EDITORIAL Showing 1551 - of
Confessions of a Refi Junkie
January 20, 2011
No, I am not actually a junkie of any sort but I sometimes feel like it when I reflect upon my history of borrowing funds against the estimated value of my home. You see, I have been trying to encourage my and my children's various endeavors, just as many other ...
'Dreamtime' Rolls Along
January 19, 2011
In this article we want to rehearse once again what has emerged on the Internet - via the blogosphere - regarding the dominant social themes of the power elite. It turns out that much of what people learned in school and from the media was a kind of fiction, a ...
The Tea Party is Process, Not an Episode
January 19, 2011
Senator Scott Brown soared like a comet in the US political firmament. He was the unexpected Republican victor in a contest for the "Kennedy" set in Massachusetts after famous Senator Ted Kennedy passed on due to a brain tumor. At the time, his victory was attr ...
There Is No Business Like Bond Business
January 19, 2011
For some nine years I have been predicting that the economy is going to a recession morphing into a depression, using a purely theoretical argument. The essence of my argument is that the open market operations of the Fed cause a protracted decline in interest ...
End of Euro? … Ireland Prints Own Notes
January 18, 2011
Was this the week the euro gave up the ghost and the EU threw in the proverbial towel? Analyzing the Anglosphere's dominant social themes is not an easy avocation and one looks for documentable breakthroughs. We have been fortunate to find several during the ti ...
Western Elites Secretly Still Building Islam?
January 18, 2011
Is the war on terror a success? The Anglo-American elite needs an enemy if the authoritarianism that is rising in the West is to continue - because despotism (and globalism) is more easily created when there is an outside enemy. But fighting against 100 Al Qaed ...
On Gun Control and Violence
January 18, 2011
The terrible violence in Arizona last weekend prompted much national discussion on many issues. All Americans are united in their sympathies for the victims and their families. All wonder what could motivate such a horrible act. However, some have attempted to ...
Stupid Wager or Clever Prestidigitation?
January 18, 2011
"Heads – you win; tails – I lose." Such is the message the Fed sends to bond speculators. But why would the Fed offer such a stupid wager? Read on. The Fed is trying to bribe bond speculators with risk-free profits. That's how the Treasury/Fed check-kiting ...
Shock – Big Media Fault Elite Finance
January 17, 2011
Usually we present an article in the mainstream media that confirms a dominant social theme of the power elite, but in this case, we've chosen one (see excerpt above) that is not supportive of elite promotions. In fact, the article focuses on author Richard Dun ...
Tunisia Anarchy Meme
January 17, 2011
The narrative Tunisian "Jasmine" revolution has been unfolding predictably from the Anglo-American perspective. A corrupt dictator has been chased to Saudi Arabia and the "authorities" are huddled together to try to set up a government that will deliver the app ...
Krugman's Incoherent Moral Stance
January 17, 2011
Finally Paul Krugman, Princeton University Nobel Laureate in economic science and columnist for The New York Times, has come clean about his "moral" position (TNYT, January 14, 2011). He has admitted that he doesn't believe that when you earn something, you own ...
Ellen Brown on the Efficiencies of the State and the Progress of Her Public Banking Vision
January 16, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview by Ellen Brown (left). Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she turns those skills to an analysis of the ...
Perpetual War for Perpetual Employment?
January 15, 2011
Here at the Daily Bell, we remain convinced that America's serial wars have continually deepened that great country's economic crisis. And this gives rise to a peculiar dilemma that we don't usually point out, but which will be the purpose of this article. It m ...
Central Banking Tsunami
January 14, 2011
Very interesting. The economy will grow by three to four percent in 2011, according to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, but unemployment will remain. Meanwhile, according to Bernanke, the horrid spectre of deflation has been averted for the moment. Finall ...
The New Feudalism
January 14, 2011
A new feudalism is being born. It is a quite deliberate effort of the power elite in our view, but people don't notice it - or haven't verbalized it - because it is difficult to analyze something when one is in the middle of it. But the feudal evolution is sure ...
The China Dilemma
January 13, 2011
In a problematic global economy, China is being cast as the ultimate Asian Tiger. It is seen as challenging America from a military standpoint and even, eventually, of challenging the dollar's tottering role as the world's reserve currency. China is not doing m ...
US Pouring Billions Into Failed Afghan Projects
January 13, 2011
What is going on in Afghanistan is increasingly unsupportable. Populations and countries have their own tendencies; ultimately they revert to them. Attempting to Westernize Afghanistan, an ancient, tribal society, at the point of a gun is likely a fool's errand ...
