Exclusive Interviews Showing 1251 - of
Michael Cremo on Forbidden Archeology, Our Billion-Year-Old Human History and the Spiritual Satisfaction of the Vedas
May 22, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Michael Cremo. Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiatin ...
Obama's Speech Fumbles Elite Themes
May 21, 2011
The speech on the Middle East given by Barack Obama the other night was yet more evidence of how the power elite is having a good deal of trouble implementing its dominant social themes in the 21st century. The speech itself was supposed to be another "historic ...
Greece Gets Pounded Before Further Bailout?
May 20, 2011
The twin pressures of anti-EU elections and anti-austerity protests may result eventually in one or more weak states leaving the EU. It will be then, as that occurs, that we shall find whether the EU can survive with a core group of healthier states or whether ...
International Criminal Court Now Involved in Ivory Coast Mess
May 20, 2011
The problem is that all the fine speeches in the world cannot disguise the West's neocolonialism anymore than all the resources and titles can disguise the ICC's illegitimacy or the real winner of the recent Ivory Coast elections. The idea is to send an intimid ...
HBO, Daily Beast, Sorkin and the Financial Crisis: Too Big to Explain
May 19, 2011
HBO has adapted Andrew Ross Sorkin's book, Too Big to Fail and Timothy Geithner appeared at the initial screening and predicted the system will fall apart yet again. (Big news! The current system sucks!) This seems to come as a surprise to the Daily Beast, whic ...
Queen Visits Ireland; All Is Forgiven?
May 19, 2011
It really is too bad. Ireland, with only five million Irish remaining in it, has been virtually eviscerated by the European Union and its globalist financial strategies. To tempt the Irish to join the EU, a good deal of money was spread around liberally; Irish ...
Politics-as-Usual Are Over in the US?
May 18, 2011
Newt Gingrich is a 20th century politician who apparently does not understand how much things may have changed. Ironically, the man who understands best what has occurred is the oldest politician in the field by far – Ron Paul, in his later 70s. Dr. Ron Paul, ...
US, Losing the War, Seeks Further Talks With Taliban?
May 18, 2011
In fact, armies that are winning wars don't negotiate, do they? This fact alone must put a different face on American claims that the Taliban is being defeated in the field by the American and NATO "surge" of forces in various Afghan military hotspots. No, it ...
EU Dims Without Strauss-Kahn?
May 17, 2011
These are high stakes indeed. Strauss-Kahn's time as head of the IMF was drawing to a close anyway, but much of his term seems to have been devoted to propping up the EU as it is. The economic crisis, far from drawing the EU together (as the Eurocrats hoped and ...
French Neo-Colonialism Now Destabilizing Western Africa
May 17, 2011
We have waited for several months to write this story because we do not like to get ahead of ourselves when analyzing what seem to be the increasingly-failing memes of the Anglosphere power elite. But it long ago occurred to us that when one deliberately remove ...
The Predator State Attacks Google – For Big Pharma
May 17, 2011
The American pharmaceutical system is a highly controlled apparatus for restricting access to much-needed drugs and violating the rights of those who want to purchase them. This has long been true. Vast amounts of drugs that people should be permitted to purcha ...
The Milk Police
May 17, 2011
On April 20th, after a year-long undercover sting operation, armed federal agents acting on behalf of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) raided the business of Pennsylvanian Amish farmer Dan Allgyer to prevent him from selling his unpasteurized milk to will ...
Individualism Isn't Ridiculous
May 17, 2011
Some critics of individualism propose an alternative social philosophy and defend it so it is then possible to compare their case to the individualist position. But more often than not what critics do is caricature individualism, suggesting that individualist b ...
Raising the Roof on Debt
May 17, 2011
Today the U.S. government officially borrowed beyond its $14.29 trillion statutory debt limit. And even though the Obama administration has assured us that accounting gimmickry will allow the government to borrow for another few months, the breach has given see ...
NYT: Arrest of IMF's Most Magnificent Man Seen as Ending the World
May 16, 2011
The mainstream media was in visible mourning yesterday with dominant and sub-dominant social themes pummeling the innocent Western world. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, whose predilection for forcible seduction was apparently an open secret, was removed from a plane o ...
Eyewitness Tells Different Story of Bin Laden Death?
May 16, 2011
We have no idea if this "Translation of Pakistani Video" (see above and below) is true or not. We present this alternative version because the real version is so unreal from our point of view. We are asked to believe that a man with Marfan Syndrome, kidneys tha ...
Some Serious Flaws of Egalitarianism
May 16, 2011
Egalitarianism teaches that everyone deserves to be treated with equal consideration and respect. Mostly this is meant to stress how everyone should be provided (as a matter of public policy) with basic necessities like food, health care, schooling, etc. But th ...
