Ryan McMaken: The Only Type of Democracy that Actually Works
By Bryan Lutz - August 25, 2024




A functioning democracy requires the protection of individual freedom, minority rights, and private property rights, and can only be achieved through mechanisms such as unlimited secession, voluntary grouping, and exit options, rather than relying solely on majority rule.


  • What if we are going to use the term democracy is there any sort of democracy that works we all know that there’s big problems with majoritarian rule.
  • Mises offers a unique vision on what democracy means, which is different from the common understanding of the term.
  • Mises’s vision of democracy is based on the principle of unlimited secession, allowing minority groups to break off and form their own majority.
  • For Mises, the key feature of his view of democracy is the right of exit, which prevents any real monopoly power from forming.
  • If democracy means self-determination, then it’s a vibrant and constantly changing political group, where a permanent minority group should have the right to leave.
  • The threat of unlimited secession and voluntary membership is what assures that a government will protect private property rights, according to Mises.
  • A workable and reasonable view of democracy can be achieved by combining the nationality principle with Mises’s vision for secession and self-determination.

Here are the 3 categories to sort the insights:

  • He critiques majority rule, saying it’s very dangerous in diverse societies with different linguistic groups, ethnic groups, and interests.
  • Even with full citizenship rights on paper, a minority group can still be treated as second-class citizens and be politically disenfranchised if they are consistently outvoted by the majority.
  • According to Mises, a system where a permanent minority group has no political power and can be endlessly exploited by the majority group cannot preserve private property rights.
  • He recognized that a large ethnic group becoming the majority could erase the rights of the minority ethnic native-born group, leading to significant political disruption, possibly even war or Civil War.

Critique of Traditional Democracy

  • The answer to dealing with inequality between majority and minority groups is secession, the ability to exit and found your own state.
  • Democracy without the right of self-determination is unacceptable and can impose its laws and agenda on the entire population.
  • The practical reality of widespread exit and the ability to escape oppressive regimes created a situation where private property rights were highly respected.


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