Exclusive Interviews, STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS, Videos
Why the Political Establishment Won’t Touch the Chronic Disease Issue
By Bryan Lutz - September 05, 2024




The political establishment in America neglects the rising chronic disease crisis among children due to profit motives from the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries, which prioritize financial gain over public health.


Healthcare Crisis

2/3 of Americans (about 222 million) suffer from chronic health issues, a dramatic increase from 1% in the 1970s, with 3/4 overweight or obese and a 50% childhood obesity rate.

The medical industry profits from treating symptoms with prescription drugs rather than addressing root causes, while doctors who don’t comply are denied official credentials.

Medical Establishment Control

The American Medical Association restricted the supply of doctors by forcing half of the country’s medical schools to close and certifying their allopathic approach as the legitimate form of medical care.

Government Influence

The 5-year farm bill provides handouts and privileges to agricultural giants, including supply restrictions and subsidies that manipulate produce prices and market saturation.

Government mandates the purchase of certain drugs through its immunization schedule required for school attendance, potentially exacerbating chronic diseases while allowing people to consume toxic foods.


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