Asset Protection Strategies Showing 901 - of
Roman Disaster Redux: Private Sector Collects Debts
October 05, 2011
One of the signals that Rome was failing was when the emperors began to use private debt collectors to harvest government taxes and fines. Once the private sector made common cause with the public sector, the velocity of mercantilism increased dramatically. Pri ...
Ron Paul Is Out of the Mainstream on Awlaki Killing
October 05, 2011
This is one of the wackiest articles we have read yet. US News and World Report just posted an article explaining that because libertarian congressman Ron Paul, now running for US President, found last week's killing of Anwar al-Awlaki unconstitutional and repr ...
Occupy Wall Street – Oh No! [& Open Letter to Alex Jones]
October 05, 2011
With increasing fervor, the "first official document" of the Occupy Wall Street protests has been circulated and posted. It was actually adopted on Sept. 29th but is now being publicized with increasing energy and translated as well into such languages as Frenc ...
Alex Jones Campaigns to 'End the Fed'
October 04, 2011
Libertarian 'Net publisher Alex Jones has plans to appear at three Federal Reserve branches in Texas – Dallas, Houston and San Antonio – to protest the ongoing abuses of fiat-money, often called Money Power. He is calling on others to join him and has liste ...
Don't Look to Government to Address Grievances
October 04, 2011
Does the current, expanding American protest movement "Occupy Wall Street" have specific demands? It doesn't seem so. In fact, Occupy Wall Street organizers (whoever they are) seem to have made conscious decisions not to emphasize specific demands for fear of a ...
The Myth of Constitutional Money
October 04, 2011
So Rep. Dennis Kucinich wants "interest-free government money spent into circulation – as the Constitution mandates – instead of being borrowed into existence from the private banking system at ruinous interest." He is not alone. Ellen Brown has been bangin ...
Wall Street – Off With Their Heads
October 04, 2011
There will be blood? During the French Revolution, the authority of the State was used to power the guillotine; CNN is happy to advance that same proposition in our view. Of course, the writer of this CNN story, Alan Silverleib, doesn't exactly verbalize it, bu ...
The Fed Twists, The Market Shouts
October 04, 2011
Last week the Federal Reserve began the second incarnation of "Operation Twist," an attempt to drive down interest rates by purchasing long-term Treasury debt and selling short-term debt. This is just the latest instance of the central bank desperately flailing ...
Currency: The Hidden Portfolio Risk
October 04, 2011
In today's investment landscape, risk can come in all shapes and sizes. When structuring a stock portfolio most investors try to gauge the risk in buying particular stocks. Savvier investors also factor in sector risk, business cycle risk and recession risk. Ca ...
Daily Bell Helps Blow Up Wall Street Protest Via Drudge, Prison Planet and Google
October 03, 2011
Has Internet alternative news come of age? Is the Internet Reformation gathering power like a gale force wind? Just as it was during the era of the Gutenberg Press 500 years ago, the change-making of information technology is implacably turning the elite power- ...
Breathing Life Into Phony Wall Street Meme
October 03, 2011
This article by Robert Kuttner, co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect, is a perfect example of the way the Occupy Wall Street meme was supposed to play out. The positioning (see excerpt above) of the protests is intended to replace the Tea Party and ...
Tibor Machan on Private Morality Versus Government Perfectionism – and Who Wins …
October 02, 2011
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an interview with well-known libertarian philosopher Tibor R. Machan. Dr. Machan is currently Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Auburn University, Alabama, and holds the R. C. Hoiles Endowed Chair ...
Blaming Wall Street Is Wrong
October 01, 2011
The Blame Wall Street meme is back. A popular movement called Occupy Wall Street is attracting attention by protesting in and around the US financial district. In this editorial, I want to examine what the protest means in a larger context. The impulse of the d ...
On the Recent Gold Pullback
October 01, 2011
The past couple weeks have seen a strong pullback in both commodity prices and stocks. Gold fell sharply off its peak after soaring just past $1,900. Volatility in commodity, currency, and equity markets has been very high recently, and these short-term price m ...
BRICs Begin to Crumble?
September 30, 2011
In India, the government believes it's OK for up to 70 percent of the country to live on fifty cents (US) a day; in Brazil, growth is slowing markedly (see article excerpt above); and China continues to struggle with unrest and growing doubts about its ongoing ...
Transparency Meme Creeps Closer
September 30, 2011
What's the New York Times up to? This story excerpted above was prominently featured the other day in the New York Times and that doesn't happen by accident. The Times is a virtual meme machine, churning out articles that support the Anglosphere's dominant soci ...
