EDITORIAL Showing 1351 - of
The Nanny State Can't Last
April 12, 2011
Last week, Congress and the administration refused to seriously consider the problem of government spending. Despite the fear-mongering, a government shutdown would not have been as bad as claimed. It is encouraging that some in Washington seem to be insisting ...
Essential Capitalism
April 12, 2011
A while back I got caught up in a fracas about using the term "capitalism" to mean the free market, fully voluntary system of economic relations. It didn't surprise me since I am aware that complicated matters often need to be discussed, well, in complicated w ...
IMF Plots Role as World's Central Bank?
April 11, 2011
Can you hear the whispers coming out of the shadows? Over the past months, we have covered the IMF's increasing efforts to position itself as the world's future central bank and one-world currency issuer. We can see from the above article in Reuters - a chief m ...
Little Iceland Panics Big Banks
April 11, 2011
The Icelanders are at it again, irresponsible and unwilling to take up their burden. The wrath of the modern world shall surely be visited upon them. Yes, reluctantly, the Dutch and British must sue. If the verdict is not appropriately punitive and Iceland's ha ...
Morality and Freedom Again
April 11, 2011
Quite a few people, among them some who are pretty bright and thoughtful, hold that people have moral responsibilities, that these aren't mere preferences, and that a society that fails to accommodate this is flawed. For some who take morality seriously these r ...
Jesse Ventura on Government Cover-Ups . . . 9/11, the Reality of HAARP and Making Government Better
April 10, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jesse Ventura. Ventura is the former Independent Governor of Minnesota. He is also a former U.S. Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, movie actor, a visiting fellow at Harvard Kennedy School of Gover ...
Real Toll of Worldwide Regime Change
April 09, 2011
The unrest sweeping the world seems to be growing, and the Internet provides us with global updates cataloguing this powerful phenomenon. An article in All Africa.com "Uprising, Imperialism and Uncertainty," informs us that in addition to uprisings in Tunisia, ...
EU Dominos Tumble Toward Spain?
April 08, 2011
The question is whether Spain will proceed down this path. We recently reported on an analysis of a Telegraph article that argued Spain would avoid the fate of the "PIG" (Portugal, Ireland and Greece). The Guardian argues otherwise. First there is the economic ...
NATO and the US Quietly Winding Down Afghanistan?
April 08, 2011
This is a startling article as it seems to proclaim that after nearly a decade of irradiating Afghanistan and killing women, children and elders in order to "purge" Afghanistan of its 100 or so Al Qaeda, both NATO and the US Military-Industrial Complex have had ...
The Insidious Effects of Japan's Disaster
April 08, 2011
While the world's attention has been focused on the physical destruction wrought by the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the desperate attempts to contain the fallout from the shattered Fukushima Daiichi plant, and the daunting problems that Japan faces in rebu ...
Pakistan's Problem Is Britain?
April 07, 2011
The UK Telegraph is often a good read. But occasionally you run into stories such as this one by Ed West who is a young columnist for the paper. Just to make sure this column was not an aberration, we checked his archive. Sure enough it was littered with column ...
More Global Judicial Activism, As Hague Court Awaits Kenya Killers
April 07, 2011
Even as the violence afflicting the Ivory Coast gradually wends its way to the inevitable ouster of former president Laurent Gbagbo, there is yet another international drama being played out in Africa, where Kenya's has just sent mass killing suspects to the Ha ...
Impeach Bernanke! – An open letter to Congressman Ron Paul of Texas
April 07, 2011
Most people believe, and the media confirm them in that belief, that the Fed can legally create dollars 'out of the thin air' in any quantity, and can do with them as it pleases. This may well be the pipe dream of Dr. Bernanke who is quoted as saying that the U ...
EU Wants Own Bonds?
April 06, 2011
Not much of what is going in the EU is being reported in depth by Western mainstream media, especially not in America. Yet thanks to the Internet, the issues involved with the EU have likely never been clearer and the activism more organized. Hannan's increasin ...
Ivory Coast Violence May Not End With Ouster of Gbagbo
April 06, 2011
Have the French done it again? French President Nicolas Sarkozy (left) has taken France in a new and more bellicose direction recently, and the results may not be positive either for France or the countries it has helped attack. In Libya, France has helped crea ...
Will a Saudi Collapse Translate Into Soaring Gold and a Falling Dollar?
April 06, 2011
In my view, Sheikh Zaki Yamani's oil price prediction would be the least of our American problems resulting from a Saudi government collapse. The most important question facing the United States today is whether the freedom or color revolutions sweeping the Mid ...
