Smart Grid: Trojan Horse of the New World Order?
By admin - March 03, 2010

This paper will demonstrate that the current crisis of capitalism is being used to implement a radical new economic system that will completely supplant it. This is not some new idea created in the bowels of the United Nations: It is a revitalized implementation of Technocracy that was thoroughly repudiated by the American public in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression. The Technocrats have resurfaced, and they do not intend to fail a second time. Whether they succeed this time will depend upon the intended servants of Technocracy, the citizens of the world. Indeed, the dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy. … This paper will now address the strategy, tactical requirements and PROGRESS of establishing an energy-based Technate in North America. "Technate" is the term used to describe the geographic region operated according to Technocracy. Thus, a North American Technate would include Canada, Mexico and the U.S. and they would all be under common control. The Technocracy Study Course, written by Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert in 1932, established a detailed framework for Technocracy in terms of energy production, distribution and usage. According to Scott and Hubbert, the distribution of energy resources must be monitored and measured in order for the system to work — and this is the key: monitoring and measuring. – August Review

Dominant Social Theme: Technocracy is modern progress?

Free-Market Analysis: The August Review is back with another in-depth analysis of technocracy and its applications entitled "Smart Grid: the Implementation of Technocracy?" As a result, we again depart from our usual format of analyzing mainstream media articles from both an elite promotional and free-market point of view in favor of this latest white paper. Those at The August Review have done readers a service by revealing the depth and breadth of the modern technocratic movement and elaborations thereof. It seems, today, far advanced in certain European countries. In America, there is still time to stop it. Americans have done so before – back in the 1930s, it turns out.

In a previous August Review white paper, (on which the Daily Bell was also pleased to report), the point was made that global warming was not merely going to create tax or trade opportunities but was likely intended to lead to an entirely new CURRENCY. You can read that article here: Incredible Real Reason for Carbon Trading. That article contains a link to The August Review's white paper, which was most well received. This one deserves a similar reception. It is not simply reporting what could be; it is sounding the alarm over what is happening NOW.

Technocratic plans, this latest Review white paper seems to show, have actually penetrated America and the West under other guises and are in some cases far advanced. The evidence is fairly clear and is reported in a clinical but unambiguous way. The paper begins by describing what is necessary to implement the technocratic system, as follows:

The Technocracy Study Course, written by Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert in 1932, established a detailed framework for Technocracy in terms of energy production, distribution and usage. According to Scott and Hubbert, the distribution of energy resources must be monitored and measured in order for the system to work — and this is the key: monitoring and measuring.

They wrote that the system must do the following things:

– Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy

– By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load

– Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption

– Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used

– Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual. [Scott, Howard et al., Technocracy Study Source, p. 232]

In 1932, such technology did not exist. Time was on the Technocrat's side, however, because this technology does exist today, and it is being rapidly implemented to do exactly what Scott and Hubbert specified: Namely, to exhaustively monitor, measure and control every ampere of energy delivered to consumers and businesses on a system-wide basis.

Having established the above, the paper turns to defining the Technocrat vision as it exists presently. It turns out that this vision not only remains viable, it is actually EXTANT and has been repackaged into something called Smart Grid, as follows:

Smart Grid is a broad technical term that encompasses the generation, distribution and consumption of electrical power, with an inclusion for gas and water as well. America's aging power grid is increasingly fragile and inefficient. Smart Grid is an initiative that seeks to completely redesign the power grid using advanced digital technology, including the installation of new, digital meters on every home and business in the U.S.

These digital meters provide around-the-clock monitoring of a consumer's energy consumption using continuous 2-way communication between the utility and the consumer's property. Furthermore, meters will be able to communicate with electrical devices within the residence to gather consumption data and to control certain devices directly without consumer intervention.

According to a U.S. Department of Energy publication:

"The Department of Energy has been charged with orchestrating the wholesale modernization of our nation's electrical grid… Heading this effort is the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. In concert with its cutting edge research and energy policy programs, the office's newly formed, multi-agency Smart Grid Task Force is responsible for coordinating standards of development, guiding research and development projects, and reconciling the agendas of a wide range of stakeholders." (See The Smart Grid: An Introduction)

This is a relatively new initiative, but it is racing forward at breakneck speed. The Office of Electricity Delivery was created in 2003 under President George W. Bush, and elevated in stature in 2007 by creating the position of Assistant Secretary of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability to head it.

It is not clearly stated who "charged" the Department of Energy to this task, but since the Secretary of Energy answers directly to the President, it is assumed that it was a directive from the President. There certainly was no Congressional directive or mandate.

And what of the IMPLEMENTATION? The Review comments on that as well:

On October 27, 2009, the Obama administration unveiled its Smart Grid plan by awarding $3.4 billion awarded to 100 Smart Grid projects. According to the Department of Energy's press release, these awards will result in the installation of: more than 850 sensors called 'Phasor Measurement Units" to monitor the overall power grid nationwide:

– 200,000 smart transformers

– 700 automated substations (about 5 percent of the nation's total)

– 1,000,000 in-home displays

– 345,000 load control devices in homes.

This is the "kick-start" of Smart Grid in the U.S. On January 8, 2010, President Obama unveiled an additional $2.3 billion Federal funding program for the "energy manufacturing sector" as part of the $787 billion American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. Funding had already been awarded to 183 projects in 43 states, pending Obama's announcement. One such project in the northwest is headed by Battelle Memorial Institute, covering five states and targeting 60,000 customers. The project was actually developed by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a federal agency underneath the Department of Energy. Since it is pointedly illegal for a federal agency to apply for federal funds, BPA passed the project off to Battelle, a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO), which was promptly awarded $178 million.

