STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1401 - of
Surprise! Britain Discovers the War on Drugs Doesn't Work
March 22, 2011
Bankruptcy has a way of concentrating minds, and Britain is near bankruptcy. The pound is not a reserve currency, so British elites cannot print endless amounts of notes/pounds secure in the knowledge that the world will be forced to absorb them for energy-purc ...
Fed and Inflation
March 22, 2011
Last week, the subcommittee which I chair held a hearing on monetary policy and rising prices. Whether we consider food, gasoline, or clothing, the cost of living is increasing significantly. True inflation is defined as an increase in the money supply. All oth ...
Quick Response Puts Yen on the Line
March 22, 2011
One of the immediate financial consequences of the catastrophic Japanese earthquake is that Japan needs to call on its huge cache of foreign exchange reserves to rebuild its shattered infrastructure. To pay for domestic projects, Japan will require yen – not ...
The Fed Feels So Good
March 21, 2011
The Bloomberg article wants us to believe that employment is rising, inflation is better than deflation and the Fed as an institution will know exactly when to withdraw all the extra currency sloshing around in the system. But the central unfairness that has to ...
Women Are Better Warriors
March 21, 2011
A fundamental dominant social theme of the Anglo-American power elite so far as we can tell has to do with he innate superiority of the female sex. This is a touchy subject for both men and women, but it seems to be true - and we have written about the issue in ...
Bill Bonner on the Failing US Bond Market, the Coming Hyperinflation and the End of the Dollar Reserve System
March 20, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present another exclusive interview with Bill Bonner. Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bonner has found success and garnered camaraderie in numerous communities and industries. A man of many talents, his entrepreneurial savvy ...
Another Obama War
March 20, 2011
Following the US-lobbied UN authorization of military murder in Libya, the death-dealing regime of Colonel Gaddafi said immediately that it would stop all killing. That put Obama's war on hold, for a little while. The crazy Colonel has learned a thing or two ab ...
Libya, The Good War?
March 19, 2011
In this article, I'll return to the point I made previously, not only in these pages but during one of my interviews with Russia Today on the topic: For one reason or another the Anglo-American elite wants regime change throughout the Middle East, and elsewhere ...
A Crucial Constitutional Fact
March 19, 2011
In my efforts to defend the free society and its basic principles, the idea of natural individual human rights, I run across the objection – advance by both conservatives and "liberals" – that once a constitution has been accepted, it overrides those princi ...
The Anglo-American Gaddafi Deception
March 19, 2011
One has needed a score card to keep up with the twists and turns of the situation in Libya and what will follow over the weekend is still unclear. My point is while we wish the people of Libya and their color revolution victory over crazy Gaddafi, they have lik ...
Silent Coup: EU Takes Over Europe?
March 18, 2011
The EU took over Europe the other day. Did you read about it? Perhaps you know erstwhile that Lady Gaga has a brand new single out about gender tolerance, though the video itself is chockfull of Illuminati symbolism and sado-masochist violence. And, oh, yes, by ...
Green Shoots of Price Inflation
March 18, 2011
In an article entitled "Ben and Barry's Inflation Problem" we pointed out the inevitability of price inflation in America and that it might well upset Barack Obama's plans for a second term. We indicated that we thought price inflation was likely sooner rather ...
Self-Debasement is Wrong
March 18, 2011
As a child and teen I had been very seriously abused, especially while in my father's "care". He had in mind to make me into a clone, forced me to do athletics relentlessly and when he detected any resistance on my part, beat me mercilessly. None of this result ...
Ben and Barry's Inflation Problem
March 17, 2011
Ben Bernanke's monetary stimulation has been pervasive and ongoing; it has also been historically massive. Never before has a central bank dumped US$20-$50 trillion into the marketplace within a two year time-span as the Fed under Bernanke seems to have done. A ...
Do Western Elites Really Care About Fukushima?
March 17, 2011
Japan has called in the cavalry. Having struggled with the failing nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan has requested US aid and the US has responded with a panoply of high-tech solutions. Sometime today, apparently, drones will soar over Fukushima in an attemp ...
Monetary Lunatics: Is QE3 Ahead?
March 17, 2011
Austrian School economists have often explained the business cycle using the metaphor of liquor or drugs. The expansion of paper money and credit gives a sense of exuberance, an economic high that leads to excessive risk-taking and ballooning production. But it ...
