North Korea Continues to Claim ‘Nuclear’ Technology
By Joe Jarvis - January 03, 2017

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un says preparations for long-range missile at final stage … A state-run Chinese newspaper accused Donald Trump of “pandering to ‘irresponsible’ attitudes” Tuesday after the president-elect alleged that Beijing had failed to rein in North Korea’s nuclear program.  –NBCN

Trump may be going at the issue of North Korea and nuclear weapons the wrong way. Maybe he should be stating that N. Korea has few if potential any weapons and that they likely don’t do what they say they will do,

We’ve explored this in numerous articles now and have determined that as far as we can tell, the Pentagons nuclear tests were “enhanced,” if not outright faked at its Lookout Mountain facility.  See here. Additionally, there are numerous questions about the only “live” nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. See here.

So, yes, the “tests” were routinely run through the Pentagon’s own enhancement facility. Whatever happened at Horishima and Nagasaki evidently included any “nuclear weapons that might have been dropped. There is certainly a case to be made that no such weapon s were used at all.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has travelled the same sort of ground with his declaration of potential nuclear possession. There is no “proof” of such possession other than tests that can be faked.


Kin Jung Un said Sunday that his country was close to test-launching an intercontinental ballistic missile.  Having conducted three nuclear tests during Kim’s five years in power, he is thought to be pursuing the missile technology it would need to attack South Korea.

North Korea also has designs on reaching the U.S. military outpost of Guam and the U.S. mainland itself.   Trump tweeted Monday that the prospect of North Korea developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. “won’t happen,” but offered no other details as to why that would be the case.

Korea’s word regarding nuclear weapons has been taken at face value. Trump for instance has excoriated China for not doing more to restrain N. Korea.

The president-elect then took a swipe at China for what he sees as its part in failing to control its neighbor’s nuclear ambitions. The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China’s disapproval regarding N. Korea should be obvious to all.

Then the state-run Global Times said Trump was “pandering to ‘irresponsible’ attitudes” and stoking “the anxieties of some Americans.” who blame China.

Beijing has criticized N. Korea but is also the state’s main trading partner. Beijing is said to be concerned over what would happen if N. Korea collapsed, sending hundreds of thousands or even millions across the border.

Like Washington, Beijing treats N. Korea’s statements at face value or seems to. There is little public doubt over even the more outrageous claims such as the miniaturized, “portable” nuclear device that may be little larger than a manhole cover. Basically almost anything that N. Korea says regarding its “missile program” is apparently seen as possible despite obvious lack of proof,

Conclusion: The same difficulties affect so-called nuclear programs around the world. Just because an explosion takes place doesn’t mean it’s nuclear. Just because lots of missiles are shown off at parades doesn’t mean the missiles are functional. Outside of the Pentagon’s word (especially) for the so called missile threat what evidence do we really have.

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