The Hidden Agenda Behind Transgenderism | Who’s Really in Control?
By Bryan Lutz - August 23, 2024



The transgender movement is a technological and ideological construct driven by transhumanist ideology, aiming to dissociate humans from biological reality, commodify and control human reproduction, and ultimately lead to a virtual reality where humans are disembodied and merged with artificial intelligence.
  • They’re also looking at growing embryos in a dish from skin cells or blood cells, creating gametes from those cells, which is a technology that’s further along than growing babies outside of the womb.
  • The ideology behind transgenderism is breaking humans into parts, severing the connection with the natural world and attempting to create life with technology.
  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink is being implanted into people, allowing for interfacing with artificial intelligence, making the idea of merging humans and AI a reality.
  • Um believes that technology will take over human reproduction and ultimately lead to complete disembodiment, with humans living in a virtual reality in cyberspace.
  • Transhumanism’s ultimate goal is complete and total dissociation from biological reality, sewing us to technology.
  • “If you don’t want to be a part of this virtual reality, if you don’t want humanity to go in this direction, then you have to pull out, you have to unplug at least some of the time.”
  • This ideology is unto itself, it’s a technological cult to indoctrinate the public into dissociating from biological reality.

Transgenderism as a Social and Cultural Construct

  • The transgender child is a technological, medical, political construct created to give men with a fetish of owning womenhood political, legal, and social power.
  • The ultimate goal of the transsexualism movement is to colonize, commodify, and ultimately usurp human reproduction through technology.
  • The gender industry is a castration cult fueled by transhumanist ideology and profit, with surgeries and drugs already generating billions of dollars.
  • The Pritzker family, one of the richest families in America, is a big driver of the transgender ideology, with Jennifer Pritzker, a transsexual, using her philanthropic organization to send billions of dollars into cultural and medical institutions.
  • There’s a depopulation component to the transgender agenda, as it aims to abolish the traditional idea of men and women and the family structure that comes with it.
  • “Transsexualism made into an industry which is really it’s the Pinnacle of sexual objectification you are objectifying human reproductive sex.”

Here are the 3 categories to sort the insights:

  • The rapid proliferation of transgenderism is about traumatizing people and getting them to adopt a doctrine that undermines the biological reality of sex.
  • People are believing in transgender people, but this is a complete and total fabrication, a virtual reality that becomes more real the more we talk about it.
  • There are no transgender people, people are having these assaults on their reproductive systems for myriad different reasons, including being homosexual in a homophobic culture, having a fetish, or being autistic.
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