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Morally bankrupt MSM can’t even admit it was an assassination attempt
By Mark Jeftovic - July 14, 2024

Innocent bystander and shooter killed during loud popping noises incident at Trump rally.

Normies have no idea how detached from reality the “news” they get via their mainstream media outlets really is. And something I’ve noticed for years is challenging this is the one thing they really get defensive about.

The “Very Fine People” narrative involved a bit of nuance – you had to actually look at the entire clip to realize the media was lying through their teeth. Russiagate is still widely believed.

From the “Let’s Go Brandon” moment, through the Jesse Smollet hoax, the Covington kids and Bubba Wallace (nevermind everything they said during Covid), the MSM has been on an inexorable path of self-immolation.

Until a few hours ago, nothing has surfaced both the illegitimacy and fundamental dishonesty of the corporate media cartel quite like the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

CNN led the narrative, hearkening back to their “Fiery but mostly peaceful” roots with a couple of doozies:


MSNBC ascribed all the commotion to “popping sounds”, which apparently “startled” the former president (more accurately, perhaps,  was that he was hit on the side of the head by fucking bullet).


Which set the tone everywhere…

The New York Times came the closest to at least admitting it was a gunman, albeit framing it as though somebody was there shooting up the rally, and not a targeted assassination attempt.


“The Secret Service killed a gunman after Donald Trump was rushed off stage in what is being investigated as an assassination attempt.”

Uh, yeah, ’cause that’s exactly what it was.

It’s amazing that after all this time, and all the gaslighting and all the lies, it’s the so-called “mainstream media” that lays claim to the factual high ground, while alternative outlets that actually report the facts and follow data are demonized and dismissed as “conspiracy theory”.

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