Statism Vs. Labor & Persons
April 06, 2011
Under hard line statism, such as centrally planned socialism and absolute monarchy, everyone belongs to society - there are no individuals, no privacy, no private property, etc. Thus, for instance, in Marxism all vital property is collectively owned and adminis ...
EU's Unraveling Preps Global Currency?
April 05, 2011
The footsteps of a global currency grow louder? That's one way to look at this report from the Economist Intelligence Unit. We don't believe for one moment that after spending trillions on unification, reorienting Europe's entire politics toward support of the ...
Buy the 'PITS' for Big Profits!
April 05, 2011
The analysts at Goldman Sachs are always coming up with acronyms that receive worldwide play. (Imagine being introduced at cocktail parties as the person who came up with this or that globally recognized acronym. What an icebreaker.) Anyway, why should they hav ...
The Fed Undermines Foreign Policy
April 05, 2011
Last week I was both surprised and pleased when the Supreme Court upheld lower court decisions requiring the Federal Reserve Bank to comply with requests for information made by Bloomberg under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"). Bloomberg simply wanted to ...
Extortion in the Name of Science
April 05, 2011
While the country is going into more and more debt by the seconds, and while some even in Washington are beginning to be concerned – after all, their share of the loot taken from citizens year round and culminating on April 15th each year could shrink just as ...
Tax the Rich Before Society Explodes?
April 04, 2011
Gee, this is a blunt piece that Paul B. Farrell has written for MarketWatch. It is part of a larger theme on which he's elaborated in several columns, apparently. His perception is that the Super Rich (whoever they are) and the GOP are laboring under what he ca ...
The Psychopathology of Pop Hatred
April 04, 2011
One need only go on Youtube to be educated about the latest Anglo-American eruption of psychopathology, which is the almost insane hatred directed at "tween" pop stars. Of course the mainstream media has its own take. The reaction seems to be, generally, that i ...
Atlas Shrugged Part I, the Movie
April 04, 2011
I saw the movie Atlas Shrugged, Part I (to be released on April 15) and I liked it a lot, just as I did the book when I first read it in 1961 while serving in the US Air Force near Washington, DC. (The maiden ride of the John Galt Line was back then the most ri ...
Jim Rogers on the Dangers of Price Inflation, the Promise of Commodities and America's Continued Decline
April 03, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Jim Rogers. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund, and is creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI). A native of Demopolis, Alabama, Jim Rogers was entrepreneurial fr ...
Cultivating the New World Order
April 02, 2011
The conservative libertarian writer Paul Craig Roberts has posted an article, "The New Colonialism: Washington's Pursuit of World Hegemony" that has received much attention from the alternative-news blogosphere. In this article, I want to comment on the story f ...
Death by a Thousand Budget Cuts
April 01, 2011
The larger dominant social theme of the DC elites remains the same: "Governing demands compromise." John Boehner himself has become a kind of walking political metaphor for this sort of business-as-usual; and it's probably a trap he will not easily be able to g ...
Smart Grid: Edge of the Authoritarian Wedge
April 01, 2011
Smart Grid is surely a Trojan Horse for an Anglo-American power elite that is hell-bent on controlling people's lives and reducing or eliminating their freedom of choice whenever possible. It is another signature of the authoritarian state and its aggressive im ...
G20 Considers Global Currency
March 31, 2011
The outlines of the drive toward a global currency are becoming clearer in our view. We're continually surprised by how fast events are moving and how orchestrated they seem if you follow them closely. We've already reported on the International Monetary Funds' ...
Portugal Advised to Beg
March 31, 2011
So now we know, perhaps, what US President Barack Obama was REALLY doing in Brazil last week. Is it coincidence? President Obama jets down to Brazil to talk to its (formerly Communist) president and she soon announces (see article excerpt above) that Brazil is ...
Is the Stock Market a Screaming Buy?
March 30, 2011
There are times in men's lives that provide enormous opportunity for the bold. This is one of them. Buy stocks now. Buy blue chips and not-so-blue chips. Buy. Buy more. Borrow and buy. But buy. Buy, Buy Buy!Is this really the case? Are stocks really a screaming ...
Darkness of the Royal Wedding
March 30, 2011
One watches the buildup and shudders. By the time this wedding is over, people will feel more strongly about Prince William and Kate Middleton than they do about members of their own family. The coverage is just as intense as when Princess Diana married Prince ...
Is Soros's One World Currency a Leftist Plot?
March 29, 2011
We'd realized last week (tipped off by a considerate feedbacker) just what George Soros was up to; but before we had a chance to write about it the Wall Street Journal blew the story open last night by picking up a Media Research Center article by Dan Gainor en ...
