Exclusive Interviews Showing 1051 - of
Rick Rule and Richard Maybury on Why More War is Likely, the Future of the US Dollar and Why Neither of Them Vote
August 13, 2011
Following the recent FreedomFest conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada, The Daily Bell had an informal discussion with two of the free-market world's more prominent figures, Rick Rule and Richard Maybury. Both men have been relentless in their efforts to educate ...
Krugman's Failed Analogy
August 13, 2011
Ok, so I'll give him this: finally Dr. Paul Krugman put forth something akin to an argument instead of merely demonizing those with whom he disagrees! (See his column, The Hijacked Crisis, The New York Times, August 11, 2011.) The argument, however, is an analo ...
DB Briefs: Europe Bans Shorters / Krugman Wants More Spending / CIA Defends Drone Killings
August 12, 2011
Staff reports: Four European Nations Ban Shorters as Markets Bounce Back. Paul Krugman: The Hijacked Crisis. C.I.A. is Disputed on Civilian Toll in Drone Strikes. ...
The Myth of Noble Madness
August 12, 2011
College freshman year abnormal psychology, at least as I remember it from some 30 years ago, can be something of a dark and frightening experience. In it the students are exposed to the variety of mental troubles that we have come to understand through modern d ...
Further Distortions of Libertarianism
August 12, 2011
In his essay "The Tea Party Jacobins," with its hyperbolic and besmirching title, Mark Lilla, whose The Reckless Minds: Intellectuals in Politics I once favorably reviewed, advances the notion that the Tea Party's "libertarian irruptions ... [attracted] individ ...
Central Bankers Race Toward Global Currency Solution
August 11, 2011
This Bloomberg article is just another in a long line of disappointing mainstream financial reports that does nothing to address the real issues causing the crisis and, in fact, does everything to try to misinform the public into believing that the experts have ...
DB Briefs: Cameron Blames Parents for London Riots / NATO Kills Libyan Civilians / S&P Attacked
August 11, 2011
Staff Reports: London Riots: David Cameron Approves Water Cannon. Tripoli Says NATO Strike Kills Dozens of Civilians. A Credit Rater that Overreacted and Overreached. ...
DB Briefs: Housing Slump Over? / Obama's Super Congress / Give the Government More!
August 10, 2011
Staff Reports: End in Sight for Housing Slump? Reid Taps Sen. Murray to Co-Chair Debt Committee. Tough Decisions Ahead to Get AAA Rating Back. ...
Day of Reckoning
August 10, 2011
The trigger that apparently caused the market meltdown was the ever-so-slight suggestion from Standard & Poor's that the US government's fiscal health might not be all that it is cracked up to be. This was not a case of the little boy noting the emperor has no ...
Two Opposite World Views: Agency or Victimhood
August 10, 2011
What causes poverty and hardship? Is it scarcity – not enough stuff to go around? Or is it a result of violence and enslavement of one class of people by another? Your answer to this question will fundamentally determine whether your political allegiance is w ...
DB Briefs: Ignore the Market Meltdown / Public School Breakdown / NASA Awards? / Lunch Bag Madness
August 09, 2011
Staff reports: Amid Near-Meltdown in Monday Stock Markets, Advisers Urge Investors to Stay the Course. Cheating Report Confirms Teacher's Suspicions. Danger in the Lunch Bag. NASA Awards for Bright Ideas. ...
Super Congress a Gift to K Street
August 09, 2011
The Super Congress created by the recent debt ceiling increase deal is a typical example of something nefarious attached to a bigger bill that is rushed through Congress without giving Members ample opportunity to consider the full ramifications. This commissio ...
DB Briefs: UD Debt Downgraded / Asian Markets Fall / China Wants Global Currency / ECB Begins Market Intervention
August 08, 2011
Staff Reports: S&P Downgrades US Credit Rating to AA-Plus. Asian Markets Slip On U.S. Credit Downgrade. China Blasts U.S. Debt Problems, Urges New Global Reserve Currency. ECB Says Will "Actively Implement" Bond-Buying. ...
What's Happening on Wall Street?
August 08, 2011
In my view, the current downturn in the market is connected with the continuing fiscal crises in the United States and in Europe. In the case of the U.S., I think an important element is market awareness that the government's debt problem has been left complete ...
The Moral Defense of Capitalism
August 08, 2011
One reason that our founding principles are in such deep trouble today is that many years ago our parents and grandparents... and great grandparents, conceded to the enemies of freedom the moral high ground. Those advocating socialism, communism and fascism wer ...
Nine-Year-Old Discusses Monetary Inflation and What Is Wrong with US Foreign Policy
August 07, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with a nine-year-old boy named Jesse. Jesse is a typical young boy who enjoys exploring ideas and concepts. He is an average student, who tends to enjoy recess more than doing classroom work. His tea ...
