‘Pack Your Bags’: RFK Drops the Gloves on FDA Swamp Monsters
By Ben Bartee - October 29, 2024

Originally published via Armageddon Prose:

The Tree of Liberty, parched for far too long, requires sustenance for upkeep.

Thanks to Thomas Jefferson’s prescription two hundred fifty years ago, we have the recipe for its supper.

Thus I pray fervently for — but don’t necessarily expect — (metaphorical) rivers of tyrannical technocratic blood come 2025.

My fantasies regarding the fate of FDA bureaucrats are several tinges darker than allowing them to peacefully pack their bags and hit the road, but let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth; the following proclamation from RFK Jr. cuts much further in the right rhetorical direction than the constant fellatio they received in the corporate media the last four years, and I understand why, strategically and electorally, we might not want to go full Reign of Terror on them just yet.

Related: FDA Concedes COVID Shots Trigger Baby Seizures, Re-Recommends Them Anyway

“FDA’s war on public health is about to end. This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals* and anything else that advances human health and can’t be patented by Pharma. If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags.”

The RFK Jr. X/Tweet/whatever

*That’s a hell of a list — all, objectively, on their own, hugely beneficial therapies and lifestyle practices that likely work better than any drug Pfizer could concoct in a lab. Combined, they’re potentially a golden ticket to wellness that would enable us to throw off the biomedical shackles that prey on the chronically ill and desperate — exactly how they want us.

Related: The Corporate Media’s Sick Jihad Against Vitamin D

I can’t vouch for how hamstrung he might be by contravening forces inside of a Trump administration nor just how dogged RFK Jr. is going to be in his crusade against the pharmaceutical industry — that he’s no longer talking about the COVID-19 shots since joining forces with Trump is, if strategic, somewhat disheartening — but I can’t say this kind of talk doesn’t stir a deep arousal in my heart and loins.

What I can vouch for is that the industry and the lobbyists and political consultants who collude with it hate and fear this kind of talk; even if it goes nowhere in terms of catalyzing immediate policy changes, coming from the likes of a Kennedy, it injects consciousness into the zeitgeist where none or very little existed before.

As Alex Jones brilliantly keyed in on when he coined the term “InfoWars” many decades ago, what this fight boils down to is an information war, and RFK Jr., whatever his many flaws may be, has proven himself as a frontline commander.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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