DB Briefs: EU Crisis Is Real / US Declares War on Pakistan? / Idiot Economists / Phony '60s Missile Gap
September 30, 2011
EU Crisis Is Real: UK has become a nation of zombie companies ... When it comes to supporting UK manufacturing, the Coalition government's record has so far proved almost as disappointing as the last one's. … US Declares War on Pakistan?: For the first time ...
Barroso Says EU Will Overcome
September 29, 2011
EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso, once a Maoist, has given yet another stirring speech, hoping to rally the party faithful. In the speech, he revealed three separate financial approaches that Eurocrats hope will raise revenue. As a young man, Barros ...
A Modest Proposal on Expensive Child-Rearing
September 29, 2011
This article presents us with a chance to evaluate what Western families want to provide to their children. We have touched on this before but can now readdress these issues within the context of child rearing, thanks to this CNN article delineating costs of ch ...
DB Briefs: Is Obama on the Way Out? / Yemen's Tricky Ali Saleh / EU Crisis Is Real
September 29, 2011
Staff Reports: Is Obama on the Way Out? Yemen's Tricky Ali Saleh. EU Crisis Is Real. ...
Good Bye, Reason?
September 29, 2011
This passage comes from the managing editor of Reason magazine, which I helped launch back in 1970 and which set out to be a corrective to our society's widespread embrace of various versions of subjectivism and relativism. The passage exemplifies just such a v ...
Depression Leaves Investors Feeling 'Like a Dog Without a Bone'
September 28, 2011
This is a big dominant social theme for the masses of confused people who have heeded the prescription to put their hard-earned dollars into stock and bond markets. (See article excerpt above.) Just wait. The sun will come out tomorrow. Of course, many people m ...
Lost in a Yemen Jail! … A DB Staffer Speaks About His Long, Strange Trip and the Secret Gulag America Has Built in the Middle East and Africa
September 28, 2011
Coming across the border of Yemen for some reason, a top Daily Bell gnome predictably (you really can't send them anywhere) attacked a senior Yemen official with gustatory intentions. The ravenous gnome was then taken into custody and remanded to the second-mos ...
US Won't Release Bin Laden Death Photos
September 28, 2011
The US government is at it again. While the entire world is aware now that Bin Laden was killed by Navy SEALS on May 1, 2011, evidence corroborating the killing has never been released. Everyone should take it on faith, but unfortunately, the US government does ...
DB Briefs: Enabling Euro-Elite Fears Downturn / Republicans Desperate to Beat Ron Paul / Beware the Cantaloupe That Kills
September 28, 2011
Staff Reports: Enabling Euro-Elite Fears Downturn. Republicans Desperate to Beat Ron Paul. Beware the Cantaloupe That Kills ...
Horror of the Quants
September 27, 2011
This article by the BBC's Richard Anderson ticks all the boxes of a certain kind of dominant social theme. One is supposed to be slightly melancholy at the pace of progress in the global stock market and the application of trading technology to what used to be ...
No Justice in the West
September 27, 2011
Part of Western mainstream media propaganda is the "limited hangout." And the Internet era – the Internet Reformation in fact – is forcing such limited hangouts on a variety of fronts. Whether it is global warming, central banking or criminal justice itself ...
DB Briefs: Economist Mag Makes Up New China Term / Avoiding Ron Paul, Desperate Republicans Turn to Chris Christie / Indian Gov Says Poor Can Live on Half Dollar a Day
September 27, 2011
Staff Reports: Economist Mag Makes Up New China Term. Avoiding Ron Paul, Desperate Republicans Turn to Chris Christie. Indian Gov Says Poor Can Live on Half Dollar a Day. ...
A Palestinian State?
September 27, 2011
The Palestinian Authority's recent announcement that it would seek UN recognition as an independent state dominated the news and the political debate in the United States last week, though in truth it should mean very little to us. Only a political class harbor ...
The Police State Abolishes the Trial
September 27, 2011
Several years ago, the police entered the office of a young professor at a reputable university and arrested him for an online crime. They took the professor away, booked him, and then offered him a deal: admit guilt and get off easy. The professor said to the ...
Are the Tribes of Europe Ready to Explode?
September 26, 2011
This story is interesting because it is written by a mainstream journalist and actually tells the truth about Greece – that Greece, or its citizens, are ready to explode. One can extrapolate from Greece to the rest of the EU, or at least its Southern half. Pu ...
How Tony Blair Earns His Millions
September 26, 2011
The implication of this article seems to be that the attack that was launched against Libya had to do with the failure of an aluminum loan. It is part of a larger dominant social theme, in our view, that the West's wars are fought over resources and exploitativ ...
DB Briefs: EU – Is it a Disaster Yet? / EU Leaders Need to Step Up / Al Jazeera's Phony Four-Part Series?
September 26, 2011
Staff Reports: EU – Is it a Disaster Yet? EU Leaders Need to Step Up. Al Jazeera's Phony Four-Part Series? ...
