Housed in six-square kilometres, Masdar City's electricity will be generated by photovoltaic panels, while cooling will be provided via concentrated solar power. Water will be provided through a solar-powered desalination plant. Landscaping within the city and crops grown outside the city will be irrigated with grey water and treated waste water produced by the city's water treatment plant.

The city is part of the Masdar Initiative, Abu Dhabi's multi-faceted investment in the exploration, development and commercialisation of future energy sources and clean technology solutions. The city, growing eventually to 1,500 businesses and 50,000 residents, will be home to international business and top minds in the field of sustainable and alternative energy.

Expanding populations are being used by the Anglosphere power elite as a way to further control the future of living arrangements. We are well aware that the powers-that-be use standardized testing to identify the best and brightest of the masses they "shepherd." The top scorers are funneled into top universities and then into further special programs such as Rhodes and Fullbright scholarships. There is no doubt that municipal plans around the world increasingly call for various kinds of urban exclusivity, no matter whether the cities are government run on behalf of industry, or are built by industry itself in "cooperation" with the local government.

After Thoughts

The problem of overpopulation can be "solved" any one of a number of ways. But this dominant social theme can also be used by the powers-that-be as a methodology of increased command-and-control. The poorest among us shall be culled, while the most talented shall be harvested and nurtured within highly controlled environments. The UN's language sounds mild and reasonable; its implementation shall be far less so.

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