Happy July Fourth?
By Staff News & Analysis - July 04, 2011

The Future Still Belongs to America … This century will throw challenges at everyone. The U.S. is better positioned to adapt than China, Europe or the Arab world. It is, the pundits keep telling us, a time of American decline, of a post-American world. The 21st century will belong to someone else. Crippled by debt at home, hammered by the aftermath of a financial crisis, bloodied by long wars in the Middle East, the American Atlas can no longer hold up the sky. Like Britain before us, America is headed into an assisted-living facility for retired global powers. This fashionable chatter could not be more wrong. Sure, America has big problems. Trillions of dollars in national debt and uncounted trillions more in off-the-books liabilities will give anyone pause. Rising powers are also challenging the international order even as our key Cold War allies sink deeper into decline. But what is unique about the United States is not our problems. Every major country in the world today faces extraordinary challenges – and the 21st century will throw more at us. Yet looking toward the tumultuous century ahead, no country is better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities or manage the dangers than the United States. – Wall Street Journal

Dominant Social Theme: American exceptionalism is alive and well.

Free-Market Analysis: Those in American media traditionally unveil optimistic articles about the US on July 4th. This may have worked better in the 20th century than the 21st. In the Internet era, celebratory articles need to be backed by a multitude of facts, given that there is so much more information available.

The article, excerpted above, that appeared in the Wall Street Journal yesterday, was savagely deconstructed in the Journal's feedback queue. Those who consistently maintain that "nothing has changed" and that there is no difference between this century and the last in terms of understanding how Western society really works should read the remarkable feedback accompanying this article.

The article, bylined by Walter Russell Mead, is a good example of the cheerful "can do" spirit that America was known for throughout the world in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mr. Mead himself is identified as "a professor of foreign affairs and humanities at Bard College and editor-at-large of the American Interest." His point of view is a muscular, historical one.

We will summarize the article and then respond. For us the article presents a long-running elite-imposed dominant social theme: America is a bright and shining light on the hill and no other country can compare to it in terms of its freedom, entrepreneurialism and humanitarianism.

Mead wants to celebrate "America." America remains full of promise. Doomsayers, he explains, are sure that China will challenge American leadership throughout the world. Not so, he replies. "To focus exclusively on China is to miss how U.S. interests intersect with Asian realities in ways that cement rather than challenge the U.S. position in world affairs."

And why is this? First of all, because China is not alone. India is an often unmentioned competitor; in Asia, countries such as Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and Australia are all "vibrant, growing powers that have no intention of falling under China's sway." And there is Japan, too. Generally, Asia will continue to be multipolar, not unipolar, and thus China's influence will be restrained.

These developments "fit American interests precisely." American interests ("Our interests," as he puts it), "harmonize with the natural course of events." As concerns China, the U.S. will be navigating with the tides of history.

America still stands alone, according to Mead. The country has no real rivals. The European Union has recently experienced a surprising economic decline; the Islamic world, in its more fanatical incarnations, is not convincing even to its own adherents, and BRIC superpowers such as Russia have significant problems to deal.

The American agenda will thus be the global agenda in the 21st century. "Liberal capitalist democracy [whatever that is] remains the wave of the future … Fascism, like Franco, is still dead. Communism lingers on life support in Pyongyang and a handful of other redoubts but shows no signs of regaining the power …"

The geopolitics are favorable to America, he writes, and thus one can confidently predict that the 21st century shall be MORE of an American century than even the 20th. He justifies his giddiness by making points about technology. America's scientists in particular, have "better funding, better instruments and faster, smarter computers probing deeper and seeing further into the mysteries of the physical world."

And what science produces, American entrepreneurs convert into attractive consumer products. Their firms "deploy new knowledge and insight more rapidly." It is all part of a continual process, and it is one that is affecting other countries as well. Here are the final lines from his article:

New ideas disturb the peace of once-stable cultures. Young people grasp the possibilities of change and revolt at the conservatism of their elders. Sacred taboos and ancient hierarchies totter; women demand equality; citizens rise against monarchs. All over the world more tea is thrown into more harbors as more and more people decide that the times demand change. This tsunami of change affects every society – and turbulent politics in so many countries make for a turbulent international environment. Managing, mastering and surviving change: These are the primary tasks of every ruler and polity. Increasingly these are also the primary tasks of every firm and household.

This challenge will not go away. On the contrary: It has increased, and it will go on increasing through the rest of our time. The 19th century was more tumultuous than its predecessor; the 20th was more tumultuous still, and the 21st will be the fastest, most exhilarating and most dangerous ride the world has ever seen. Everybody is going to feel the stress, but the United States of America is better placed to surf this transformation than any other country. Change is our home field. It is who we are and what we do. Brazil may be the country of the future, but America is its hometown.

Happy Fourth of July.

From our point of view (apologies to Professor Mead) the above is not entirely convincing. Once one grants that "America" includes a significant ethnic and sociopolitical complexity, the way to define this great country is to sort through the actual structures that makes it run. Supposedly it is animated by a Constitution, but when one reads the US Constitution carefully, the wording is so vague that in many cases the content cannot be fully defined.

If "America" and its population are not bound by the Constitution, then how does the society function? We would argue it is animated in modern times by power elite dominant social themes. These are fear-based promotions propounded by Western elites and designed to frighten the middle classes into giving up power and wealth to larger globalist receptacles designed for that purpose.

