Exclusive Interviews, STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS, Videos
Doug Casey’s Take: Que mala! Can Trump Delay the Inevitable?
By Bryan Lutz - September 08, 2024



The video explores the contrasts between American and European anarchism, the appeal of Islam among youth, systemic issues in politics and migration, economic challenges under Trump, and the impact of corporate media and class division on Western civilization.


Political and Historical Insights

  1. In 1901, President William McKinley’s assassination by an anarchist led to widespread laws prohibiting anarchists from entering many countries, a policy that remains in effect today.

  2. The “election industrial complex” is a multi-billion dollar industry encompassing voting machine companies, software providers, and consultants, described as a giant “grift” within the US political system.

  3. Mass migration can potentially break the nation-state and usher in global government, with George Soros proposing to accept 1 million asylum seekers annually into the EU in 2015.

Economic and Technological Perspectives

  1. Mining, while often a “crappy ridiculous business,” can offer significant investment opportunities, with Doug Casey holding a large position in Midnight Sun, expecting a potential 10-20x increase in value.

  2. The current economic system is characterized by the destruction of the middle class, with wealthy elites aiming to revert to a power structure dominated by a lower class majority.

  3. Bitcoin’s vulnerability to hacking by powerful quantum computers could potentially render it worthless, potentially triggering a stock market downturn and impacting gold prices.

Media and Social Commentary

  1. Corporate media employs “clever tactics” to program people against certain policies by demonizing individuals, focusing on personal attacks rather than substantive policy discussions.

  2. The Socratic method, involving asking sincere questions, is considered the most effective approach to “deprogram people” from false beliefs by helping them reason through their own internal contradictions.

Posted in Exclusive Interviews, STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS, Videos