Infrastructure Stimuli
September 26, 2011
One of my colleagues, who is in substantial agreement that the free market is best, argues that if one is going to have a stimulus – and given how politicians always need to do something, whatever it is, this is very likely in the face of crises such as the c ...
James Bovard on His Famous Libertarian Books, America's Failing Freedom and 'Why Life Is too Short to Drink Bad Beer'
September 25, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with James Bovard. James is the author of nine books, including Attention Deficit Democracy (2006), The Bush Betrayal (2004), and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1994). He has written ...
Will the Real Culprits of Euro Doom Stand Up?
September 24, 2011
The Telegraph has carried an article entitled "The Great Euro Swindle" by Peter Oborne and Frances Weaver who have written a book on the subject (Guilty Men) from which the article is excerpted. They ask a good question, which is why those who have backed the u ...
New Crisis, New Currency?
September 23, 2011
David Cameron joined a number of other prominent leaders in warning about the perilous state of the West's and the world's economy. At the same time, we learn, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is pushing US President Barack Obama to support adding the Chinese y ...
DB Briefs: The EU's Implacable Rigor / Brazil Towns Issue Own Money / Facebook Wants to Capture Yet More Data
September 23, 2011
Staff Reports: The EU's Implacable Rigor. Brazil Towns Issue Own Money. Facebook Wants to Capture Yet More Data. ...
Lady Gaga Wants a New Hate Crime
September 23, 2011
The death of a young person is always very sad and no doubt Lady Gaga's emotions following Jamey Rodemeyer's suicide are genuine. But the entire Lady Gaga saga is a manipulated one in our view. Her intention of getting the US federal government involved in the ...
Blame Republicans for the Depression
September 22, 2011
Michael Tomasky, a fairly partisan columnist for the Daily Beast, has written a column called "The Party of Predators" (see excerpt above) that supports the idea that America's economic difficulties are aggravated by a lack of cooperation between the Republican ...
West Sponsors Afghan Civil War
September 22, 2011
In numerous articles over the past year-and-a-half, we've written that the end-game for the Afghanistan war – as cynical as it may be – is civil war. Western leaders will deny this, but what is obviously being planned is a de facto portioning of Afghanistan ...
DB Briefs: Americans Like Gold – A Lot / Big Prison for Afghanistan / Disturbing Reports From Libya
September 22, 2011
Staff Reports: Americans Like Gold – A Lot. Big Prison for Afghanistan. Disturbing Reports From Libya. ...
Roubini Explains How to Avoid Depression II
September 21, 2011
Nouriel Roubini – Dr. Doom – has posted an article (see above) at Reuters on how the world can avoid a "fiscal train wreck" and "deeper depression." In this article, we'll review his prescriptions and assumptions. Roubini is often portrayed as a prescient m ...
America's New Production and the Farce of Peak Oil
September 21, 2011
It wasn't supposed to be this way. By now, Peak Oil was supposed to be a fact of daily life. People were supposed to be lined up at gas stations, struggling to buy US$10-a-gallon gas. Solar and wind companies were supposed to occupy prominent places on the Big ...
DB Briefs: Solyndra Hits Obama Hard / Germany's Pirates Storm Berlin / Mainstream Economists Favor Carbon Tax?
September 21, 2011
Staff Reports: Solyndra Hits Obama Hard. Germany's Pirates Storm Berlin. Mainstream Economists Favor Carbon Tax? ...
Advisers Emphasize Calm as Global Depression Gathers
September 20, 2011
It used to be that stock drummers were more than happy to share a hot tip with their clients. Today, more than half (55%) of advisors say the most valuable service they provide to clients in or near retirement "is helping the client maintain perspective and thi ...
Using Mercenaries Is a Dangerous Development
September 20, 2011
In this article excerpt above, we find yet more evidence that NATO and the West – especially the Anglosphere – has been hiding behind local fighters while organizing the campaign against Gaddafi. This might explain the taking of Tripoli and the general diff ...
DB Briefs: Central Banks Under Attack / Yemen Looks to Shed Saleh / Obama Lawlessness Continues?
September 20, 2011
DB Staff Reports: Progress: Central Banks Under Attack. Yemen Looks to Shed Saleh. Obama Lawlessness Continues? ...
Government as a Venture Capitalist
September 20, 2011
In January 2009, the administration claimed that if Congress passed a rush stimulus bill, the United States would be saved from economic catastrophe that was threatening to send unemployment figures above 8 percent. Government stimulus was the answer and if we ...
Big European Leaders Flex Muscle
September 20, 2011
Last Wednesday in a conference call followed around the world, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicholas Sarkozy and Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece gave broad assurances that in exchange for Greek commitment to enact further austeri ...
Showing 901 - of – Newest on Top
