Doug Casey: The Crisis inflection point is near…
By Bryan Lutz - September 19, 2024



America is approaching a critical crisis point characterized by political instability, rising tensions, potential government control, and threats to individual freedoms, all amidst concerns over the upcoming elections and the influence of powerful entities.

Political and Social Dynamics

Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and cultural conservatism make him a prize target for those seeking to overthrow America, according to Doug Casey, who claims these opponents control key institutions like the Democratic partyuniversities, and Hollywood.

The 2020 US presidential election could be a catalyst for a national crisis, potentially leading to prolonged adjudicationcountry lockdown, and new laws to maintain national unity.

Economic and Financial Concerns

The banking system’s vulnerability is exposed by its reliance on fractional reserve banking, where only 10% of deposits are available for withdrawal, risking collapse if more than 10% of depositors attempt simultaneous withdrawals.

A new feudalism is emerging in the US, with the middle class being squeezed between taxation and inflation, while large corporations align with the state to maintain power.

Free Speech and Censorship


Censorship is intensifying globally, with Australia implementing a law that could fine social media companies 10% of global revenues for violating content restrictions, and the US experiencing a crackdown on free speech.

The US is progressing from demoralization to destabilization and potentially becoming a police state, with proposals like jailing Americans for posting misinformation, according to Doug Casey.
