UK: Dangerous Prisoners Released, Dissidents Jailed
By Nicholas Creed - September 10, 2024

Originally published via Creed Speech Substack.

Today is the day that the USSR UK state is releasing all the violent criminals (to make space for more far-right memers). It will be interesting to see what happens. I feel sorry for all the people who are going to be new victims.

We certainly don’t want to inflame the situation with any original provocative memes here at Creed Speech. Then again, up and coming memer who goes by the moniker DayRider has kindly granted me permission to chuck these in the mix:


View all of DayRider’s memes in his Incremental Dystopia series here.



Alright settle down now, I know that opening with inflammatory statements and memes that would be framed as ‘far-right’ by the lame-stream-media would surely depict me as an extremist and a domestic terrorist. If you can overlook those assigned labels momentarily, I shall give you the scoop.👇

The prison population in England and Wales is at risk of exceeding prison capacity. To address this in the short term, the Labour government has changed the law to allow certain prisoners to be automatically released on licence into the community after serving 40% of their sentence in prison. This briefing explores what the reaction to the law change has been and whether there are alternative options that could prevent prisons becoming full.

Aaammaaagaaaaad. Release the kraken. Release all the krakens.

Prisons in England and Wales are almost full. Official prison population figures for 23 August 2024 showed the prison population to be 88,234. Useable operational capacity for the system stood at 89,383.[1] The Ministry of Justice’s latest prison population projections for England and Wales estimated the prison population would increase to between 94,600 and 114,800 by March 2028, with a central estimate of 105,800.[2] Recently, the Prison Governors’ Association warned that a potential surge of inmates following recent rioting could “destabilise” England’s prisons.[3]



Fundamentally, they claim it won’t include violent criminals but there’s already a case of a Mum complaining that one of the people to be released is a man involved in a fatal machete attack on her son. Via The Express:


It comes after emergency plans to avoid prison overcrowding were activated yesterday in the North of England as more rioters are sentenced.

Operation Early Dawn, a long-standing plan that allows defendants to be held in police cells and not summoned to magistrates’ court until a space in prison is available, was activated on Monday morning, the Ministry of Justice said.

Quick recap on Operation Early Dawn:

Back to The Express article:

No single prison is expected to release more than 100 prisoners on September 10 and they will be staggered over the day.

The temporary move to cut the proportion of the sentence inmates must serve behind bars from 50% to 40% is expected to result in 5,500 offenders being released in September and October.

It does not apply to those convicted of sex offences, terrorism, domestic abuse or some violent offences.

Here is the story of the Mother whose son was murdered by a man wielding a machete – the man is to be released from prison early. Via The BBC:

The mother of a 14-year-old killed in a machete attack says her son has had “no justice” after one of his killers is to be freed early from prison.

Gordon Gault died days after being injured in November 2022, following a feud between rival gangs in Newcastle.

Lawson Natty, 18, was sentenced to two years eight months for manslaughter in March, alongside Carlos Neto, also 18, but Natty’s release has been brought forward under government rules to deal with overcrowding.

The Ministry of Justice said: “All offenders released on licence are subject to strict conditions and we do not hesitate to recall them to custody if they break the rules.”

Gordon’s mother, Dionne Barrett, told BBC Radio Newcastle she “couldn’t speak” after receiving a phone call about Natty’s release, before an official letter arrived to explain the decision.

“I was so shocked. I put the phone down, and had to call back because I couldn’t make sense of it. I still can’t,” she said.

“Gordon’s had no justice whatsoever. It’s giving the message out… take a knife, and you’ll only do a couple months.

“I’ve had so much anger. It infuriates me.”

Northumbria Police Police mugshots of two teenage boys. Both have dark hair and are wearing grey T-shirts.

Northumbria Police

Carlos Neto, 18, (left) was jailed for manslaughter in March, alongside Lawson Natty (right), also 18, who is set to be released in September.

Natty, of Newbiggin Hall, Newcastle, who had been on remand since last summer, is due to be released in September after serving 40% of his sentence.

Who are all these mostly peaceful murderous criminals vacating their prison cells for, do I hear you whisper enquiringly? For those pesky dissidents, silly.


UK Director of Public Prosecutions of England and Wales, Stephen Parkinson, wants to prosecute people for sharing or posting content that could “start racial hatred”, or could be “likely to”. Ambiguous. Could posting video footage of rioting and violence constitute this? Will the police be coming for the social media posters? Rather than re-establishing order on the streets, arresting anyone committing acts of violence, and protecting all communities from violent attacks. 👇

Check this out, fast tracked to court and jailed for 26 months for shouting at the police!


“Steven Mailen is the first person to be sentenced in Teesside for his involvement in the violent disorder in Hartlepool on Wednesday 31st July. Judge Laird jailed him for 26 months. The 53-year-old was constantly in the face of officers gesticulating and shouting at them.”


Orwell’s 1984 was a warning to the proletariats, and an instruction manual for governments.


Which other dangerous dissidents are “guaranteed a prison cell” by Operation Early Dawn? How about those in silent prayer outside of Abortion clinics.

Vis-à-vis: Thought-crime. Via the BBC:

A woman arrested after praying outside an abortion clinic has received a payout from police.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce from Worcestershire was accused of breaching a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) outside the clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham, but the charges were dropped last year.

She said her aim was to be “a peaceful and prayerful presence for women in crisis pregnancies”.

She received £13,000 from West Midlands Police, which said it settled her civil claim “without any admission of liability”, adding the city council brought in the PSPO to deter protesters.

This story is a win. However, Northern Ireland authorities are following suit in treating silent prayer outside abortion clinics as thought-crime. Via FoxNews:

A Catholic pro-life activist who was arrested for praying outside an abortion clinic in Northern Ireland is vowing to continue protesting, no matter the cost.

“I cannot go against my conscience and do nothing whilst innocent babies are aborted in this country,” Claire Brennan said.

Brennan and her colleague David were arrested outside the Causeway hospital in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, in October 2023. Brennan was praying and had brought a sign which called for others to pray the rosary and pray to end abortion, she said.

Brennan is being charged with holding an anti-abortion protest in a “safe access zone” protected by Northern Ireland’s Abortion Services Safe Access Zones Act, passed in 2023. Brennan is also being charged with failing to comply when asked to leave the safe access zone. She has pleaded not guilty and is fighting the charges in court with the help of the Christian Legal Centre.



If Keir Starmer wants us all to go through the fire, then so be it. No doubt, dissidents will get burned. However, the UK’s Marxist government with their woke fascism platform, will eventually be completely incinerated.

Sometimes it is worth bearing in mind that endings are just new beginnings in disguise.

The new Ren track is class. Great lyrics about the UK. Feels like it’s good timing with all the shit going on there right now.👇



(WATCH) UK Column News – 9th September 2024

UK Police State By Any Means Necessary

Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based writer. Follow Creed Speech on Substack. Any support is greatly appreciated.

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