
Dominican Republic Mass-Deports Haitian Migrants, Deflates White Supremacy™ Narrative
Let us wait for the ADL to spell out how this is all white people’s fault.
Desperate to Pander to Male Voters, Kamala Handlers Float Rogan Appearance
Even if Rogan conducts the interview in his usual style of non-confrontational, casual conversation, the probability that Kamala could hold a real-human, unscripted conversation for three hours and not implode is next to nil.
Techno-Hell: Chinese-Made Vacuums Get Hacked, Commit Hatecrimes
Chinese robot vacuums have been running afoul of Diversity™ social norms of late.
Corporate Media, Democrats Go on Voter-Shaming Blitzkrieg to Dredge up Evaporating Kamala Support
MSNBC Deep State princess Mika is now admonishing voters to “get to work” electing Kamala.
Professional Feminist Opines on ‘Toxic’ vs. ‘Positive’ Masculinity and Election 2024
Ruth Whippman, while pregnant, fantasized about her male baby growing up to be a rapist and/or school shooter.
Playing with Fire: Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve
https://youtu.be/qeXxU8SDyAo   Summary The Federal Reserve's policies and interventions have exacerbated economic instability and inequality, undermining financial freedom and promoting[...]
BT⚡TV 15: Hans Mahncke – Swiftboating America & Exposing The Russiagate Fraud
https://youtu.be/YbS6WpJDP68   Summary The Russiagate narrative was a politically motivated fabrication initiated by the Hillary campaign to undermine Trump, lacking[...]
U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil? New DoD Directive Drops
The U.S. military has granted itself permission to unleash “lethal force” on the civilian population in cases of “national security” emergency.
Aussie Nazi Slapped With Brutal Prison Sentence For Naughty Hand Gesture
To add insult to injury, the hanging judge called the sentence a “modest term of imprisonment”
LGBTQ™ Roundup: Mutilating Child Genitals = Cash Money
LGBTQ™ Propaganda Roundup: Nip/tucking the latest social engineering fisted from on high upon the American public.
HuffPost Journalist (Loosely Defined) Meets MAGA, Dumbfounded By Reality
Her friends and family clutched their pearls, as she would surely be killed
To Beat the State, We Must Replace It
https://youtu.be/zV56j8NqwoE   Summary Building strong alternative institutions like families, churches, and schools is crucial for fostering community resilience and effectively[...]
Melinda Gates Announces Massive Feminist ‘Philanthropy’ Drive, Papers Over Prior Crimes Against Women
Unsatisfied with the quantity of abortions currently performed, Melinda Gates has announced a quarter-billion giveaway to boost numbers.
APA, ADA Double Down on Water Fluoridation Pseudoscience, Defy Federal Court Ruling
“Trust the experts” … to cling bitterly to their Malthusian dogmas even in the face of overwhelming empirical data to the contrary
FDA Fascists, Eli Lilly Collude to Monopolize ‘Weight Loss’ Drug Market
What does “shortage” mean in this context, objectively? You have to watch a bunch of bureaucrats paper-push and then overpaid lawyers duke it out in court to find out.
Tim Hinchliffe: The UN’s Summit of the Dystopian Future & Digital Proletariat Infrastructure
https://youtu.be/K_rcDrD7lO8   Summary   The UN's agenda promoting digital IDs and a circular economy poses significant risks of surveillance, misinformation,[...]
Reimagining Political Incentives: Performance-Based Pay and Hardcore Criminal Penalties
Carrots and sticks — and especially sticks — are the only thing that makes a politician, with the very rare exception of a Ron Paul type, act right.
Germany: Political Establishment Moves to ‘Ban’ Populist AfD, Cites ‘Democracy’
Originally published via Armageddon Prose: Like the high school slut who slips into the locker room after baseball practice —[...]
Canada’s NewSpeak: Government Says Inflation Is Caused By Climate Change
  Government wants to rename "inflation" to "heat-flation" so they can blame rising prices on climate change. The Trudeau government[...]
White Supremacist™ Bird Names Slated For Eradication
St. George died for your sins, and He commandeth it be so.
WATCH: Hillary Clinton, Stalin in Pantsuit, Calls For ‘Total Control’ of Social Media
America’s most notorious and unsavory mule dyke refuses to go away.
“Over 1000 DEAD!” Biden Gives BILLIONS to Ukraine While North Carolina DEVASTATED
https://youtu.be/svDnsduKobE   Summary Biden's prioritization of a $2.4 billion aid package for Ukraine over inadequate support for Hurricane Helena victims[...]