STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 701 - of
It turns out you -can- spot a bad apple. You just can’t remove one
June 04, 2020
June 4, 2020. There are plenty of good, duty-minded cops who would love to kick out the bad ones. But the system fails everyone miserably. ...
You’re looking at a country more UNITED than ever. We need more division.
June 03, 2020
June 3, 2020. When you open up the market for solutions by towns, cities, counties, and states, we have a shot at getting out of this without a civil war. ...
This Is Not a Revolution. It’s a Blueprint for Locking Down the Nation
June 02, 2020
June 2, 2020. The protesters are playing right into the government’s hands, because the powers-that-be want this. They want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law. They want a reason to make the police state stronger. ...
Doug Casey: “We’re actually confronting the degradation of Western Civilization itself”
June 02, 2020
June 2, 2020. "This isn't just a monetary and economic disaster we're looking at. It's actually a moral disaster as well." ...
Police Militarization
“Nor tolerate those who do. . .”
June 01, 2020
June 1, 2020. Is it possible that, maybe just maybe, there’s something in the cultural DNA of police departments that prioritizes personal loyalty above fundamental duty? ...
What you need to know to make it through the tough times ahead
June 01, 2020
June 1, 2020. If you don’t want to live under the current style of governing by the sick elite, you better equip yourself to take their place in this new world. ...
Arsonist burns down church for breaking lockdown rules
May 29, 2020
May 29, 2020. It wasn’t the armed protesters who became violent. It was some Quarantine-Karen who thinks your freedom is more dangerous than arson. ...
The libertarian divide over how to respond to coronavirus
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020. But how can both sides think that their analysis is so indisputable? ...
UK uses Feudal System law to seize £150 million from bank accounts
May 28, 2020
May 28, 2020. They actually still use the same word– escheat. So money in dormant bank accounts is escheated to the state. ...
From 9/11 to COVID-19, It’s Been a Perpetual State of Emergency
May 27, 2020
May 27, 2020. Don’t pity this year’s graduates because COVID-19 caused them to miss out on the antics of their senior year. Pity them because they have spent their entire lives in a state of emergency. ...
How many companies are worth less than zero?
May 26, 2020
May 26, 2020. Frankly it’s not unreasonable to think that a LOT of companies are in this position right now. ...
The Roundup Stickup: The difference between Blackmail and Extortion
May 26, 2020
May 26, 2020. The British concept of heavy penalties for frivolous lawsuits ought to be imported into this country. ...
The UN wants you to stop using these 14 “offensive” words
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020. According to the United Nations, the word “wife” is apparently offensive to some people. So is “husband”. ...
Social Security will run out of money in 2029 because of Covid
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020. Back in 2007, the last year before the Great Recession, Social Security projected it would run out of money in 2041. ...
To Beat Bad Cops, Stop Punishing Good Ones
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020. Greg Anderson is a reminder to all of us: Good cops exist, but if they stand by their convictions, they often don't remain cops for long.  ...
The Slippery Slope to Despotism: Paved with Lockdowns, Raids and Forced Vaccinations
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020. You have no rights. That’s the lesson the government wants us to learn from this COVID-19 business. Well, the government is wrong. ...
Defender of child sex trafficker Epstein supports forced vaccinations
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020. Clearly, Dershowitz doesn't understand the concept of consent. ...
House Cats or Human Beings?
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020. Team House Cat thinks everyone else should live by their rules… and their hysteria. ...
Bill Gates is an Authoritarian Sociopath Masquerading as a Heroic Nerd
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020. Bill Gates banks on well-intentioned, normal Americans being naïve enough to not see the darkness covered up by his superhero nerd routine. ...
Coronavirus Maximus: a thought experiment on forced quarantine
May 19, 2020
May 19, 2020. Is breaking quarantine the equivalent of shooting a half-loaded revolver into a crowd? ...
Another week, another $3 trillion bailout
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020. They’re flat-out telling you that there are going to be problems down the road… but they’re going to keep printing and going into debt regardless. ...
Why US-China Trade War Speculations Are Raising The Dollar
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020. While this may initially appear good for the U.S. economy, this surge in the USD’s value is not actually indicative of any long-term growth in the national economy, and is more of a short-term symptom to the re-emerging threats of hampered tradi ...
Boeing and the FAA will see entirely different consequences for their failures
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020. Private businesses come and go, in proportion to their success in customer satisfaction, while the same cannot be said for government bureaus. ...
Police Militarization
Another week, another governor with a God complex
May 15, 2020
May 15, 2020. It is not about haircuts or mimosas. It is about basic freedoms, and the overreach of a government authority. No one authorized this person to play God with other people’s lives. ...
