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To Beat the State, We Must Replace It
By Bryan Lutz - October 11, 2024



Building strong alternative institutions like families, churches, and schools is crucial for fostering community resilience and effectively opposing the growing power of the state.


Institutional Alternatives to the State

To effectively replace the state, it’s crucial to build and strengthen alternative institutions like families, churches, and schools that can provide societal organization and support traditionally offered by government.

The rise of public schools has been one of the state’s most significant achievements, promoting cultural uniformity and state ideology while private schools often teach different curricula and encourage skepticism of state-promoted norms.

Historical Context

The modern state’s consolidation of power involved weakening or destroying competing institutions such as churches, nobility, towns, and corporations that previously provided economic safety nets and civil order.

Historically, liberals have been associated with bourgeois values like private property, local self-determination, and religion, while fighting against moral and economic evils.

State Control Mechanisms

The welfare state, initiated by Bismarck, was a deliberate effort to end citizens’ financial independence from the state and establish a system of mutual obligation between the state and its population.


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