Islam Yearns for a Third Way, US Intel Will Provide
By Staff News & Analysis - September 21, 2012

Republicans betray their foreign policy tradition … The release on Tuesday of Mitt Romney's surreptitiously recorded comments on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict confirmed a sad truth about today's Republican party. The GOP has gone from the party of strategic foreign engagement to the party of simplistic chauvinism. The problem goes beyond Romney's private comments at a Florida fundraiser in May. Repeatedly over the last week, his surrogates laid out a view of American foreign policy at odds with the party's tradition of sophistication in foreign affairs. – Reuters/David Rohde

Dominant Social Theme: The Republicans were better earlier.

Free-Market Analysis: We are enjoying our stints visiting the Reuters website, which we consider to be a broad-based resource for Tavistock and Money Power generally.

That is, by sampling Reuters' articles and editorials we can get a good sense of how popular opinion is to be shaped despite the prevailing reality on the Internet. This increasingly is giving rise to a cognitive dissonance.

In other words, what we call the Internet Reformation is creating havoc with society's prevailing dominant social themes, the politically correct truths that people are supposed to internalize and live by.

This article is a good example of elite memes and how their assertion seems increasingly dated, given what we know now thanks to historical and socio-political 'Net information. Here's some more from the article.

Military force has a role in countering militancy. But force alone is not a cure-all. Iran's rulers must be prevented from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but pre-emptive air strikes will slow their weapons program, not eliminate it. Allowing sanctions and rising popular discontent to erode the regime's hold on power is the best course.

Second, across the Middle East, the problem is not that the United States is seen as weak. It is that it is seen as a menacing, all-powerful force that uses its unrivaled military might to impose its will.

A June Pew Center public opinion poll in Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey, found that clear majorities believe the U.S. acts unilaterally in the region. The American government is seen as being behind every major event in the Middle East – from the rebellion in Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood's election victory in Egypt. The perceptions are illogical but real, and while conspiracy theories ought not influence policy, our problem is arrogance, not inaction.

Third, the Arab world is not a monolith. Nor are the world's 1.6 billion Muslims. Clear majorities in Egypt, Tunisia, Turkey and Jordan support democracy, according to a July Pew public opinion poll. But after decades of the U.S. backing Arab dictators, many believe that the U.S. supports Israel more than it supports democracy …

Across the Middle East of the post-Arab Spring, moderates and hardliners are engaged in a historic struggle for power. Its outcome will affect the United States, its allies and the world economy for decades. Rather than falsely promising Americans that the U.S can ignore the problem, the U.S. must reimagine American influence in a changed region.

As I have written in the past, a clear message has emerged in interviews with Muslims across the Middle East and South Asia since 2001. They do not want to be dictated to by Americans. Nor do they want Islamic hardliners to impose an extreme version of Islam on them. Instead, they yearn for a third way where their countries can be both Muslim and modern.

I believe a new, more pragmatic and less military-oriented American policy in the Middle East will achieve more than the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan did. In some instances, drone strikes, covert operations and lethal force may be necessary. But investment, education and training, and normalized relations, are just as important.

Today in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt, young people yearn for American high-tech investments, trade and education. Public opinion surveys show an admiration for American technology, pop culture, democratic ideals and ways of doing business, particularly among the young. The rule of law, individual rights and consumerism are three of our most potent weapons against extremism.

Okay, let's unpack this. The folks behind Reuters, the ones who play with the world and its people as if they were merely tiny pieces on a big chessboard, are sending us a message. It's written clearly in this article and actually, we've analyzed it and reported on it for years.

Let's address how the article sets up the necessary conclusion. The article claims "that clear majorities believe the U.S. acts unilaterally in the region … The perceptions are illogical but real, and while conspiracy theories ought not influence policy, our problem is arrogance, not inaction." Well count us among those who agree with this sort of theorizing. As we predicted two years ago, the regimes being destabilized by so-called youth rebellions were all secular ones.

In their place have been introduced the Muslim Brotherhood. We figure the reason for this is to set up easily provoked conflict between East and West. Conflict always benefits those in power and this will be no exception. Also, the Muslim Brotherhood is apparently controlled at the topmost levels by Western Intel so it is apt to do whatever bidding Western elites wish.

This article gives us more clues by speaking of a third way. Muslims are sick of the harsh Wahhabism out of Saudi Arabia. But where the heck is this harshness coming from? Saudi Arabia's princes don't sneeze without US say-so.

Thus the REAL picture becomes clear. Western elites have set up strict Islam sects via Saudi Arabia and are now putting into power less strict sects via the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps after feinting toward militarism, the Brotherhood is supposed to create a third way for Islam that will allow Western-style central banking and finance.

This third way has already been worked out via Dubai, Qatar and the Arab Emirates in general. We've written about this in the past.

So this is what's really going on. The Middle East has been destabilized by the US State Department's AYM youth movement. Now that the Muslim Brotherhood is empowered, a surge of violence may give way to a "third way" regarding Islamic society, polity and economics.

After Thoughts

Muslims are right to believe they are being manipulated. What they don't understand perhaps is that the "third way" that many long for has already been prepared for them and it, too, is under Western control.