An Extremist and Proud of It
January 13, 2011
Yes, I am that for sure, an extremist. I am totally against taxes, consider them extortion. I think all government regulations are vile, cases of prior restraint and thus unjust. I think a government has only the function assigned to it in the Declaration of In ...
Failing Elite Food Gambit?
January 12, 2011
We have written about how various globalist entities are seeking more authority over the world's food supply. In a recent editorial in the Financial Times, World Bank president Robert Zoellick made the case that the G20 and the World Bank – together – ought ...
Gun Confiscation Frustration
January 12, 2011
For years, the Anglo-American power elite in our view has been trying to disarm America without success. The elite has tried to ban guns slowly; it has tried to ban guns fast. It has offered up, through channels, various interpretations of the US Constitution t ...
Gold and Honey
January 12, 2011
Open letter to Thomas Hoenig, President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Dear President Hoenig, On January 5, 2011, you were quoted on ABC NEWS as saying that "the gold standard is a very legitimate monetary system". The quotation went on: "We are not goin ...
It's a Massacre, Stupid
January 12, 2011
What happened in Tucson, AZ, was a massacre and not a tragedy. Perhaps some view this a pedantic detail but it isn't - words do have meaning and a tragedy, as anyone familiar with ancient Greek literature or a bit of Shakespeare will testify, takes place when b ...
Big New Book Treads Old Economic Memes
January 11, 2011
Dambisa Moyo first book, Dead Aid, was certainly impressive. Moyo, a woman of color with a distinguished background, was not afraid to explain how Western aid was hurting impoverished countries. Coming from such a person, the accusations carried weight, and man ...
Mnookin: Jail for Wakefield?
January 11, 2011
We wanted to pull away from covering the current vaccine controversy, but Time magazine has published a truly remarkable interview with Seth Mnookin, author of the Panic Virus. We want to analyze the interview because we believe it sheds a bright light on the s ...
Toward Sensible Monetary Policy
January 11, 2011
Last week the 112th Congress was sworn in. I am pleased that I will be chairing the Monetary Policy Subcommittee of the Financial Services Committee, which has oversight of the Federal Reserve. Obviously, this position will facilitate my efforts to ensure the F ...
Elite 'Cult of the Expert' Erodes
January 10, 2011
In this article, we want to examine the dominant social theme of "expertise." This meme is much in the news these days because the Internet itself is making the elite's promotion of the "expert" increasingly untenable. Whether it is vaccinations (see other arti ...
Elite's Frustration With Meme Nullification
January 10, 2011
We watch and analyze the memes of the elite with considerable fascination. This last week brought us what we consider to be two dominant social themes that are very close to the collective heart of the elite. One was simply infuriating and the other was tragic. ...
What's the Matter With Money?
January 10, 2011
There is nothing new about all the badmouthing of money we witness so often in our culture and political environment. Not only do we find many of the literati railing against money, even while some of them eagerly urge their agents to negotiate hefty deals for ...
Peter Schiff on Why the American Economy Is Broken and What to Do About It
January 09, 2011
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview by Peter Schiff. Peter is CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, a full-service registered broker/dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, which specializes in foreign securities. He is recognized for his knowledge of the for ...
Smart Grid and EVs Add to Surveillance Society – but We Don't Have To
January 08, 2011
Here at the Bell, we're not high on electrical cars. And the world's auto execs agree. In the website, "The Truth About Cars" we find the following lugubrious statement, "The majority of car makers the world over think that for the next five years, electric car ...
Brussels' Bogus Bank Regulations
January 07, 2011
Another day, another meme. This is one of the older ones and its reoccurrence shows us more clearly than ever that elite propaganda is neither innovative nor complex. This latest eruption from the EU, then, is no surprise. Just yesterday in an article entitled ...
Wakefield Accused of Further Vaccine Fraud
January 07, 2011
Dr. Wakefield's journey into medical purgatory continues. He initially co-authored a study back in 1998 that suggested that a link between autism and vaccines deserved further study. Since then his views have hardened. He has been outspoken about the dangers of ...
Somerset Maugham & I
January 07, 2011
My most enjoyable and rewarding reading time has been with W. Somerset Maugham. Even the works that annoy me are a pleasure to read, not to mention the many very entertaining books, short stories and essays he has penned that are dear to me. What it is about M ...
Necessity of the Plutocracy?
