Alex Newman: Global Censorship: You’re Being Silenced
By Bryan Lutz - August 25, 2024



The United Nations is planning a massive global power grab on free speech, partnering with powerful organizations and governments to implement censorship and control measures, including AI-powered surveillance and social credit scores, that could lead to severe consequences for those who dissent.

  • The UN is planning to make the biggest Global power grab on free speech that they have ever undertaken at the upcoming summit of the future.
  • The Bill Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, governments, and big pharmaceutical giants came together under Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder model, removing natural checks and balances.
  • The US government teamed up with the communist Chinese government to pass a massive AI resolution through the UN General Assembly, enshrining in international law the use of AI for censorship and control.
  • You have an escalating set of interventions up to and including being locked in a re-education camp and then executed.
  • Some of the most intelligent minds in the world are now dedicated full-time to figure out how to silence people across a whole range of issues.
  • They’ve been studying human psychology and vulnerabilities for over a century to become masters at manipulating people.
  • You’ll be able to do nothing without permission, as social credit scores can be used to control your ability to transact in the economy, essentially imprisoning you.
  • A card-carrying member of the Chinese Communist Party was installed at the helm of the UN International Telecommunications Union to take control of the internet.
  • The Swedish government investigated the Bible in 2008 and found it to be a violation of Swedish hate speech laws, suggesting that it could be banned if certain parts were removed or reworded.
  • Dr. Peter Hotes is calling for the use of law enforcement and military authorities to combat speech he doesn’t like, specifically “antivaccine misinformation”.
  • We cannot accept this idea that we need to remain silent while our freedoms and our values are under attack.


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