Her Majesty's Tax Collector Tells Children to Snitch
By Joe Jarvis - July 26, 2012

HMRC tells school children: Tell your teacher if a neighbour is evading tax School children are being encouraged by HM Revenue and Customs to tell their teachers if they know of anyone "in their local area" who is not paying their fair share of tax. − UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Paying lots of taxes is a social responsibility.

Free-Market Analysis: According to the Daily Telegraph, the British tax collection agency is going into the teaching business by offering educational modules for use in classes.

This is not surprising given where Britain is heading … back into recession, which is really depression. On every level now, Britain's society is apparently dysfunctional. It really seems a hopeless case. Here's an excerpt from an article that appeared in the British Daily Mail back in February.

Government spy programme will monitor every phone call, text and email… and details will be kept for up to a year … Details of all texts, calls and emails will be stored for up to a year.

Details about text messages, phone calls, emails and every website visited by members of the public will be kept on record in a bid to combat terrorism. The Government will order broadband providers, landline and mobile phone companies to save the information for up to a year under a new security scheme.

What is said in the texts, emails or phone calls will not be kept but information on the senders, recipients and their geographical whereabouts will be saved. Direct messages to users of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter will also be saved and so will information exchanged between players in online video games. The information will be stored by individual companies rather than the government.

This invasive approach is quite interesting given the phone hacking scandal now taking place in Britain. This very week, British prosecutors announced yet more criminal charges against eight people in connection with Britain's phone-hacking scandal.

The eight suspects tapped the cell phones of celebrities, politicians and others in the public spotlight. Among them is Rebekah Brooks, who led Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers, including the News of the World.

Acres of newsprint have been devoted to the perfidy of those who spied upon celebrities, but when one looks at what British authorities are embarked upon – the larger invasive ambition – any private sector spying seems almost incidental.

Of course, from our point of view, it is not British authorities that are behind these gambits but a power elite that makes its home in the private City of London and has tentacles throughout Europe. It wants to run the world, though it is making a botch of the job close to home.

This Money Power is responsible for the way Britain is today. It derives its power from central banking and uses this wealth to create ever-closer global governance. Britain, unfortunately acts as a kind of test tube in this regard.

Beyond the application of technology, British society is immensely stratified. Never, it seems, has there been so much talk of egalitarianism in any one patch of land and so little application.

The manifestations of government are extraordinarily important to Money Power, which uses government levers to create sociopolitical movement in the direction it seeks. It is Money Power in part that keeps the Royal Family in power and props up British social class structures.

It is also Money Power that insists on the ever-more invasive and pervasive approach of government to the private sector. Central banking basically got its start in Britain, and the British approach to the social system mingles government with the private sector in every possible way.

Whether you look at health care, education or the money business itself you will be struck, if you analyze it, how much the government is involved.

But none of it is very efficient. British schools don't work; the health care system is so determinedly Marxist that it would be at home in the former Soviet Union. The banking system is basically a fiefdom of the incompetent Bank of England.

The British as a whole have been basically betrayed by their own upper classes. Its top politicians, for instance, have consistently promised a referendum on Britain's involvement in the European Union without ever providing it.

It is Money Power that seeks a pan-European region that will better support one world government. The pols in this regard do as they are told.

But this betrayal goes far beyond any one particular event or policy. We can see in this article about tax policy just how adversarial Britain's ruling class is to the citizens it supposedly serves. Here's more:

The news came after a Treasury minister said it was "morally wrong" for home owners to negotiate discounts with plumbers and traders by paying them in cash if it allowed them to evade tax.

HMRC has set up teaching modules to guide children through the hazards of pay as you earn and National Insurance contributions. Some of the modules – which can be downloaded from HMRC's website – teach school children as young as 11 about paying their fair share of tax …

One module, headlined "tax responsibilities of a good citizen", aims to help teenagers "understand the obligations if being a good citizen and discuss what should happen to hose who are not prepared to work under such obligations".

One lesson plan – targeted at 14 to 16 year olds – requires students to "discuss whether it is good to pay the tax we do, considering the benefits we receive. If it is good, then why do people try not to pay?" It continues: "Show class the remaining factfile slides on tax evasion. What do students think of those who refuse to pay tax or try and defraud the benefits system?

"Can they think of any example they may have heard of in their local area?" A further "plenary session" asks: "What do students now think about paying taxes? In what other ways can we contribute to working together for a better society?

The attack on the long-suffering British citizen is seemingly endless and escalating. The spy cameras in London, the arrogant way that the authorities have treated the British public when it comes to the upcoming Olympics, the insistence on a stratified society and outdated Royal Family … all these are symptoms of an increasingly dysfunctional society.

Government is not a good administrator of funds. The best way to create livable societies is to let the private sector provide as many services as possible, as the private sector plans for the future and considers ongoing revenues before it creates something.

Tax systems in the West, like drug laws, are apparently ways for a larger authoritarian elite to organize society and provide justifications for an enormously invasive bureaucracy. Taxes are a behavior modification device, not a revenue raiser. Central banking economies don't need to collect taxes. They can print what they wish.

In the case of the current program on which HMRC has embarked, we can see yet another component of the UK's current tax program … its inherent divisiveness. What the UK authorities are doing here is deliberately placing the youth of Britain into a position that is adversarial to society as large.

This sort of deliberately projected divisiveness is not healthy, for it ultimately promises more social unrest and dysfunction. Of course, perhaps that's just the point. Nation-states need to be torn down so that they can be remade as part of a larger worldwide union. Out of chaos, order.

After Thoughts

Given the misery that is Britain, one would likely admit that its top elites, at the behest of Money Power, are doing an all-too-effective job.
