Exclusive Interviews, Videos
Tom Luongo: Europe is in an Ugly Situation
By Bryan Lutz - September 26, 2024



Europe is grappling with a severe energy and economic crisis, exacerbated by historical colonial practices, geopolitical tensions, and ongoing conflicts driven by the desire to control Russia’s natural resources.


Geopolitical Strategies

Europe’s 500-year strategy of colonizing resource-rich regions to fuel its economy with cheap oil, coal, uranium, and natural gas ended when the United States became the world’s industrial power.

The British excel at orchestrating color revolutions by employing soft power, supporting dissident groups, controlling media, and timing revolutions in countries like Egypt, Ukraine, and Georgia.

Financial Implications

The Bank of England faces potential losses of $200+ billion due to Ukraine’s World Bank debt and August 2023 default, potentially burdening British taxpayers.

Historical Perspectives

The British Empire evolved from a maritime to industrial to financial empire, leveraging wealth accumulated during the Bank of England’s first 200 years (1694-1914) to maintain global influence.

The American Civil War is viewed as a failed British and French color revolution attempt, resulting in the North’s subjugation of the South and subsequent reconstruction to prevent competition with Continental Europe and Britain.

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