STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 4501 - 4550 of 7090
Shut Down the IMF
June 17, 2013
Actually, the IMF has been getting it resolutely wrong for decades. But we are supposed to accept its wisdom because it is large and the governments of countries around the world contribute to it. For us, that mostly shows the power of the Anglo-American allian ...
Syrian War Is Probably a Good Investment Opportunity for Some
June 17, 2013
We expect the US to go to war fairly directly with Syria any time now. The only real suspense is how US, British and NATO leaders will justify it. All this palaver and breast-beating is just for show. The West, under its critical mass of generals, politicians a ...
Criminal Malpractice: Fitch Blasts China, Predicts Implosion
June 17, 2013
At the end of this article, we'll reveal where the "malpractice" mentioned in this headline lies. But first, at the risk of repeating ourselves, let us remind readers, "We told you so." For years we've been writing that the Chinese Miracle is nothing more than ...
Chinese Leaders Turn to Urbanization to Cure Economic Woes
June 17, 2013
In the previous article, we pointed out that Fitch just discovered what Daily Bell readers have known for years, that the Chinese Miracle isn't exactly what it seems to be. What created the "miracle" and continues to support it is an almost-impossible-to-compre ...
Inaccuracy of TIME
June 17, 2013
Those who run TIME magazine are virtual card-carrying members of a globalist elite that constantly seeks a more internationalist business and economic environment. This "poll" can surely be seen as just another "limited hangout" designed to protect the agenda o ...
Now Naomi Wolf Has 'Creeping Doubts' About Edward Snowden
June 15, 2013
Naomi Wolf has doubts, too. A brilliant libertarian, she is seeing what we see regarding this affair. We've written about it already. You can see the article here: Is Snowden for Real? Doubts Set In Our doubts about Snowden have to do with the tremendous amoun ...
US Citizens Doubt Their Political Institutions, Especially Congress
June 15, 2013
Surely this is a trouble number, that only ten percent of the US population has any confidence in the US Congress. Of course, we are aware that these same individuals may have more confidence in their own congressperson than in the larger group. But still this ...
Bloomberg: Government Directs the Private Economy … Is There a Name for That?
June 15, 2013
This Bloomberg article is a good example of an emergent dominant social theme ... that private contractors work with the government for the good of the republic. The article actually quotes a top government man as saying this. Our question is ... what republic? ...
The Fire Next Time: Protests Against Free Markets Fizzle?
June 14, 2013
First Occupy Wall Street and now the G8 protests – the efforts at further demonizing free-markets seems to be failing. It has an old history, of course, going back to US hearings in the 1930s that created public markets, self-regulatory organizations and, in ...
Striking a Blow for More Efficient Taxation
June 14, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: The research by Morse and Tsoutsoura (see above) continues to make a splash and has been codified in this Spring issue of Chicago Booth magazine because it offers government officials a new way of calculating tax evasion. By using bank loa ...
Superman Subsiding? Emphasis on Superheroes Reveals Multi-Culti Crisis
June 14, 2013
Is Hollywood relying on superheroes to create mass-marketed movies because society's dominant social themes don't work anymore? All human societies rely on cultural myths to provide the "glue" of commonality. But what can you say about a culture that uses made ...
Public Television Eats Its Own
June 14, 2013
In both Britain and the US, public broadcasting is responsible for the cult of the politician. These programs regularly market the genius of Churchill, Lincoln and FDR. Other leaders are equivalently demonized. Bureaucracy is held up as absolutely necessary. Th ...
Another Pundit Bites the Dust
June 14, 2013
The Internet does us the favor of occasionally freezing people's beliefs in a kind of intellectual amber. Even top pundits are revealed this way. R. Emmet Tyrrell, an eminent conservative commentator and longtime editor of The American Spectator, a droll and wi ...
Take Time to Understand Banking
June 14, 2013
In an article yesterday, we pointed out that central banks are the unacknowledged aggregate sun of the financial solar system. In this article from Reuters we find further proof of this perspective. The editorial is stating just what we explained: That too much ...
Why Is the Fed's Incredible Clout Not Even Worth Questioning?
June 13, 2013
Here is a dominant social theme so subtle and powerful it is not even commented on. This article makes much of the Fed's Ben Bernanke's power when it comes to influencing markets. But the idea that one man and his backers should have so much clout is never even ...
Italy Confronts Germany, Adding Additional Euro Pressure
June 13, 2013
Greece has been relegated to the status of a Third World country, the complicity of German leaders with the ever-inflating ECB is due for a judicial hearing, British leaders are committed to a referendum on whether Britain should pull out of the EU entirely, Sp ...
