Doug Casey: Kamala’s “solution” to price gouging and other questions from the phyle
By Bryan Lutz - August 16, 2024


Individuals should prepare for potential economic crises by diversifying their investments, maintaining physical and financial health, and considering alternative options such as growing their own food and investing in a second home in a resort.

  • Doug Casey criticizes Kamala’s selected vice president as a person of low intelligence, very low general knowledge, and malign philosophy, questioning her suitability for the role.
  • America could boom if taxes and regulations were eliminated, making it more convenient to manufacture domestically.
  • Doug Casey’s strategy for buying beaten down stocks: “I’ve over the years I’ve tried to get into the habit of not trying to pick a bottom but trying to make the trend my friend.”
  • The permanent portfolio strategy involves selling high and buying low, which is a prudent and effective approach to investing.
  • Lithium prices are down, making it a potential buying opportunity for investors.
  • The investment in batteries is seen as a gateway to many other things, especially the whole green agenda being pushed.
  • Most people who win the lottery end up blowing themselves up, and the odds of holding onto Berkshire shares since the 60s are very slim.