Steps You Can Take to Protect Yourself from Hurricane Reality
August 06, 2011
Last week I discussed the nature of the "time taxers" and how easy it is for people to blindly be lulled into living their life in service of the State – or those who control it. And in that editorial I suggested that time, being the most precious commoditty ...
DB Briefs: US Turkey Recall / Pentagon Says No to Military Cuts / Government Can Protect the Poor? / America's Hunger Pain
August 05, 2011
Ground Turkey Recall: Why Did It Take So Long? Pentagon Chief Warns Won't Accept Extra Spending Cuts. New York Unveils $127 Million Bid to Help Minorities. BLITZER'S BLOG: Hunger in America Growing at Staggering Pace ...
The Cost of Liberty Is the Acceptance of Human Nature
August 05, 2011
Self-acceptance involves accepting personal limitations and possibilities. It is a crucial step in any personal development – you first have to be aware of and accept what's true about your life if you want to be able to then change your life for the better. ...
DB Briefs: The Code War / It's All Washington's Fault / US Army's Alcohol Problem / Mubarak Trial Begins
August 04, 2011
Staff Reports: Countries Brace for The Code War. How Washington Took the U.S. to the Brink. Army Hiring More Counselors for Alcohol Abuse. Bed-ridden, Caged, Egypt's Mubarak Goes on Trial ...
Getting Serious About Recovery
August 04, 2011
This is how economic recovery can be encouraged by all levels of government in the U.S.: 1. Remove all preemptory government regulations of all the professions and businesses. 2. Cut taxes to the bone, when possible totally abolish them. 3. Cut all subsidies an ...
Debt Reduction Delusions and the Menace of Big Government
August 03, 2011
In spite of the rhetoric in the media about a national debt crisis having been averted through a rise in the government's debt limit on Tuesday, August 2nd, the fact is the United States remains very much in the midst of a fiscal disaster. The Congress has appr ...
DB Briefs: US Gets Verbal Spanking / Obama to Create Jobs? / Markets Plummet Amid Debt Fears / Egyptians Getting Restless
August 03, 2011
Staff Reports: China Joins Russia in Blasting U.S. Borrowing. Debt Fight Over, Obama Promises Action on Jobs. Markets Tumble on Fears for US Growth and Eurozone Debts. Trial of ex-President Hosni Mubarak opens in Egypt ...
Cleaver's Bad Theology
August 03, 2011
Representative Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri produced a sound bite following the recent passage in Congress of the compromise bill on the dept ceiling and spending cuts. Even as this bill didn't by any means manage to demonstrate Congress's serious understanding ...
When a Cut Is Not a Cut
August 02, 2011
One might think that the recent drama over the debt ceiling involves one side wanting to increase or maintain spending with the other side wanting to drastically cut spending, but that is far from the truth. In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the rea ...
The Fiat Dollar & Debt Democracy Experiments Have Failed
August 02, 2011
Washington claims the federal debt limit extension is a done deal and the threat of default is postponed. This is just more political theatre as the Treasury debt downgrade will happen and eventually a bankrupt America will attempt to inflate the debt away and ...
DB Briefs: IMF's Lagarde Speaks Out / Biden Blunders? / Bin Laden Meme Continues / IMF Critical of EC / Failing Fed Tools
August 02, 2011
Staff Reports: Global Confidence in U.S. Treasuries Has 'Slightly Eroded,' Lagarde Says. Osama Bin Laden: Mission Was to Shoot to Kill From the Start. IMF Criticises EU Proposals for Basel III Implementation. Biden Says Tea Party Republicans Acted Like Terroris ...
Debt Deal Is a Blank Check
August 02, 2011
By supposedly compromising to raise the debt ceiling, Congress and the President have now paved the way for ever higher levels of federal spending. Although, the nation was spared the trauma of borrowing restrictions, the actual risk of default existed solely i ...
The Man With No Plan: The Fuse on America's Debt Bomb Just Keeps Getting Shorter
August 01, 2011
All along we have been saying that the semantics and hype surrounding the debt ceiling debate would be for not and that "business as usual" would prevail. This celebratory piece, published by the NY Times on Sunday (excerpted above), is just the kind of propaga ...
Pat Gorman on How to Protect Your Wealth, Invest for Success and Protect Your Family
July 31, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Pat Gorman. Mr. Gorman has been actively extolling the virtues of honest money for nearly 30 years, the last fifteen of which he has spent as president of Resource Consultants, a Phoenix, Arizon ...
As America Continues to Tank, What Will You Do?
July 30, 2011
The Internet Reformation is rolling forward. People are waking up to the reality of a money elite controlled world and the gallows that have been erected to enslave them in misery, debt and taxation. People feel the oppressive tax burden that requires them to c ...
IMF: Turning Crises Into Opportunity
July 29, 2011
We have been predicting in these humble pages that the current crises sweeping through the world's financial marts would be used to galvanize support for an even greater consolidation of globalist power. And now, here comes Christine Lagarde, speaking at the Co ...