Is Snowden for Real? Doubts Set In
June 13, 2013
Over the weekend, we published two initial articles explaining why what we will call the Snowden affair is not to be taken literally. As some Daily Bell feedbackers have pointed out, it doesn't matter much, however, as the explosive leaks have set off a volcani ...
Farce: Silicon Valley Will Fight Against Government Snooping
June 13, 2013
Mozilla is striking a blow against US government snooping. This was predictable, though the level of hypocrisy is high, indeed. In the above excerpt, Mozilla states that revelations about government snooping "confirm our worst fears." But Mozilla gets most of i ...
Worthless Constitution?
June 12, 2013
Nope. The US Congress is a political institution and in the modern era, political institutions are part of the problem, not part of the solution. In fact, Western regulatory democracy is only about 400 years old, and for most of the past millennia, the idea tha ...
Western Workers Lose Faith in Retirement?
June 12, 2013
Modern stock markets can provide profits, even tremendous profits, but they surely should not be seen as a panacea for a larger commitment to self-sufficiency and monetary diversification. Those who trusted government propaganda over the efficacy of equity and ...
Progressive Thom Hartmann Calls for Disbanding of Homeland Security. Is it Enough?
June 12, 2013
You know something has gone wrong with modern Leviathan when even the great progressive Thom Hartmann demands a rollback. Hartmann has wide distribution via and various radio channels. He is very good, too, as a political commentator because he has an a ...
Cameron Attacks Little Englanders
June 11, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: We recently ran an article about David Cameron's latest promise to hold an in-or-out referendum on Britain's involvement in the European Union; in it we explained that this time the Tory promise was to be enshrined in legislation, and thus ...
IEA Shock Reversal: Governments Should Use Force to Ration Coal
June 11, 2013
A huge change in sociopolitical policy is about to take place. The hammer is coming down on Green economics ... specifically the use of coal. Once upon a time, there was alcohol prohibition. Now there is to be coal confiscation. Force is to be substituted for m ...
No Fan of Natural Law, Boehner Calls Snowden a Traitor
June 11, 2013
Sometimes an event comes along that crystallizes an individual's real character and set of beliefs. The Internet itself often galvanizes this by relating the solution directly to the problem. One can see the reality so much more clearly. In this case, with four ...
Edward Snowden: Limited Hangout or a Globalist Step-Back?
June 10, 2013
You read it here first over the weekend: Like Julian Assange and Occupy Wall Street, Edward Snowden is likely part of a larger dominant social theme, a manipulation created and supported by globalists who have created the world's mega-surveillance state and now ...
Where Was Mainstream News While the Surveillance State Was Expanding?
June 10, 2013
This is a factual article about the erosion of Western freedoms over the past 100 years. Even now, however, it does not mention the proximate cause for this erosion is central banking and the ability of a privileged few to control entire economies via money pri ...
Austerity Has Failed … So Guardian Suggests 20th Century Regulatory Leviathan
June 10, 2013
This opinion piece in the UK Guardian is a mixture of profound insight and naïve analysis. It also provides us with a predictable meme: Government knows best. The article is advancing the idea that the financial elites running the IMF and the rest of the world ...
Did Small Business Doom Portugal?
June 10, 2013
This article advances the notion that government corruption has kept business small in Portugal and resulted in a lack of manufacturing progress. The article asks us to believe that small is inefficient, large is efficient and that sheer size can force economie ...
Have Obama's Backers Decided to Jettison Him?
June 10, 2013
There are many theories about why Richard Nixon was impeached and removed from office but the most sensible one we've heard is that his topmost backers grew angry with his tariffs and generally protectionist attitude regarding US business. Soon, Nixon was depos ...
Reuters: People Demand Government Action to Subdue Internet Surveillance
June 08, 2013
Here's an interesting twist. The mainstream media is filled with reports of vast surveillance mechanisms that have now been emplaced thanks to the evolving structure of the Internet. Now, any time the mainstream media gets involved in broadcasting a particular ...
Was Guardian 'SpyGate' Article Planted to Support Pending British 'Snooper' Law?
June 08, 2013
Please excuse our cynicism. When it comes to major Western media, nothing is what it seems. Bottom line: Major media in the West is without doubt controlled by major corporate entities, often globalist in terms of their sympathies. The Guardian, a leftist newsp ...
What Don't We Understand at This Point About Economics and Unemployment?
June 07, 2013
This is a statistic that just doesn't budge. Much of the happy talk about high stock markets and rising real estate prices doesn't affect the basic reality of the US economy: It has nowhere else to go but up, but it is not getting there. This lends itself to cl ...
Do Generations Need to Compete Over Healthcare?
June 07, 2013
What is a nation anyway and why should different age groups be pitted against each other? That seems to be the fashion, however, when it comes to analyzing retirements and how they operate. We've commented on this before because the Baby Boomer generation has b ...
