RCMP grapples with questions of FBI authority in Canada … In the wake of a dramatic RCMP reveal of two people arrested in Canada in connection with a plot to derail a passenger train, Canadians may have questioned why the United States Department of Homeland Security and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation were involved in the operation. Those who have followed the quiet evolution of Canada-US cross-border policing, however, weren't surprised. Law enforcement agencies in Canada and the US are now working together in an unprecedented way, says the RCMP—and the two countries are hammering out a plan to let agents in both countries drive back and forth across the border as though it wasn't there. – Embassy
Dominant Social Theme: As the US is the most efficient at catching crooks, it ought to be able to do so throughout North America, and maybe in Mexico, too.
Free-Market Analysis: Just the other day we wrote about ways that the plan to combine Canada, the US and Mexico into one super state was advancing. And now we read that US law enforcement agents are going to effectively be able to treat Canada as part of the US for enforcement purposes.
Plans for the NAU have been staunchly denied by all governments involved but this is not unusual. When the European Union was being constructed, those in charge staunchly denied it was to be any more than a trade zone. Now, of course, it has become clear that the goal indeed was a United States of Europe.
And similarly there seems little doubt that plans for an "EU of the Americas" are advancing as well. Look at various developments between the three countries through the prism of the NAU and it is uncanny how each agreement and proposal supports further government – and eventually citizen – integration.
Here's what we wrote just two days ago:
Thump, thump, thump. The North American Union is being born right under your eyes.
The globalists running Washington, DC have clearly stated in many ways that Canada, Mexico and the United States are to form a more perfect union. There are plenty of strategies being brought to bear.
The biggest tool was to be a superhighway that would cut the United States into virtually two pieces – a highway and railroad system stretching from Canada to Mexico.
When the initial furor about the NAU damaged the chances that the highway would be constructed, the most ambitious parts of the project were shelved. But not for long.
It is back, in the guise of a huge pipeline that will transport oil from Canada into the lower 48 called the TransCanada Keystone XL – a $5.3 billion proposal for a 1,179-mile pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska. There are additional plans to connect to refineries in Texas.
It's not yet a "done deal" but there are formidable forces in Washington, DC pushing it forward. The US has plenty of shale oil but, of course, that is surely not the point. The point would seem to be to create a transport corridor that bisects the US and will inevitably and eventually connect to Mexico.
Under George Bush an intricate network of security arrangements were reached with Canada and with Mexico. All along the Canadian border now are "constitution-free" zones where Canadian and US law enforcement officials can work together without pesky legalisms and the nationalism attached to them.
What Bush could not move along was a bill that would naturalize Mexican immigration – thus turning the border between the US and Mexico into a semi-porous non-entity. When he tried, the resulting ruckus put a final dent in whatever was left of his presidency.
But of course, this part of the program is back like a bad case of indigestion. And now it has formidable backing of the US's very own STASI – Homeland Security and Janet Napolitano.
It is, in fact, law enforcement that is an integral part of how these agendas advance in a democracy. Law enforcement can advance despite democratic "transparency" because when citizens confront law enforcement it is fairly easy for top police bureaucrats to invoke various kinds of secrecy laws, especially in this era of "terrorism."
Thus, no one really knows what is being put in place between Canada and the US in terms of inter-agency cooperation. The US and Canada could become a single enforcement unit (and perhaps in some ways it is verging on that already) and it would not become common knowledge until the policies are already in place.
This is apparently how countries merge in the modern era, via "the blade of the state of the cutting edge of the police." Already there is a kind of shared border between Canada and the US where the US Constitution at any rate has been "suspended." But that apparently only scratches the surface. Here's more from the Embassy article:
"When you look at our environment, increasing travel and trade, more complex legal systems, continuing pressures with respect to resources and how we allocate…your investigative capacity has actually declined," said RCMP Chief Superintendent Joe Oliver, describing the imperative behind co-operation.
"Taking into consideration the need for us to be more effective when you look at this question of economics and policing; taking into consideration that the Canada-US border is a huge area, a huge responsibility to monitor, detect, protect, and investigate, there's a real need for us to work together."
Mr. Oliver, who is the force's director general for border integrity, granted a rare, wide-ranging interview to Embassy on April 4 on the subject of the evolution of cross-border law enforcement …
Canadian and American police agencies are currently locked in private talks over how to effectively launch pilot projects that would allow American agents from organizations like the FBI and the US Drug Enforcement Administration to be accredited as police officers in Canada, with the power to arrest individuals on the street like any Canadian cop.
Specially-designated police can already conduct such operations in shared waterways, after the Harper government's spring 2012 budget implementation legislation changed several Canadian laws to make permanent a program to accredit such maritime-based US and Canadian agents.
Certain designated members of the RCMP and US Coast Guard undergo specialized training, and when they head out on an operation, they are overseen by the host country's officers, and operate under the host country's criminal justice system.
The Canada-US Beyond the Border perimeter security plan, laid out in December 2011, calls for the "next generation" of this type of policing: moving the concept to land. But doing so hasn't been easy: two pilot projects that were supposed to have been launched by last summer are still in legal limbo.
"We're still trying to negotiate…the challenge is, in the land environment, it's much more complex," said Mr. Oliver.
The reason it is "complex" is because it is probably illegal. The mandate of the FBI, for instance, was once restricted to US soil. Now the FBI is entrenched around the world in something like 100-plus countries and is apparently about to claim Canada.
One could write a series of investigative articles on the expansion of the US police state around the world (we've dealt with the topic) but this Canadian venture seems especially outrageous because the sovereignty of Canada is being invaded without any democratic consultation.
The same could be said for the US. It is not clear whether or not the US electorate is in favor of expanding the current brand of US authoritarianism around the world but voters are not apparently going to have a choice in the matter, or not until it is too late.
And, of course, the other larger issue when it comes to Canada has less to do with policing authority than the wholesale merger of that nation-state into its larger, southern neighbor.
As steps are taken surreptitiously for this to happen, one would assume that alarm bells would begin to ring.
So far, not.