January 06, 2011
This perspective entirely conforms to the goals of the Anglo-American elite that wants to impress on Western middle classes internationalist inevitabilities. Freeland tries to treat the resurgence of banking wealth as an inevitability as well, but she is being ...
World Bank to Manage Food Supplies?
January 06, 2011
This editorial that just appeared in the Financial Times by World Bank president Robert Zoellick makes the case that the G20 ought to do more to ensure that people around the world do not suffer from food insecurity. It is actually a perfect example of an elite ...
How to Use the Constitution
January 06, 2011
Many in the just seated House of Representatives have been clamoring for a return to the Constitution. This is what appears to underlie to planned challenge to Obama care, the massive piece of legislation that President Obama has been eager to make a part of th ...
Goldman Circumvents the Rules
January 05, 2011
Once upon a time, long ago, God created the earth and a little later American regulators created the "public company." They did this simply by asserting that a private company could have no more than 499 investors and investment pools (hedge funds and the like) ...
In Defense of the Insane Clown Posse
January 05, 2011
The mainstream American media – which lies for a living – had finally found an incident that definitively proved its superiority. The media, in aggregate, was a good smarter than two high-school-dropout rapper-artists that perform like minstrels-of-old in f ...
Recipe for a Successful 2011
January 05, 2011
The year 2011 brings in a host of opportunities and challenges to America. Will we accelerate toward economic insolvency by continuing the policies that have created this crisis, or will a new Congress elected on the energy of the Tea Party movement find the co ...
Elite on a Tightrope
January 04, 2011
In this article, we hope to show that where the US – and Europe, too – are headed has nothing much to do with business-as-usual. This is a dangerous time. The elite is unfathomably powerful yet; its injuries will make it angry. We will explore why the elite ...
Manning-Wired Controversy Heats Up
January 04, 2011
What to do with Glenn Greenwald? This openly gay columnist for Salon may be the most gutsy mainstream reporter in America, and he's in the middle of another battle – questioning Wired magazine reporters over why they will not release the transcripts they have ...
Forever Stamps Tell Us Much
January 04, 2011
The United States Postal Service announced this week that all future first class postage stamps sold will be the so-called "forever stamps" that have no face value but are guaranteed to cover the cost of mailing a first class letter, regardless of how high that ...
Reexamining Democracy
January 04, 2011
Over the last several decades of American political life the idea of liberty has taken a back seat to that of democracy. Liberty involves human beings governing themselves, being sovereign citizens, while democracy is a method by which decisions are reached wit ...
The World Is Poorer Still
January 03, 2011
The United States can print more than other countries in the world because the dollar is the world's reserve currency. After World War II, when the world was shattered, the Anglo-American axis used its predominate power to set up the current global monetary sys ...
Desperation of US Government Workers
January 03, 2011
As the Greater Recession continues to unroll across America, the issue of public service comes into sharper focus. In fact, public service in the United States is far more a reported phenomenon than an observable one. In New York for instance, the cult of the p ...
Shawn Perger on Crisis Cycle Investing, the Promise of Silver and the Internet's New Narrative
January 02, 2011
Free-market thinking – as you use the term at the Bell – is most important. Understanding the Austrian investing techniques it's based on is critical to successful investing. We've done our reading and thinking on the subject. I'm aware in fact that the Bel ...
Column on a Fruitful Idea About Morality
January 01, 2011
As someone who often teaches the topic of ethics or morality in colleges and universities, I have noticed that most of my beginning students entertain conflicting positions about the subject. They see it either as a one-size-fits-all system of guidelines, where ...
Ineffectiveness of Banking Accords
December 31, 2010
Regulation is inevitably presented as a necessary good in Western jurisprudence. One who contravenes regulations is a lawbreaker and there a variety of remedies available to the state. Unfortunately, the idea behind regulation does not seem to be based on econo ...
Banning Herbs for Health
December 31, 2010
Codex Alimentarius-type legislation continues to grind ahead. The net result of this worldwide health initiative will be to regulate and license all products that have anything to do with health and nutrition. The upcoming ban on herbal remedies in Europe is ju ...
Central Bankers Warn of Asset Bubbles
December 30, 2010
The Bell recently analyzed "Inflation Heard Round the World" - and now an article (excerpted above) provides us with similar concerns voiced by central bankers themselves. Swedish central bank head Stefan Ingves is so concerned about asset bubbles that he has b ...
Showing 1551 - of – Newest on Top
