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BT⚡TV 15: Hans Mahncke – Swiftboating America & Exposing The Russiagate Fraud
By Bryan Lutz - October 13, 2024



The Russiagate narrative was a politically motivated fabrication initiated by the Hillary campaign to undermine Trump, lacking factual basis and supported by misleading evidence.


Clinton Campaign’s Russia-gate Hoax

The Hillary Clinton campaign orchestrated the “Swift boat project” in 2015-2016, fabricating the Russia-gate hoax to falsely tie Trump to Russia and the Kremlin.

Clinton’s team hired Perkins Coie, who hired Fusion GPS, who then hired Christopher Steele and Igor Danchenko to create the Steele dossier with tailored reports supporting the Trump-Russia narrative.

FBI’s Role and Investigations

The FBI endorsed the Alpha Bank hoax and launched Crossfire Hurricane in July 2016, investigating Trump associates using FISA warrants and human sources, despite knowing the Steele dossier was fraudulent.

FBI technician Peter Strzok joked about the Steele dossier being a hoax in text messages with colleagues in 2016, but this information only surfaced years later in court cases.

Impact on Diplomacy and Media

The Russia-gate hoax criminalized diplomacy with Russia, hindering Trump’s ability to resolve issues like the Ukraine war and repair deteriorating US-Russia relations since 2014.

The Mueller report’s lack of evidence for collusion led to widespread disappointment and disillusionment with the media’s Russia-gate narrative.

Key Players and Actions

CIA Director John Brennan passed the Steele dossier information to FBI Director James Comey in July 2016 as a CYA move to avoid blame.

Clinton campaign lawyer Adam Schiff committed a crime by bringing a USB drive with fake Steele dossier data to the FBI, effectively lying to the FBI.

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