Deviant Globalization: Another Sign of the Internet Reformation?
June 07, 2013
Let us try to put this as plainly as possible. What is being labeled here is the ability of individuals to link together using electronic devices to do things that the state is not in favor of. Whether it is Bitcoin or various kinds of information sharing that ...
Lies the IMF Tells?
June 06, 2013
Who believes this stuff anymore? The point of the IMF's attack on Greece, so far as we can tell, was to show the rest of Europe that the arm of Brussels was long and strong. The unbreakable will of the Eurocrats was to be on full display and those who were to c ...
Obama Admin Ups Social Costs of Carbon Damage by 60 Percent
June 06, 2013
The whole issue of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is questionable but that doesn't stop the Obama administration from enshrining carbon costs in the larger regulatory structure, as we can see from this insightful article. The moves of the administration in th ...
Pay Down Your Debt
June 05, 2013
We've warned about a deleveraging bond market. When Western economies are seen as weak and their currencies weaker, then investors around the world don't want to buy bonds and rates rise. This makes the bonds that people and institutions already hold worth less ...
In England, Property Millionaires Are Booming
June 05, 2013
What are we to make of all this? Britain is headed into a dreaded triple-dip recession and unemployment is not as high as in the Southern PIGS but it is quite high nonetheless, especially for the young. A debt crash threatens and regulations and taxes continue ...
EU Referendum Looks Serious This Time for Britain
June 05, 2013
This is a surprising development and one we believe has been caused by UKIP, the quasi-libertarian British party that has been growing quickly. Now it looks as if long-suffering Brits will finally have a say as to whether or not they wish to be ruled via Brusse ...
Brazil's Indian Dilemma
June 05, 2013
There are factions of Western media, as we have long pointed out, that want to portray the BRICs and even South America itself as similar to the West. That is, possessed of a homogeneity that is similar to European countries, or even the United States, which h ...
Kidder! Could Central Banking Contribute to Income Disparity? Fed Investigates
June 04, 2013
This seems typical of the world we live in. The US government – leviathan – seems irretrievably broken, yet the mainstream media continues to treat the empire as if it were a republic. Almost every industry now is regulated, controlled and coerced and yet t ...
What the BIS Is REALLY Worried About
June 04, 2013
Actually, the BIS is doing what central bank executives do all the time, which is meet to create the problem its representatives then publicly identify from the podium. In other words, say you are a central banking boss. You meet and decide how much money to pr ...
Poverty: Now You See It, Now You Don't
June 04, 2013
We are not so impressed as the Economist with these poverty numbers. Have the wise editors at the Economist looked around at the West recently? How about the US where 40-plus million are on food stamps? Or Greece or Spain where half the youth population is unem ...
For Whom Does the System Work: An Idle Question?
June 03, 2013
Is it an idle question to ask for whom the system is working? Perhaps so, but perhaps not ... not if the West's central-bank oriented system ceases to work for a large number of citizens. This, in fact, is not an idle observation. In Europe, youth unemployment ...
The Problem of Leviathan
June 03, 2013
For some, congressional action regarding the current scandals besetting the Obama administration are proof-positive that the system works. But for others, the plethora of troubles under scrutiny in Washington, DC is proof of a larger problem, which is that the ...
Shale Gas Reserves Seen as Making Britain Energy Self-Sufficient
June 03, 2013
Free-Market Analysis: First the US; now Britain. We've run a number of articles now on the shale oil and gas technology, which has apparently changed the calculations around oil and gas availability. For over a decade in various configurations we've pointed out ...
More Signs That Africa Is the Next China/Japan
June 03, 2013
We've made a commitment to cover the Africa meme regularly because no one else in the alternative media is focusing on it clearly and because it illustrates how dominant social themes work in the modern era. In both Japan and China, the West obviously made deal ...
EU Diminishes Austerity: Is It a Trend Yet?
May 31, 2013
Again we note a shifting of the EU conversation. The implacable authoritarian rigor of the Eurocrats is moderating, and we believe it is because the EU economy is in such wretched shape that its leaders fear outright rebellion. This was mentioned by German offi ...
EU Unemployment as Directed History?
May 31, 2013
In today's lead article we commented that top Eurocrats were backing away from the harshest measures of "austerity" – higher taxes and regulations, lower benefits and services – for fear of stoking a revolutionary trend among Europe's Southern PIGS. This is ...
Fed Evinces Tracking Unease
May 31, 2013
Just like the top Eurocrats at the EU, Federal Reserve bankers are compulsively taking the pulse of the US economy and its people. There is a worry here, just as there is across the pond, that people have been pushed too far, that confidence in regulatory democ ...
Showing 4501 - 4550 of 7090 – Newest on Top
