STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - of
Social Security will run out of money in nine years
May 08, 2024
The report states very clearly that trust fund balances “are projected to become depleted during 2033.” ...
Even the Soviet Union had better sense than this…
May 06, 2024
Fiscal restraint, high savings rates, productivity, innovation, capitalism… these don’t factor into their thinking when it comes to economic growth. ...
Peter Schiff: Fed is Still Clueless on Stagflation
May 02, 2024
“I don’t see the ‘stag’ or the ‘flation’…” the Fed Chairman quipped, seemingly quite pleased at how witty he sounded. ...
The Fed’s Game of “Make Believe” Comes to an End
April 29, 2024
It’s just debt on top of debt on top of debt. Losses on top of losses on top of losses. ...
Peter Schiff: Stagflation is here, but they’re still clueless
April 26, 2024
Hardly anybody is saying that the Fed shouldn’t cut at all, and almost no one is saying they should RAISE rates. ...
Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate
April 25, 2024
Crypto and gold are two completely separate tools for completely separate purposes. ...
The US government shattered its own quarterly debt record
April 17, 2024
Bottom line: this means more inflation. ...
Some thoughts on the cowardice of America’s leadership
April 15, 2024
Adversaries have no intention of letting up. ...
Inspired Idiot of the Week: Everyone Who Ruined the Sale of US Steel
March 22, 2024
This is a pretty bad sign if you expect things in this country to turn around anytime soon. ...
Europe Has Precious Few of These “Golden” Opportunities Left
March 20, 2024
It’s possible to get residency while generating positive cashflow from your rental income when you’re not using the place. ...
Boots on the Ground from Russia
March 19, 2024
After this trip it’s clear to me that Russia has the capability to continue this war for a long, long time. ...
“The Big Guy” is about to become a victim of his own tax proposal
March 13, 2024
Part of his proposal is to enact a “25% minimum tax” on the wealthiest Americans with a net worth in excess of $100 million. ...
Uranium hasn’t been this critical since the days of Oppenheimer
March 13, 2024
Nuclear is finally making a comeback. ...
308 Win vs. 6.5 Creedmoor
February 26, 2024
There are many reasons why the 6.5 CM has become so popular recently. ...
Inspired Idiot of the Week: The Hawaii Supreme Court
February 16, 2024
“The spirit of Aloha clashes with a federally-mandated lifestyle that lets citizens walk around with deadly weapons during day-to-day activities.” ...
The CBDC Indoctrination Has Begun
February 14, 2024
Having some savings outside of the financial system is a completely sensible idea. And fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways to do this ...
The ‘other’ report that was released last week was even bigger
February 14, 2024
“Since the Great Depression, deficits have exceeded that level only during and shortly after World War II, the 2007-2009 financial crisis, and the coronavirus pandemic.” ...
Inspired Idiot of the Week: American Psychological Association
February 09, 2024
“Can Selecting the Most Qualified Candidate Be Unfair?” ...
It’s not a prediction. It’s arithmetic.
February 08, 2024
We don’t peer into a crystal ball when we say that the US national debt is set to increase by $20 trillion over the next decade. ...
The Fed asks America to fill in the blanks _______
February 07, 2024
A term like “the long run” is a funny thing because it can mean just about anything. ...
Inspired Idiot of the Week: Lizzie Warren edition
February 04, 2024
The competition for the biggest Inspired Idiot is fierce. And this week the Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, carries the torch. ...
The US has a $6 trillion problem over the next twelve months
February 02, 2024
Anyone who thinks this isn’t an obvious, catastrophic problem in the making (which demands immediate attention) needs to have his/her head examined. ...
A “Plan B” with an incredible view
January 31, 2024
What we’re talking about here is not exactly a radical idea. ...
This story from the 3rd century will sound quite familiar to you
January 30, 2024
Obviously, this historical tale probably rings familiar to many readers. ...
Biden Demands Texas Stop Repairing Potholes in Federal Highways
January 26, 2024
What follows below is purely satire. But just barely. ...
