UN Claims Sub-Saharan Africa Faces Dramatic Crisis as New Nation State Is Formed
By Joe Jarvis - May 08, 2012

UN agencies warn of 'dramatic' crisis in Sahel … Northern Africa's Sahel region risks being plunged into a dramatic humanitarian crisis unless aid for those affected by drought, conflict and poverty is scaled up soon, three senior United Nations officials warned Tuesday. The U.N.'s High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, said the situation in the 3,400-mile zone that stretches from the Atlantic to the Red Sea is suffering from lack of attention because of the conflict in Syria. "We badly need to put this crisis on the map because its humanitarian dimension is becoming extremely, extremely dramatic," he told reporters in Geneva. – FoxNews

Dominant Social Theme: What a mess. Politics and drought mixed up in one package.

Free-Market Analysis: The power elite is supporting a new nation in sub-Saharan Africa. Actually, the French and European Union are said to be against the new country that will basically take the place of parts of Mali and surrounding countries – aimed at Libya and the Arab world generally.

But in 1998, the United Nations recognized the Berbers as legitimate aspirants to control of the Maghreb, which provides the proximate cause for this new nationalism. The same powers that control the UN are said to be against this new nation.

Always the same strategy: Divide and conquer … and hide your tracks in the meantime. And now the UN is announcing that this same area is about to be plunged into a "dramatic humanitarian crisis."

Exactly this same formula has been applied to Somalia where Islamic separatists are being attacked by the world community led by Kenya while the UN flows in humanitarian aid for a sudden drought that has appeared there.

The global elites that seem bent on ruling the world seek chaos … and this new, vast country, a portion of the ancient Maghreb, will provide plenty as it grows.

Here's some more from the article:

The region, which includes countries such as Mali, Chad and Niger has been hit hard by political instability and three droughts in less than 10 years. A U.N. appeal in December for $724 million to fund aid operations in the Sahel has elicited only half that amount so far, Guterres said.

UNICEF's Executive Director Anthony Lake said at least 1 million — and possibly up to 1.5 million — children in the region face acute, severe malnutrition, putting them at risk of death from starvation or disease. Of these, about 330,000 children are in Niger, some 208,000 are in northern Nigeria, 178,000 are in Mali and 127,000 are in Chad. The figures, which also cover Burkina Faso, Mauritania, northern Senegal and northern Cameroon, don't even include Sudan or South Sudan, where simmering conflicts are also stoking a humanitarian crisis.

"Someday there will be no excuse for looking back and saying why didn't we do more quickly," said Lake, who also shared the podium with the World Health Organization's Director-General Margaret Chan.

Unless donor countries provide more funds, "the result will be many children will die and many families will suffer," he said.

After Thoughts

When it comes to war and politics, little "they" do is coincidental. This new country pushes up out of legitimate, ancient grievances but will doubtless be used to further the global governance the elites seek.
