The threat of “deviant” globalisation … The threat of “deviant” globalisation And yet it seems hardly surprising. Nor does it seem any more damaging than regular globalisation. A smart member of the global warrior elite “discovers” the next big threat … This convergence is what Stavridis calls “the dark side of globalization.” – The Crime Studio
Dominant Social Theme: These networks have to be busted up.
Free-Market Analysis: Let us try to put this as plainly as possible. What is being labeled here is the ability of individuals to link together using electronic devices to do things that the state is not in favor of.
Whether it is Bitcoin or various kinds of information sharing that may or may not respect formal copyright, information technology is making it possible for people of like minds to create networks and applications that run counter to the interests of those who control – or hope to control – government entities and regulatory enterprises.
The threat of “deviant” globalisation … And yet it seems hardly surprising. Nor does it seem any more damaging than regular globalisation. A smart member of the global warrior elite “discovers” the next big threat … This convergence is what Stavridis calls “the dark side of globalization.” – The Crime Studio
Dominant Social Theme: These networks have to be busted up.
Free-Market Analysis: Let us try to put this as plainly as possible. What is being labeled here is the ability of individuals to link together using electronic devices to do things that the state is not in favor of.
Whether it is Bitcoin or various kinds of information sharing that may or may not respect formal copyright, information technology is making it possible for people of like minds to create networks and applications that run counter to the interests of those who control – or hope to control – government entities and regulatory enterprises.
Of course, this is not how it is being portrayed in this latest subdominant social theme. Deviant globalization is deviant because the current ruling class of bankers, politicians, educators and generals say that it is.
There are, of course, specific kinds of deviance that one would recognize no matter what, but it is very likely that is not the kind of deviance that is being referred to as the “dark side of globalization.” Here’s how the meme is constructed:
Bad actors in various parts of the world have harnessed cellphones, the Internet and other emerging technologies to combine their criminal enterprises into cohesive networks. “It is the merger of a wide variety of mobile human activities, each of which is individually dangerous and whose sum represents a far greater threat,” he wrote.
This is an apt definition of what we call the Internet Reformation and we have no doubt it is occurring. But we also have little doubt that criminal enterprises include purposeful copyright violations, drug crimes and money laundering, all of which are crimes as defined by Leviathan not natural law.
We have no doubt that we will hear more about “deviant” globalization and that when we hear about it, or read about it, those providing the meme will make no distinction between crimes of power – those crimes that have become so because a specific special interest has managed to enshrine the “crime” into law and crimes that have always been historically recognized as bad deeds, murder, clear-cut cases of stealing, etc.
The argument will be made that ALL crimes defined by the state are indeed crimes, but this is simply not true. Today’s crime is tomorrow’s fashion when it comes to certain kinds of criminal definition.
Conclusion: Deviant globalization can indeed occur but we would wager that almost all of its applications will have to do with the kind of criminality that has been defined by the State for the perpetuation of control, not to defend against legitimate criminal gambits – as defined in past civilizations.