Elite Postpones Earth's Demise?
By admin - October 23, 2010

It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will – or if it has already. A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)" – Yahoo

Dominant Social Theme: OK, everybody just relax. Looks like we have at least another 100 years.

Free-Market Analysis: A new book has just been published, and we are indebted to a feedbacker for bringing it to our attention. Our feedbackers are generally far more insightful and clever than we are, so we are not surprised when they notice something we don't (even all 1,000 of us). In this case, Bluebird not only noticed the book and the revised prediction in one of its chapters, she sent us a feedback making an intriguing connection between the book and power-elite promotions regarding the end of the world. Sub dominant social theme: "Stop worrying. There's no need to riot. Go home."

This is first class meme watching! As she points out, the Bell often suggests that the Internet has created a fairly untenable situation for the Anglo-American power elite that is evidently and obviously embarked on a campaign to create a one-world government. As a result, the Western elites will have to take a step back. They won't go away, but they will lose some control and will not be in a position to prosecute their world-domination conspiracy to an immediate conclusion. We think there is a chance that this will occur (see other article in today's issue).

Now comes Bluebird. If the elite is to draw away from its goal of one-world government, the obvious way to communicate a revised (and drawn out) timeline would be via the fear-based promotions that the elite uses to drain middle class wealth while accumulating control. The Internet has rendered many of these promotions dysfunctional and it would not surprise us if the elite gradually throws in the proverbial towel and decides to reconfigure its messaging.

Of course, there has been no evidence to date that the elite is backing off. Despite the foundering of much its promotional groundwork for one-world government, the Anglo-American elites have been pressing ahead with exceptional, even desperate vigor in our view. We have indicated we do not understand why the axis is determined to move with such rapidity after "boiling the frog" slowly for a 100 years with admirable (from their perspective) results. Some have suggested, of course, that the elites wish to use the end-of-the-world indicated by the Mayan calendar as a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy and this is why they are in a rush. They have a hard deadline in 2012.

This gives rise to other complexities. In a series of articles we have noted the rise in alien sightings and the general movement of the aliens-among-us meme into the mainstream. We have even postulated that the Anglo-American elite has in mind to fake a space-alien visitation in order to provide a further trigger for one-world government. The combination of an end-the-world promotion and an aliens-among-us promotion would tap deep psychological fears and generate instinctual reactions in our view. Pressure for world-governance might well be more effective within such a scenario.

We write the above with a certain trepidation. The main brief of the Daily Bell is to cover elite fear-based promotions, their free-market interactions and, generally, their efficacy in this Age of the Internet. But many of the elite's themes involve fiscal and monetary manipulations, and this is where we have for the most part specialized. Yet as we continue to examine the dominant social themes of the Anglo American axis, we have found ourselves drawn far-afield, into speculations over the viability of NASA moon-landings and UFOs.

We realize this is perhaps "far out" to many people, and even some of our readers (though we do gain readers every day). On the other hand, we are not making this stuff up. We are simply following elite memes where they lead us – and trying to decipher their context and potential significance. For us, things began to "get weird" (to use a Hunter Thompson phrase) when it became evident that the wacky warming promotion was intended to spear-head a revivified attempt at creating a more powerful move toward world governance.

But it wasn't just global warming. When one begins to examine the dominant social themes of the elite, it soon seems as if even the most extreme promotions seem to have been contemplated if not initiated. From our point of view, an end result of the global warming theme would have been, metaphorically speaking anyway, a tax on human exhalations. When the human tribe, as a whole, contemplates a tax on breathing, we would suggest that "anything goes." Thus, we have not eagerly delved into the depths of NASA fakery, alien arrivals or end-of-the-world prophecies but have been compelled to examine such deranged fantasies because there is seemingly a small, deranged coterie of families and industrial and religious groups that are determined to promote them.

And yet … at the same time we are most sensitive to any diminishment of elite fear-based promotions that would lead us to conclude that even this exceptionally stubborn and fabulously wealthy community has had enough. Of course one might need a good deal of circumstantial evidence to conclude the elite was making a conscious decision (however such decisions are made) to push back various timelines.

One might wish to start with the author to determine the validity of such observations. Are there any other obvious elite linkages? In this case we find that the author, one Gerardo V. Aldana is currently Assistant Professor, Department of Chicano Studies, University of California Santa Barbara Research. His interests are variously Mesoamerica, Hieroglyphic history, Techne Studies and Social Study of Science, according to his online Vitae. He has a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Berkeley and a Ph.D from Harvard University in the History of Science.

Now just because Aldana has a particular background, does not mean he is consciously carrying water for a shadowy elite. In order to see what kind of treatment his treatise was getting, we turned to Google. And turns out that this obscure assistant professor who published a single chapter in a larger book is getting some unusual play., and CSMonitor (the list keeps growing) all have picked up this information and written major articles about it recently.

As professional meme watchers it does indeed seem to us a bit strange that "a new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook 'Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World'" would be receiving across-the-board coverage in Western mainstream media. Yes, here we have an obscure academic researcher publishing a single chapter about a fairly obscure idea – that the Mayan message of doomsday might have been off by a century or two – and it becomes major news. What are the chances of that?

Does it all sound somewhat speculative? Meme watching is not a science! One first has to believe that there is an Anglo-American elite that has sought to move the world toward global governance and has actively conspired to do so for the past century, at least. One then has to grant that one of the main tools in the elite' arsenal is what we call a "dominant social theme" – a fear based promotion designed to herd people in a certain direction. Finally, one has to actively follow and detect the various permutations of these promotions in the mainstream media in order to see how well they are faring and whether they seem to transforming.

If they are transforming, or seem to be, then one can take the next step of trying to determine just what is behind the differences in the messaging. Is the elite beginning to retreat from its "end-of-the-world in 2012" meme? In order to see if this is truly occurring, we will have to see how the new promotion replicates itself. Will Aldena's research continue to take the Internet by storm, and will he be invited on the Today Show? Will he get an interview with Letterman? Will others join Aldena to replicate his research, and will their conclusions reach a widespread audience as well?

After Thoughts

Admittedly, such observations are more art than science. Elite meme watching is always bound to be speculative. It is often difficult to describe and certainly may sound dodgy to those who are not convinced of Western elite machinations let alone the initiation and maintenance of dominant social themes. It all sounds, well … weird. As strange as a tax on breathing!