On Irrevocable Punishments
March 17, 2011
My idea is somewhat unusual in that I do not argue against the death penalty as a cruel and unusual type of punishment, nor do I claim that the death penalty is barbaric or demeans members of societies in which it is practiced. There certainly are people who do ...
Ireland Hammered to Raise Corporate Tax
March 16, 2011
"This can't stay like this," says German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, speaking of Ireland's fairly low 12.5-percent corporate rate. According to Agency France Press (see article excerpt above) Schaeuble claimed that US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithne ...
Desperate Cult of Technology
March 16, 2011
Yesterday we wrote about the predilection of the Anglo-American power elite to make life as complicated and mysterious as possible. Whether it is automobiles, power plants or even "home entertainment systems" almost nothing is immune from the urge to elaborate, ...
Europe's Coming Meltdown
March 15, 2011
The just-completed deal between North and South Europe (between Germany and the PIGS, really) is apparently almost entirely one-sided and bound to inflame not diminish civil unrest as spring begins to bloom across Europe. The lines of battle are not hardening; ...
End of Nuclear Power?
March 15, 2011
Yesterday we provided something of an update on Green technology, which in some instances is not proving anymore successful in the 21st century than it did in the 1970s. We concluded by suggesting that the Green movement was more about centralizing power and co ...
No-Fly Won't Fly Constitutionally
March 15, 2011
Last week we once again heard numerous voices calling for intervention in Libya. Most say the US should establish a "no-fly" zone over Libya, pretending that it is a benign, virtually cost-free action, and the least we could do to assist those trying to oust th ...
Practicing the Principles of Non-Intervention – At Home and Abroad
March 15, 2011
Events in other parts of the world, such as the civil war in Libya, and the revolutions and mass public demonstrations against various tyrannical and autocratic governments in several countries in the Middle East, have aroused a deep sympathy among the American ...
Japan: The Tipping Point
March 14, 2011
All economies are similar in the age of central banking. When confronted with disasters, economic or otherwise, the first instinct is to print money (see article excerpt above). Many things in life are uncertain, but central banking is not one of them. Central ...
Why Green Is Blue
March 14, 2011
The 2000s are like the 1970s in so many ways. Then, too, Green businesses were touted as up-and-coming. There were so many "can't miss" businesses and the Carter administration funded a good many of them. But then the long recession came in and Ronald Reagan wa ...
Tom Harpur on Bible Mythology and Why He says Jesus Christ Never Lived Historically
March 13, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Tom Harpur. Mr. Harpur, born in 1929, is a Canadian author, broadcaster, columnist and theologian. An ordained priest, he is a proponent of the Christ myth theory, the idea that Jesus did not exis ...
Mid-East Conflict Not Exactly About Oil
March 12, 2011
To say as many commentators do, that the color revolutions in the Mid-East and North Africa is about oil to miss the point. Well not exactly. Oil is an important part of the equation in so far as it relates to the greater agenda of the Western power elite to cr ...
A Middle East Warning: American-Style Democracy Isn't the Answer
March 12, 2011
The entire world except for government leaders and politicians are thrilled with the revolutionary spirit moving through the Middle East. The leaders of authoritarian regimes from Tunisia to Egypt have fallen and the rest are threatened in every nation in the r ...
What Western Elites?
March 12, 2011
Some avid supporters of the free market write a great deal about Western Elites who, among other things, want to impose democracy on the Middle East and are bent on controlling the world's financial institutions and doings. Since no person or institution is na ...
Why Not a Global Currency?
March 11, 2011
So much of the world's economy is in flux these days. The Middle East suffers from serial color revolutions. In Europe, the euro is faltering because of the Sovereign debt crisis. Despite comforting predictions from the Obama administration, America remains mir ...
Peter King's Terror Hearings Take Over
March 11, 2011
Yesterday's hearing on radicalization of Muslim Americans brings up a larger perspective regarding what is going on in America and a close look into Western-style democracy. The incessant harping on "terrorist Islam" as presented in these US congressional heari ...
Geithner Expresses Confidence in EU Measures
March 10, 2011
Timothy Geithner seems confident that the EU will resolve the current sovereign debt crisis but we wonder if this confidence is misplaced. The Anglo-American power elite is struggling on many fronts these days as it apparently strives more energetically than ev ...
The Truth About Archeology
March 10, 2011
One of the great things about the Egyptian revolution – other than the removal of the Mubarak regime itself – is the end of Zahi Hawass' tenure as Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. In the last decade anyway and maybe for longer no pro ...