But Smart Grid is not simply an American phenomenon. The August Review white paper traces the movement abroad:

The UNEP report mentioned above reveals that "15 percent of the fiscal stimulus funds committed for 2009-2010, which exceed $3.1 trillion, can be regarded as green in nature… most green components are oriented towards energy efficiency and renewable energies in a variety of sectors." A BusinessWeek article, "How Italy Beat the World to a Smarter Grid," stated on November 16, 2009 that "After several false starts, 2010 finally could be the year when smart meters go global." Indeed, it is:

– Italy has already implemented Smart Grid technology in 85 percent of its homes nationwide

– reports that Smart Grid will generate $200 billion of global investment in the next few years

– The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has laid out a global roadmap to insure interoperability of Smart Grid systems between nations

– Global companies are rushing to gain their share of the global Smart Grid market: IBM, Siemens, GE, Cisco, Panasonic, Kyocera, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, etc.

– China is spending $7.32 billion to build out Smart Grid in Asia

– Other countries with Smart Grid pilot projects already launched include Germany, France, England, Russia, Japan, India, Australia, South Africa and a host of others. Regional organizations such as SMARTGRIDS Africa have been set up to promote Smart Grid in smaller countries.

Thus, the global rush is on. In every case, Smart Grid is being accelerated by government stimulus spending. As is the case in the U.S., there was little, if any, preexisting or latent demand for Smart Grid technology. Demand has been artificially created by the respective governments of each country.

Having established the history, existence and implementation of Smart Grid, The August Review places it in chilling context in a lengthy and provocative conclusion:

Smart Grid meets 100 percent of the Technocracy's original requirements as described above. In other words, it will monitor and control both delivery and consumption of energy and other green resources such as water and gas. The Smart Grid initiative was developed and funded by government agencies and NGO's. It was the Energy Department's Bonneville Power Authority that invented the concept in the 1990's. It was the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory that invented the Grid Friendly Appliance Controller. It was the Federal Administration that showered billions of dollars over the private sector to jump-start the nationwide initiative to implement Smart Grid in every community.

If the Federal government had not been the initial and persistent driver, would Smart Grid exist at all? It is highly doubtful. Following the same pattern as the U.S., many other industrialized nations are implementing Smart Grid at the same time, using their own stimulus money. This synchronized implementation is certainly by design, and as such, it implies that there must be a designer. Who might be providing such top-down coordination on a global basis must be saved for another paper. One thing is certain: The technology being purchased world-wide all originated in the United States and is being marketed by the same global corporations as mentioned above.

Lastly, there is an assumption throughout Smart Grid literature that the Federal Administration will have full visibility of all data within the Smart Grid, even down to the individual household. They will also be in a position to set national, regional and local distribution and consumption policies, such as your "fair share" of available energy, gas and water. International standards created for Smart Grid will also enable the U.S. Smart Grid to be connected seamlessly with Canada and Mexico, thus providing a comprehensive North American energy management and distribution system.

There are differences between The August Review's perception of the elite and our own. But there is without a doubt a group of individuals (Anglo-American based) implementing a broad gamut of strategies intended to control as fully as possible the lives and fortunes of Western citizens – certainly to begin with. But this "elite" likely does not intend to stop at energy, or so The August Review shows us. The idea, apparently, is to monitor (and control) the consumption of all items necessary to survival.

The dominant social themes that have been flogged throughout the 20th century – overpopulation, peak oil, the scarcity of potable water – all are intended to justify an upcoming technology-driven regulatory scarcity. Naturally, there will likely be taxes involved but there may also be (or so it is intended) a level of criminalization when it comes to even basic necessities. It is most unfortunate that this vision now dovetails apparently with that of the leaders of China whom, it would seem, enthusiastically endorse the technocratic vision, which means the movement (and its implementation) is truly global.

We can't resist pointing out as we have before that M. King Hubbert, the initial author of the "peak oil" meme, turns out to be a driving Technocratic force. We would hope this would be enough to discredit the fear-based peak oil meme once and for all. He very obviously had an ulterior motive for advertising potential energy scarcity. His speculations were intended to provide a rationale for metering and measuring energy consumption and to otherwise advance his strange economic theories – including "non-market economics." ("This includes unilateral giving such as gifts and bilateral giving, meaning a person gives a gift expecting to be repaid at some unspecified time." – Wikipedia)

While such plans as that of the Technocrats are real and, in some cases, fairly well advanced, we will end our summary of this latest August Review white paper by pointing out that you, dear reader, would not be aware of it, or us, or them, without the Internet. The Internet, in our opinion, is a great equalizer for citizens of the West when it comes to those who would impose such plans as those presented above. It is a wonderful knowledge-spreading device. It likely is not so controllable as some fear. It is making a difference. It is derailing or at least making more difficult much of what seems to have been intended.

The entire August Review white paper may be read here: Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?

After Thoughts

We would hope that those concerned by the re-emergence and implementation of technocracy would help spread the word. Smart Grid would seem to be one more initiative by the current American administration that needs to be confronted. In fact, the Obama administration's involvement in the implementation of the major strategic goals of an obscure 70-year-old movement is apparently one more indication of powerful and devious currents swirling deeply beneath American politics in the 21st century. Things are not necessarily as they seem.