Gold and Silver Beyond the Limit
July 29, 2011
Perhaps the debt ceiling should be renamed the "national debt target," for it seems Washington is always trying to reach it. One could say it's their only reliable, time-tested achievement. And without fail, upon reaching their national debt target, they prompt ...
Debt Ceiling Debate Not the Real Point
July 28, 2011
The debate over the debt ceiling is anything but trivial for the poweres-that-be. Political pundits on both sides of the dialectic, along with their media confidants, would like us to believe that there is a real concern over the "acceptable level" of debt. Wel ...
Defining the Moment: The Internet Reformation
July 28, 2011
The Internet Reformation is the culmination of the power and glory of Western civil society and free-market thinking. It is the apogee of all that is best in a sweep of history that began with the ancient Greeks and has culminated in the hearts and minds of mil ...
Just Say No
July 28, 2011
After sustained profligacy comes the dreaded cold turkey. Any kind of habitual indulgence can only be stopped if at some point the "addict" says "no" with no excuses. I would assume most people have been through this. I know a few personally. They have kept up ...
Breivik and the Insanity of War
July 27, 2011
The horror of Anders Breivik's actions cannot be explained away. To shoot 70 or so young people at point blank range using dum-dum bullets for nearly two years to make a rhetorical point (he issued a 1,500 page manifesto on line which now has been taken down) i ...
Is the Left Right About Money and Politics?
July 27, 2011
The world is run by Anglosphere power elites with tactical arms in Israel, Washington and perhaps the Vatican. It is abetted by corporate, political and military enablers. Its enemy is classical liberal sociopolitical stances and free-market thinking. Conservat ...
Ideas and the Culpability for Violence
July 27, 2011
The violence perpetuated by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway unleashed the usual torrent of blaming anyone who might have influenced the murderer's thought. He was first described as a right-wing Christian – a description designed to put a certain community o ...
GAO: Fed Issued $US16 Trillion During 2008 Crisis!
July 26, 2011
With nary a ripple in the mainstream press, the US Government Accountability Office has released an "audit" of the Federal Reserve loan program in 2008 that, according to the Washington Post (see above excerpt) highlights possible conflicts of interest in the i ...
Tories' Bizarre and Sudden Support for the EU
July 26, 2011
Why does an article like this appear in the Telegraph? It is a "Tory" paper that supports the royal family and serves as a foil to papers like the leftist Guardian in the UK. The elites evidently and obviously control both papers, but the Hegelian Dialectic bei ...
The Debt Crisis and the Fiscal Leviathan State
July 26, 2011
The current fiscal crisis that fills the pages of the newspapers and the news shows on television has all been revolving around the issue of raising the government debt limit. In fact, the present Congressional-approved debt limit of around $14.3 trillion dolla ...
Obama Demagogues Default
July 26, 2011
President Obama has continued and increased the reckless spending of the previous Administration. Now, as the federal debt reaches its statutory limit, he is spreading fear and panic in the hopes of having it raised. Many of the key people responsible for Ameri ...
The Pesky Neighbor and the Debt Ceiling
July 26, 2011
Imagine you had a pesky neighbor who somehow took out a mortgage on his house in your name and by some legal trickery you were obligated to pay for it. Imagine watching this neighbor throw drunken parties, buy expensive cars, add more rooms to the house, and hi ...
China – Third Pillar of a Broken World Economy?
July 25, 2011
The US is struggling with US$200 trillion in unredeemable commitments to the world and its own population; the Eurozone is gradually sinking under the weight of the PIGS sovereign debt; and China, the third pillar of the world's economic façade is likely facin ...
Pakistan Breaks Away
July 25, 2011
One of the biggest reasons the Anglo-American elite lost the war in Afghanistan is because the wealthy families that make up Pakistan's elite were distrustful of both NATO and the US military-industrial comlex. In this article, excerpted above, we can see how t ...
Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Power Elite, the Police State and Opposing the Authoritarian Trend
July 24, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. Dr. Vieira holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For over t ...
Why Gold Could Go Much Higher
July 23, 2011
Are there forces at work increasingly inflicting chaos and war on the world? If this is the case, the ceiling on gold and silver will keep moving higher. Gold went up again yesterday on bad news from the US, Norway and Europe. The bad news is a steady drumbeat, ...
Not Guilty Isn't Innocent
July 23, 2011
An indication of the sad state of journalism is how often when people show support for the Casey Anthony verdict they are labeled as Casey Anthony supporters. But they could very well be supporting just one thing. That would be to accept the "not guilty" verdic ...
A Phony EU Crisis
July 22, 2011
We have watched the unraveling of Europe for over a year now and can say with some shock and dismay, as the final act grows near, that what we have been treated to is probably nothing more than an elaborately scripted farce. Or call it a dominant social theme ( ...
Showing 1051 - of – Newest on Top