These memes are the driving force behind much of America's political and economic conversation. They are mostly leveling in nature and promote the primacy of government. In fact, the goal of Western elites is evidently and obviously to build world government. This is THEIR priority and it may not be ours or yours. Thus to speak of America as a monolithic creature is surely incorrect. From a human standpoint, it is a locale with competing human interests.

Professor Mead sees history (and America) as the result of "nations" operating according to "national interest." But this is not a libertarian viewpoint, animated by Misesian human action. One needs to peer beneath the surface to detect the real workings. The "nation" actually has no "interests." Only people do.

And who are the people running the United States? From our point of view they are located in the City of London (and of course mainland Europe and elsewhere as well). In fact, this power elite is composed primarily of a handful of impossibly wealth banking families supported by corporate, religious and military enablers. Central banking and its ability to print money from nothing bankrolls their world spanning plans.

These families are in the midst of an intergenerational conspiracy to rule the world. It is a conspiracy that goes back at least 300 years, but in its largest incarnation (one merely of control) it may go back millennia. The elite conspiracy has been hidden in the past among Masonic lodges and was in part seemingly derailed by the Gutenberg Press some 500 years ago, which revealed previous control mechanisms and caused new ones to be brought forth.

Today, the conspiracy is both stronger and weaker. It is stronger in the sense that much of the work to create a new world order has been accomplished. The structure is there for all to see and has only appeared in the past 50 years. It includes the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, NATO, BIS, the World Bank and the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

But the conspiracy has been undermined by the advent of the Internet which the Anglosphere elites apparently did not see. Today, the fear-based promotions with which they attempt to manipulate middle class masses are increasingly in shambles. The war on terror is not believable and has caused trouble with an all-important war in Afghanistan. The equally important global warming meme has lost considerable credibility. Central banking is under attack as never before. The truth-telling power of the Internet has undermined much of what the elites so painstakingly created in the 20th century.

And what a century that was. Almost every element of the 20th century seems to have been a promotion of sorts from what we can tell. The world wars were likely a manipulation to create world government. The Cold War was likely a manipulation to create further Western authoritarianism. Even NASA's placement of men on the moon is suspect in our eyes. (At least until they find the moon tapes again that have somehow been mislaid.)

Lift the curtain and the elite aggregation – the Great OZ – is increasingly visible. The Anglosphere elites supported Hitler, assisted Lenin and perhaps Mao as well. They created phony provocations for war and built huge propaganda institutions such as the Tavistock Institute for purposes of mind control and to gradually destroy private civil society in order to replace it with government control.

Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany were apparently a trial run for what is currently taking place: an apparent final consolidation. The US itself – the military wing of the conspiracy, much as Israel is an intelligence wing – has involved itself in up to six separate wars in Africa and the Middle East. These wars are intended to intimidate and control those countries that have up until now resisted the Anglosphere elites' vision of a "new world order" – one world government.

World War I consolidated Europe under Anglosphere control. World War II consolidated Japan; the Vietnamese and Korean wars consolidated Asia; the current wars are intended to consolidate Africa and the Middle East. The Afghanistan war was supposed to consolidate – finally – the Pashtuns and Punjabis, but that one hasn't been going so well.

One can see clearly – if one steps back to look – just what is going on. It is not, as Professor Mead writes – a world of "our" interests but of certain elite interests. It is THEIR system, their depreciating paper money, their economic system with its endless recessions and depressions, its rolling unemployment, mindless consumerism, corporate gigantism and increasingly manipulated and failing money marts. If and when the elites consolidate their world order abroad, they will look to further consolidate it within the West. And that will not be a Good Day.

Their goals are clear: mile long castles containing the world's rarest wealth in a verdant, depopulated world with about 500 million chipped and genetically modified serfs. This is no fantasy. One can read on the Internet all about the fascination of the elites with genetic modification. And the numerical goals are apparently to be found (conveniently) on the famous Georgia Guidestones.

Thank God for the Internet. All preceded according to plan for perhaps 300 years. But in the 21st century nothing has gone exceptionally well for those interested in imposing a one-world order. Instead, increasingly, this handful of controlling elites is facing a messy, incontrovertible Internet Reformation. It is not a planned process either. It conforms to FA Hayek's theories of spontaneous organization.

In this article, we've tried to lay out our differences with Professor Mead. He sees a Shining Light on a Hill. We see in America a society almost totally traduced by Londondinium. He sees national interest; we see countries irradiated and sickened by depleted uranium; and millions killed, maimed and displaced. He foresees a new American century; we see a struggle not between geographical regions so much as between the enlightenment spawned by the Internet Reformation and the promotional memes of the elite, marketed to create a one-world order.

He sees in the 21st century increased freedom provided by Western democratic philosophy. We see in the West an emergent totalitarianism led by America's 16 separate spy agencies, Britain's MI6, Israel's Mossad – all working in unison with NATO's standing armies employed around the world to control and kill those whose aspirations are not in line with those of Western elites.

Professor Mead's perspective may be viewed as the more cocktail-party friendly and sophisticated of the two viewpoints, as it is surely the one that appears in the most textbooks and now in the pages of the Wall Street Journal as well. But we think our version of "directed history" has a certain cohesion that recommends it as well. You, dear reader, will make up your own mind.

After Thoughts

Happy Fourth of July.