David Morgan on the Global Economy, Inflation, Recession and Where Silver Is Headed
May 15, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with David Morgan. David is a widely recognized analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds, high net worth investors, mining companies, depositories and bullion dealers. He is ...
Why Mainstream Media Refuses to Report the West's Shocking New Colonialism
May 14, 2011
To ask the question is to answer it. The Western mainstream media is entirely controlled and beholden to globalist interests emanating from the City of London. Reports and exposes of neo-colonialism are not likely to find a place on the front pages of the great ...
Monetary Policy, the Federal Reserve, and the National Debt Problem
May 14, 2011
Government Debt and Deficits. The current economic crisis through which the United States is passing has given a heightened awareness to the country's national debt. After a declining trend in the 1990s, the national debt has dramatically increased from $5.7 tr ...
IMF Suggests Greece Sell the Parthenon?
May 13, 2011
This is one of those articles where you have to check the date. The Greeks are rioting, the Eurocrats are panicking and meeting secretly in Greece, the bond markets are quaking, too, and Antonia Borges sounds ... well, happy. We thought perhaps this was an arti ...
Solution to America's Economic Woes Is Immigration?
May 13, 2011
The Economist magazine has finally reached the nadir of its unnecessary existence. In a column entitled "Economics/Free Exchange" the newspaper of the power elite actually suggests that "at a time when America is concerned about excess housing supply ... it is ...
Money Control Around the World
May 12, 2011
What's wrong with anti-money laundering legislation? Plenty if one is oriented toward libertarianism and free-market thinking. Drug-laws and central banks are the two main tools that the Anglo-American power elite is using to control the flow of money around th ...
Massacre in Yemen
May 12, 2011
Yesterday, the Internet and alternative media generally lit up with reports of a Yemeni attack on protestors. Yemeni security forces were said to have fired on protestors for a number of hours, as can be seen from the BBC report above. The protestors want the i ...
Secession: An Answer to the Sovereign Debt Crisis
May 12, 2011
Get ready as secession is coming soon to a failed union near you. Over the weekend, the news has been full of reports about Scotland getting ready to vote on independence from the United Kingdom after the election victory by the Scottish National Party. The UK ...
Shock: Krugman Turns on 'Elites'
May 11, 2011
This is a fairly remarkable article that uber-liberal New York Times media star Paul Krugman (left) has written. Imagine even a few years ago that an article by one of the Times' most prestigious analysts would frankly castigate America's ruling class and one b ...
China Takes Over Africa?
May 11, 2011
We've stayed with the recent Ivory Coast neo-colonialist incident because we think it represents a sea-change in the West's sway over Africa. We try to identify important turning points in elite memes - the fear-based propaganda campaigns with which the powers- ...
EU/Greek Situation Continues to Decline
May 10, 2011
We have long-predicted the possible break-up of the EU in these modest pages. As we have written many times in the past few years, the EU experiment is not a logical one and at this point its disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. The "immoveable rigor" of ...
Airport Searches in US May Be Extended to Trains
May 10, 2011
This is how fascism descends, word by word. Now US Sen. Charles Schumer has said that he wishes to introduce legislation in the US Senate that will create a "do not ride" list for America's foundering, nationalized rail system, Amtrak. Amtrak is not by any mean ...
On the Elimination of Osama bin Laden
May 10, 2011
Last week marked an important milestone in the war on terrorism for our country. Osama bin Laden applauded the 9/11 attacks. Such deliberate killing of innocent lives deserved retaliation. It is good that bin Laden is dead and justice is served. The way in whic ...
Hayek on Morality
May 10, 2011
As Hayek put it elsewhere, "It is only where the individual has choice, and its inherent responsibility, that he has occasion to affirm existing values, to contribute to their further growth, and to earn moral merit." ("The Moral Element in Free Enterprise," St ...
Cost of Bin Laden Deception: US$3 Trillion
May 09, 2011
The Atlantic Magazine has published a remarkable article totaling up the cost of fighting bin Laden and pursuing the war on terror. Total dollars: US$3 trillion. Given the perilous state of Western finance, this amount of money reveals not the West's determinat ...
Don't Let Doha Die, Pleads Columnist
May 09, 2011
The private sector creates the products with which the world trades and ultimately it is the entrepreneurs and business leaders that will determine how they are traded. Such massive talk fests as Doha only obscure this fundamental truth. Perhaps that has been t ...
Revisiting Selfishness
May 09, 2011
Because I am always eager to do well for myself – have done this for as long as I can recall, starting with wanting to succeed in school, on the athletic field, in trying to be healthy and fit, and wanting to escape the brutal Soviets when I was only 14 – I ...