Pax Westphalia Dies, Middle East Writhes
March 29, 2011
When the Anglo-American elites do something big (like destabilizing the entire Middle East with CIA-supported "youth movements") it is often necessary to follow along for a while to figure out what's really going on. Eventually the elites themselves may clue yo ...
Constitutional Problems with the Libyan War
March 29, 2011
Last week the Obama Administration took the United States to war against Libya without bothering to notify Congress, much less obtain a Constitutionally-mandated declaration of war. In the midst of our severe economic downturn, this misadventure has already cos ...
Krugman, Academic Freedom & Phony Whining
March 29, 2011
In his column of March 28, 2011, Paul Krugman whines a good deal about how Republicans in Wisconsin are targeting scholars who may not like their opposition to public service union profligacy. No doubt, in these battles all sides can go overboard but let's just ...
Price Inflation Strikes South America, Too, IMF Warns
March 28, 2011
Thumpety thump thump. The sound of price inflation on the march. The IMF is worried about it; but the IMF's expressions of concern (see article excerpt above) put us in mind of the famous Lewis Carroll poem, The Walrus and The Carpenter. Both of them pretend to ...
War Thy Name is David Cameron
March 28, 2011
Oh, boy. This article in the Telegraph attempts to argue that war is actually a form of political conversation. It has not-so-artfully reversed the reality of war so that the act of violence and murder somehow becomes an expression of redemption for David Camer ...
Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the Impracticality of One-World Government and the Failure of Western-style Democracy
March 27, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe. Dr. Hoppe, born in 1949 in Peine, West Germany, studied philosophy, sociology, economics, history and statistics at the University of the Saarland, in Saarbruecken, the Joh ...
Carbon Exchange Blossoms in Kenya … Say What?
March 26, 2011
We've written a good deal about how elite promotions stumble forward in the era of the Internet, even if they've been discredited. Global warming is surely one of the best examples of this. We've also written about how the powers-that-be may intend for Africa t ...
A Sample of Government-at-Work
March 26, 2011
Where I live there's no mail delivery. All USPS mail has to be picked up at the post office. And at the post office the address is, well, a P.O. Box with its number. If one sends a piece of mail to the house address, the zip code must contain the post office bo ...
The Struggle to Control the Internet
March 25, 2011
Two recent news stories regarding government funding of the Internet have caught the attention of the blogosphere recently. The first has to do with a grant that the US is giving to the BBC (see above article excerpt) and the second involves a plea made by US S ...
The Anglosphere Counterattacks With Elite Icons
March 25, 2011
Sometimes when one looks for emergent power elite dominant social themes they are ridiculously easy to spot. One of the most obvious, though least discussed memes of the elite, is the presentation of powerful and talented people who are backers (or part) of the ...
EU Bust-Up Seems Closer As Portuguese Default Looms
March 24, 2011
The footsteps just got louder. The break-up of the EU as it is currently constituted, is coming closer in our view, as we can see from the latest bad news involving Portugal and its potential insolvency (see article excerpt above). For us, the continued unravel ...
US Task Force Brings New Pressure to Settle With the Taliban
March 24, 2011
The New York Times and a high-level US task force (see article excerpt above) released statements yesterday (the Times actually ran an editorial) calling for a negotiated solution to the Afghanistan war. As recently reported in these modest pages, the calls com ...
The Treasury Auction Shell Game
March 24, 2011
Very few people have either the time or patience to sift through the data released by the Treasury Department in the wake of its bond auctions. But the numbers do provide direct evidence of the country's current financial condition that in many ways mirror a fi ...
The Proper Promotion of Liberty
March 24, 2011
The policy of imposing liberal regimes around the globe has proven to be a disaster and no wonder. It is simply not feasible to coerce people to be free - the idea is an oxymoron. It doesn't follow, however, that countries that are largely committed, even if on ...
EU, Troubled Titan
March 23, 2011
Germany is the largest and most powerful EU state, but the German leadership seems unwilling to subordinate German self-interest to the larger dictates of the Eurozone. Unless Germany agrees to be treated like all the rest (especially the smaller states) - and ...
Bonds and BALCO … Again
March 23, 2011
Who knows how much the eight-year investigation into whether or not Barry Bonds knowingly ingested steroids has cost? Surely millions, perhaps tens of millions. In an article yesterday, we discussed the institutionalized insanity of the Anglo-American "war on d ...
US Kill Teams Target Afghan Civilians as Trophies
March 22, 2011
The longer these wars continue, the worse it gets. Young men, taught to kill with industrial efficiency (itself an unnatural act) may eventually exhibit psychopathologies that come with the ongoing pressures of "winning hearts and minds." In truth, there is ver ...
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