The Dumbest F@&%ing Guy of the Week
January 24, 2024
This genius’s latest crusade is to demand that descendants of former slaves receive, “at minimum”, a whopping $14 trillion worth of reparations. ...
“So you’re telling me there’s a chance…”
January 24, 2024
There is still a very narrow path forward. ...
This is a Blueprint for How the Dollar Goes Kaput
January 19, 2024
If the world finally demands a new, de-dollarized system, then foreigners would no longer need to hold US dollar assets– including US government bonds. ...
Breaking down the coming $20 trillion debt Tsunami
January 18, 2024
Social Security will no longer be a BUYER of US government bonds. It will be a SELLER. And that’s a big deal. ...
Do you hear alarm bells ringing? Neither do I. And that’s a huge problem.
January 15, 2024
Most likely the US will resort to the same tactic that bankrupt governments have relied on for centuries: inflation. ...
What Is Green Tip Ammo?
January 11, 2024
Next time you go to a party and see two people politely conversing, walk up to them and say “Hey! Let me tell you about 5.56x45 M855 ammunition!” ...
Introducing the ‘Church of the Holy Deficit’
January 10, 2024
This exemption still exists today under section ...
Avoiding the next inflation may now require a Zombie Apocalypse
January 10, 2024
If you drill down into the numbers, you’ll see pretty clearly that there are very few credible paths forward for the United States. ...
Get ready to spend two years in prison
January 05, 2024
The government wants more rules, regulations, and reporting for US companies. ...
A brief recap of America’s 2023 fiscal train wreck
January 05, 2024
Today the ‘experts’ in charge seem willfully, blissfully ignorant… which gives rational, thinking people every reason to have a Plan B. ...
The #1 easiest residency program in the world in January 2024
January 05, 2024
The most popular and by FAR the EASIEST residency program in the world attracted over 300,000 immigrants in the month of December alone. ...
Future Headline: Obama/ Disney ‘Supertheyro’ Collaboration Script Leaked
December 16, 2023
The project is called Activist Alliance: Justice Against the Hate Machine ...
The Best Places to Buy Ammo Online
December 14, 2023
I don’t advise looking on Craigslist or Backpage for great deals on ammo. ...
A rational guide to America’s exasperating inertia
December 11, 2023
The biggest problem is the government’s addiction to spending. ...
Shocker: World’s biggest bank CEO hates crypto
December 07, 2023
What an astonishing display of complete and total ignorance on the part of Mr. Dimon ...
Charlie Munger’s final analysis of America
December 07, 2023
Munger was right; great nations do have a lot of collapse in them. But only to a certain point. ...
Cyber-Criminals Might Have Just Stolen Your DNA
December 06, 2023
If DNA data goes to the highest bigger, what might Pfizer, the World Economic Forum, or Bill Gates do with it? ...
This country’s future ‘economic citizenship’ program could be the best in the world
December 05, 2023
Hopefully Milei can put the country on a different path, and Argentina will be in a totally different position in several years. ...
“The science is clear,” and other fanatical assertions
December 04, 2023
If we’re intellectually honest, there are very few things we can say this about. ...
Another central banker admits the truth about the US dollar
November 29, 2023
The Netherlands is already preparing for a world in which gold (and NOT the US dollar) is the primary global reserve currency. ...
Some clear thinking about the riots in Ireland
November 29, 2023
Friday’s violence in Ireland is another clear example that there are plenty of people who have had enough. ...
Future Headline: Harvard launches “Jihad Immersion” study abroad program
November 17, 2023
Harvard also hired a new professor, former Rep. Rashida Tlaib, to teach a capstone course entitled “Women’s Rights in Palestine.” ...
Sex, drugs, and booze is the least of their problems
November 17, 2023
This is the organization that’s expected to maintain a sound banking system in the US. ...
Gold miners are not without risk. But the potential upside is enormous
November 17, 2023
A low cost, top quality producer with highly profitable operations is currently trading at less than TWO times operating cash flow. ...
Vermin Supreme Stomps on the Terra—This Time It’s For Real!
November 16, 2023
No ponies were harmed in the production of this message. ...
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