Nathaniel Branden on the Atlas Shrugged Movie and His Own Life's Legacy as Ayn Rand's Primary Exponent
May 08, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Dr. Nathaniel Branden. Dr. Branden is a practicing psychotherapist in Los Angeles and also does corporate consulting. Dr. Branden offers workshops, seminars, and conferences on applying self-estee ...
Ivory Coast Disaster Shows Validity of Meme Investing
May 07, 2011
A recent article on the Ivory Coast in The Financial Times illustrates the point this publication regularly makes about investing via dominant social themes. One has to decide if elite perspectives are accurate or if what we call the Internet Reformation is goi ...
Ron Paul Wins the Debate But Will the Federal Reserve Put Him in the White House?
May 07, 2011
The Drudge Report recently announced that according to a CNN Poll, Ron Paul has the best chance to beat Obama of all the potential GOP candidates. The Ron Paul Campaign has certainly been making progress over the past four years but the difference between futur ...
Silver Takes it on the Chin
May 07, 2011
This week saw the type of downside volatility in the precious metals market that will be remembered for years to come. For those of us who have been long gold, and silver in particular, the memories will not be pleasant. While many had been expecting a pullback ...
Will Bin Laden's Death Justify More War?
May 06, 2011
The Telegraph's truculent war columnist Con Coughlin is in full cry post bin Laden. Our point regarding the al-Qaeda chief's demise, made yesterday, was that the West had designed it in order to quit Afghanistan " with honor." The probably false death of bin La ...
Silver's Bubble Has Burst?
May 06, 2011
The doomsters are at it again. Every couple of months either silver or gold are in a "bubble." This is a fundamental misreading of the current bull market in money metals that probably still has three or four years to run - at least. If it gets that far. We're ...
The Institutional Gold Rush
May 06, 2011
I have worked on Wall Street my entire life, and one thing I've learned is that large institutional investors, like pension funds and endowments, rarely veer from the herd. They manage too much of other people's money to stick their necks out alone - if their i ...
Why Can't I See Bin Laden's Dead Body?
May 06, 2011
I am baffled by this secrecy surrounding Bin Ladens' death. Someone needs to do more explaining than has been done thus far. Why when American taxpayers have funded a massive manhunt and eventual assassination of Osama bin Laden are they forbidden to see Bin La ...
Bin Laden Episode End of Empire? – Top US Official Says 9/11 Was an Inside Job
May 05, 2011
We are on record as doubting that Osama bin Laden was killed on Sunday, as we believe he has been dead for years, but we also speculated about what might be the result - and why the US might want to pretend that bin Laden had been "tapped" by Navy Seals. One ob ...
Gaddafi Planned Gold Dinar, Now Under Attack
May 05, 2011
Plans for attacking Muammar Gaddafi apparently go back some 20 years, and even US President Ronald Reagan tried to kill him, deeming him a threat to America power. The latest attacks are in keeping with the larger wave of aggression initiated by the Anglo-Ameri ...
Greek Loan Extensions to Punch Hole in EU?
May 05, 2011
The EU is reaching a deal with Portugal on a "bail out," which is illegal under EU rules (but who's counting?) What's more important is an upcoming, potential Greek debt restructuring, which is also illegal under EU rules. It doesn't make sense to us, and in th ...
Some Consequences of Mixed Systems
May 05, 2011
China is what political economists call a market socialist country, with political socialism at a virtual dictatorial level (as distinct from, say, democratic socialist and liberal democratic countries) and is thus very precarious when it comes to its political ...
Doha Dies Well-Deserved Death?
May 04, 2011
One of the big myths about Western capitalism is that the powers-that-be have negotiated and honored free-trade agreements. In fact, the West functions with managed trade agreements, which are a good deal different that free-trade agreements. The so-called Doha ...
World's 'Elders' Claim All Is Well in Ivory Coast
May 04, 2011
The "Elders" have struck again. The Elders are a self proclaimed group of wise men that includes Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and others. Nelson Mandela is an honorary elder, apparently. Presumably he had the good sense not to get directly ...
How Global Elites Steal Resources & Technology
May 04, 2011
The banking class – and the corporations that do business with this class – have reconfigured U.S. laws to enable them to facilitate massive mergers and acquisitions over the past several decades. This consolidation took massive financing, so where did the ...
Warren Buffett Does a Disservice
May 03, 2011
Warren Buffett is at it again, talking down gold and the Telegraph is reporting on it: "Gold really doesn't have utility," the 80-year old told shareholders at Berkshire Hathaway's annual general meeting. "I'd bet on a good producing business to outperform some ...
Showing 1251 - of – Newest on Top
