angel and devil over shoulder

CERN Human Sacrifice Was Fake But Satanism Is Growing
By Joe Jarvis - August 19, 2016


Fake human sacrifice filmed at Cern, with pranking scientists suspected … Scientific users’ of the Geneva facility ‘let their humour go too far’ with staging of occult rite … The video, which circulated online, shows several individuals in black cloaks gathering in a main square at Europe’s top physics lab, in what appears to be a re-enactment of an occult ceremony.  The video includes the staged “stabbing” of a woman. – Guardian (here)

Satanic worship is growing (here).

This “fake” video is surely representative of a larger trend to desensitize people about Satanic worship.

The worship encapsulated by Satanism actually seems to go back to ancient times and presents elements of Sumerian and Babylonian religious traditions (here).

In the modern era there are various kinds of Satanic worship, including one that presents Lucifer as an object of worship and another version that does not include the worship of a god or gods (here).

It seems from voluminous reports, that Satanic worship is part of a subculture of internationalism, with very wealthy individuals involved in it via a larger tradition of Masonry and Illuminism (here). 

Satanic worship is beginning to edge into the mainstream with various Luciferian churches arising and advertising their presence (here).

This sort of religion seems to be expanding alongside of internationalism itself.

It is certainly possible that the “prank” of the human sacrifice at CERN was actually another way of creating publicity for a growing religion that is expanding throughout the West but especially in the US and Britain.


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