Doug Casey: Tough Times Ahead
By Bryan Lutz - September 01, 2024



The current state of the world is characterized by a decline in freedom, an increase in government control, and a threat to Western Civilization, and individuals must take personal responsibility to protect themselves and their values.

Government Response to Political Unrest

In the US, over 1,500 people were arrested for January 6 protests, with 1,000 convictions560 incarcerated, and 594 guilty pleas as of October 2023, demonstrating the government’s serious approach to protecting democracy.

The UK PM threatened the “full force of the law” against January 6 violence participants, promising arrestsremandchargesconvictions, and regret for those involved.

Legal System Concerns

In the UK, 98% of prosecutions never go to trial, as prosecutors use heavy sentences and plea deals to intimidate defendants, unless they are very wealthy and can afford a legal defense.

Political Maneuvering

In France, Macron collaborated with a far-left coalition to gain parliament control despite losing the election, by pulling 1,200 candidates from local ballots and refusing to transfer power to his chosen civil servant.

Future Election Concerns

The US government is preparing for potential November 5th election day violence and the 2024 election, with authorities ready to take action to protect democracy.

Global Authoritarianism

The video discusses the rise of authoritarianism globally, indicating a serious threat to democracy in various countries, including the US, UK, and France.

Posted in STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS, Videos