Why Sweden’s COVID-19 Strategy Is Quietly Becoming the World’s Strategy
May 14, 2020
May 14, 2020. Around the world, nations are starting to emulate's Sweden's COVID-19 strategy. Here's why. ...
The Worst Is Yet to Come: Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing
May 13, 2020
May 13, 2020. Everyone is a suspect. And anyone can be a criminal when it’s the government determining what is a crime. ...
Infinite money printing: Fed now buying ETFs
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020. The key idea here is that the Fed is trying to bail out bankrupt companies across the Land of the Free. ...
7 reasons a homeschool ban would hurt more children than it helps
May 12, 2020
May 12, 2020. That's their true end goal, isn't it? To rid the country of free-thinking homeschoolers and get all children into a system that they control. ...
How the Elite stay in power behind the scenes
May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020. Control opponents' options, and don't commit to anyone. ...
A brief history of the last crisis
May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020. The people responsible for creating such havoc were totally clueless. ...
No Trust: The Tree of Liberty is Parched
May 08, 2020
May 8, 2020. If the world we leave to posterity will inherit any semblance of a society in the tradition of Western civilization, the time is ripe for a cleansing. ...
California county launches snatch-and-grab program
May 08, 2020
May 8, 2020. It’s like “pre-crime”, but even more ridiculous… I mean, look at the words they’re using– it’s up to the government now to decide who gets to stay in their own private property with their families. ...
“Sweep the Leg”
May 07, 2020
May 7, 2020. the $2.5 trillion they printed since March is more money than they printed in the first 95 years of the Federal Reserve’s existence. ...
blurry state house
Government Should Not Be Spared from the Austerity It Is Inflicting on Society
May 07, 2020
May 7, 2020. The coronavirus is negatively impacting the economy and will leave lots of damage in its wake. Our government should feel the pain as well. ...
We got “Zucked” for this meme. The Daily Bell is Banned on Facebook for 30 days.
May 06, 2020
May 6, 2020. The Daily Bell saw a huge influx of traffic from Facebook over the past week, which makes the timing of this ban rather suspect. ...
What worked (and didn’t work) during 1970s stagflation
May 05, 2020
May 5, 2020. But people who invested in REAL assets did quite well. ...
And the winner of the next half trillion dollar bailout is…
May 05, 2020
May 5, 2020. Last week, the Federal Reserve announced that it will step in and buy $500 billion worth of bonds from states, counties, and municipalities. ...
technology in your hand
Technofascism: Digital Book Burning in a Totalitarian Age
May 05, 2020
May 5, 2020. In the long run, this “safety” control (the censorship and shadowbanning of anyone who challenges a mainstream narrative) will be far worse than merely allowing people to think for themselves. ...
How the Elite Use Symbols to Gain Power
May 04, 2020
May 4, 2020. If you want to be a king, dress like one. ...
Saving species is for the birds
May 04, 2020
May 4, 2020. A bird is a bird is a bird; from the point of view of saving them, the source matters little. ...
Oregon County says “no whites allowed”
May 01, 2020
May 1, 2020. The safe-space was announced in a daily report to county employees fighting coronavirus. ...
Silver hasn’t been this cheap in 5,000 years of human history
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020. And when I say “all-time high,” I mean it. Ancient cuneiform tablets prove that silver has never been so cheap relative to gold in literally thousands of years of human history. ...
Las Vegas is bravery, the corona response is cowardice
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020. Never would I deny someone the right to live their life while I cower in a corner.  ...
Your Freedoms Don’t Have to Be Muzzled Just Because You’re Wearing a Mask
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020. Even peaceful protesters mindful of the need to adhere to social distancing guidelines because of this COVID-19 are being muzzled, arrested and fined. ...
What happens when you cancel rent, mortgages, and debt?
April 29, 2020
April 29, 2020. Seems like the solution everyone has settled on is to abandon all sense of reason, and simply cede dictatorial power to the government to control the economy. ...
The first time they sent me to the gas chamber
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020. It was my responsibility as the leader to look someone in the eye and order him to put his life at risk. ...
I Shall Be Released
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020. Scapegoats are fun to have. They help release the pain of individual responsibility. ...
Saving jobs is destroying the economy
April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020. No, we do not want any old employment; we want only those jobs that are in the public interest. When jobs are being lost in auto manufacture, they will pop up elsewhere in the economy. ...
This is a power grab we haven’t seen since 9/11
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020. I’m far more concerned at how governments have seized this opportunity to vastly expand their power. ...
newspaper burning
How the Elite hijack your Attention to make News seem Important
April 27, 2020
April 27, 2020. What receives attention is considered important. ...
Showing 701 - of – Newest on Top