Lyndon Johnson's Great Society: A Free Market Critique
March 10, 2011
This paternalistic legacy of the Great Society era remains with us today. Indeed, it is at the center of the political and social controversies enveloping American debate and conflict about the future direction of the country. Many, if not most, of the supposed ...
Revisiting Public Service Labor Unions
March 10, 2011
When one criticizes public service unions this doesn't imply at all that one is critical of labor unions per se. Because public service is mostly monopolistic - only one first class postal service, only one Medicaid, only one DMV and road system, only one schoo ...
The Unspontaneous Libyan Revolution
March 09, 2011
The United States and its allies do not want to get involved outright in Libyan warfare, or so we are told, but as we can see from the above article excerpt, the administration has plans for Colonel Qaddafi. Of course, if we peer beneath the surface, we find th ...
Break Up Wall Street?
March 09, 2011
We have noted of late the emergence of a particularly ubiquitous power elite dominant social theme: It's Wall Street's (Big Finance's) fault. This is an extraordinarily important promotion because it is intended to spare central banks from scrutiny and deflect ...
ECB Hikes Rates, Crushes Spain?
March 08, 2011
We wonder how long all this is going to last. It seems that Europe is headed toward some sort of crisis, mostly brought on by the impossibility of resolving the North/South divide. It is simply impossible to have a single central bank and a single currency for ...
Australia to Introduce Carbon Tax
March 08, 2011
Australia is apparently going to be the first or one of the first countries to put a tax on "carbon." The idea that carbon dioxide, an essential building block of life, has been subject to powerful demonization by the Anglo-American power elite is testimony to ...
Buying Friends Creates More Enemies
March 08, 2011
Last week Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and I had the opportunity to raise some of my concerns regarding US foreign policy and the costs of our interventionism around the world. Many observers claim tha ...
Censorship or Editorial Judgment?
March 08, 2011
The term "censorship" has apparently been quite corrupted. Watching a recent prime time broadcast of a number of recent Saturday Night Live shows I noticed now often those who discuss the program kept referring to the NBC quality control folks as "censors." As ...
Dhimmitude of General Petraeus
March 07, 2011
This article appearing in tells us some astonishing things about General David Petraeus. A week ago, he suggested publicly that Afghanistan parents were burning their children to exaggerate injuries they'd received at the hands of allied troops. He ...
Newsweek's Hillary Problem
March 07, 2011
Tina Brown, the much feted editor of Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, Talk magazine and The Daily Beast has finally issued the first all-new edition of Newsweek. The revamped magazine - which was bleeding millions before Brown was brought in to salvage it - looks a ...
Ingo Bischoff on Real Bills and Why They Are Not Inflationary
March 06, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ingo Bischoff. Ingo is the president of the San Francisco School of Economics, a California non-profit corporation. He did his undergraduate work in Physics, Chemistry and Business Science and his ...
Why Even the Best PR Is Failing the Elites
March 05, 2011
Questionable regimes often use PR companies both to improve their image in general - and following specific incidents. Is there any way for us to know truth from spin? This question takes on more urgency given what's going on in the Middle East, and efforts of ...
Free Speech Is a Basic Human Right
March 05, 2011
The New York Times reported recently that "John Galliano, the talented and troubled designer who was fired by the fashion house Christian Dior for making anti-Semitic remarks in a drunken rant at a bar, will be put on trial for the offenses, the Paris prosecuto ...
Bail Out Europe's Banks?
March 04, 2011
The German magazine Der Spiegel has turned to an American economist to bang the drums for further bank reliquification (see article excerpt above). Obviously the US$50 trillion that Western powers have apparently dropped into the world's economy has not done th ...
Watch Out, Africa … The World Bank Has a 'Plan'
March 04, 2011
It is truly astonishing that in the 21st century the World bank – which has inflicted ruin on nation-states across the globe – can confidently propose a pan-continental plan (see excerpt above) for one of the world's largest and most diverse regions – Afr ...
Will Euro Failure Usher in World Currency?
March 03, 2011
The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has published one of his usual insightful analyses on the upcoming difficulties the Irish will face in renegotiating debt payments to prop up failing Irish banks (see article excerpt above). Irish bank bonds are held by G ...
Is the Anglosphere Driving Militant Islam?
March 03, 2011
The assassination of the Christian Minister for Minorities in Pakistan, Shahbaz Bhatti is a tragedy on a number of levels. The mainstream media has explained the tragedy rather well (see excerpt above) emphasizing the horrors or intolerance and Islamic fundamen ...
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