WWRFKD?: What Would RFK Jr. Do?
By - June 29, 2024

Written by Matt Morgan, Editor at The Daily


(source: Rachel Woolf for The New York Times)



Would RFK Jr.’s appearance on Thursday night’s Presidential Debate on CNN have made a difference?


It would have…


Instead he was given a “solo debate.”



For the first time ever, I saw someone answer Presidential debate questions alone, on stage – a sad state for democracy.


And a sad state for the freedom of thought, expression, and liberty…


Even if you’d rather see the slow(or fast) death of Federal elections like myself.


The arms of the State disqualified the opportunity of new ideas.


New York Times reports:


Kennedy Fails to Qualify for CNN Debate

“To qualify, Mr. Kennedy needed to earn at least 15 percent support in four approved national polls. By Thursday, however, he had only three such polls — one from CNN, one from Quinnipiac University and one from Marquette University Law School. The last approved poll that could have qualified Mr. Kennedy, published by Fox News on Wednesday, showed him at 10 percent support.

Mr. Kennedy also needed to be officially on the ballot in enough states that he could win 270 votes in the Electoral College — the threshold for winning the presidency. As of Thursday, Mr. Kennedy had less than a third of that number, according to an analysis by The New York Times. He is officially on the ballot in only six states — California, Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, Oklahoma and Utah — totaling 89 Electoral College votes.”


As much as RFK Jr. leans left, he is leans closer to the liberty we all want.


For example, he wants to…


1. End foreign wars because America cannot be an empire abroad and continue to be a democracy at home. His hatred of war, and the military industrial complex is desirable.


2. He is also wants separate power from corporate. Leave the corporations alone, do away with DEI initiatives, regulatory capture of the pharmaceutical industry and other coercive structures.


3. And he wants to tear down the Deep State, mass surveillance by the CIA, FBI, and eliminate censorship. He has acute hatred of the government’s role in COVID-19 lockdowns.


Kennedy is a man leaning towards liberty.


Not “the best,” but perhaps a better choice when it comes to fighting the creeping fascism we see from the federalism, today.


Maybe the better question is not “What would RFK Jr. Do?”, but what is he doing.


Time Magazine reports:


Why the Biden-Trump Debate May Boost RFK Jr.

“His “solo debate” drew over 9 million viewers compared to about 50 million for the Trump/Biden debate, which all heard his opening statement.

Kennedy, who failed to qualify for the presidential debate hosted by CNN, said his exclusion was due to “collusion between two establishment parties.” The network says he didn’t meet their criteria to qualify, which required he reach at least 15% in four national polls. 

“This is something that’s important for our democracy because Americans feel like the system is rigged,” Kennedy said in his opening remarks before the debate. 

“This is exactly the kind of merger of state and corporate power that I’m running to oppose.”


Separating government from the Media, as well as America’s legal institutions from the government is what strengthening institutions and promoting liberty is all about.


His voice on the same stage as Trump/Biden would raise questions both candidates would find hard to answer.


That’s because the narrative is much easier to control when you present the voters with two choices, a third, and you might have a debate.
