STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1651 - of
Assange, Hero or Trickster?
December 06, 2010
Here at the Bell, we continue to cover the ever-growing story of Julian Assange and to ponder whether or not the entire affair is something of an elite promotion. Every day, there is something new, and this has all sorts of financial and sociopolitical ramifica ...
Attack of the EVs
December 06, 2010
We were not going to return to the subject of electric vehicles for a while, having just written about them. But elite promotional efforts surrounding electric cars are so egregious at this point that our elves simply couldn't let go - especially as the Nissan ...
Leak Embarrassments
December 06, 2010
My newspaper carried the AP headline the other day, "U.S. cuts access to files after leak embarrassment," and the body of the article reports that Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks is now on a most wanted list in Europe. I do not have the time or even th ...
Ron Holland on Resisting the NWO and Restoring the American Dream
December 05, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Ron Holland. Mr. Holland is the author of three books, numerous special reports and hundreds of articles on investment and political topics, many of which focus on the interplay between politics a ...
One Swallow
December 04, 2010
Those who have paid a bit of attention to my writings on public policy probably know that I have always been an opponent of preemptive petty tyrannies of government regulations, the sort that force people to follow certain standards of professional conduct, inc ...
Will the Market Do What Western Leaders Cannot?
December 04, 2010
It's a sign of the times. President Barack Obama's ballyhooed fiscal commission on Friday failed to come up with a plan to curb the US budget deficit. For close to a year, the panel has been laboring on US$4 trillion in cuts that would take place, approximately ...
Radical Muslims Aren't Alone
December 04, 2010
So it turns out that contrary to widespread impression, the American government is just as willing to step all over people's right to free expressions as are governments in what are deemed more tyrannical countries. News has it that the Washington based Smithso ...
The Chaos of Nation States
December 03, 2010
Is the Anglosphere losing control on purpose or despite itself? The ratcheting chaos is not in fact restricted to the West. There are problems across the globe, from South America (Venezuela) to Afghanistan, Africa and of course the Koreas where a succession dr ...
Costly Promotions of the Military
December 03, 2010
Big Science is beyond promotions, correct? We don't believe so. We think in this era of economic difficulty that those running Big Science projects are increasingly desperate. Recent announcements tell the tale. First there was the announcement that scientists ...
It's an Anglo-American World
December 02, 2010
We will use this article excerpted above to reinforce our arguments about the validity of the Anglo-American elite and where the nexus of power lies. The article attempts to downplay American involvement in bailing out Europe, and that is as it should be. The F ...
WikiLeaks Copies 16th Century Amsterdam
December 02, 2010
The UK Telegraph has caught onto the idea that there are parallels between what has come before and what is happening today. Specifically, WikiLeaks is a form of pamphleteering and we can see its antecedents in Amsterdam. There is a whiff, therefore, in this ar ...
Too Politicized to Fail!
December 02, 2010
It may now be assumed that the only people allowed to fail in the world are athletes and some gamblers. Businesses are not. In Ireland, for instance, banks made bad loans and thus lost a lot of dough but no, they were not allowed to go under by the government ...
Europe Falls Toward Enlightenment?
December 01, 2010
Let us take stock – as WikiLeaks surges around us, as great events gather momentum and hurtle toward us, or away. Events, in fact, that are occurring both quickly and furiously. Embarrassing emails about the world's greatest powers circulate the globe. Delega ...
Hiss of a Smart Grid
December 01, 2010
Like the honeyed hiss of a serpent, the article (excerpted above) gives little clue to its deadly nature. One would never know from its tiny existence what is planned. But read closely and you will see, for an instant, the ghostly, gleaming fangs of ... Smart G ...
CUT, Don't Freeze Federal Employee Pay
December 01, 2010
While bankrupt over indebted governments everywhere from Russia and the United Kingdom to Ireland move to cut the number of government employees and reduce salaries, America the leading debt basket case of the world just might freeze salaries for a couple of ye ...
WikiLeaks to Take on Private Sector?
November 30, 2010
We really want to give Julian Assange the benefit of the doubt. We want him to be heroic, someone who is singlehandedly turning around the authoritarian trend that is sweeping the world. We believe he could be the courageous man he seems to be. But here at the ...
Hedge Fund Predicts China Disaster
November 30, 2010
The same day we published yet another (much disputed) article about China's raging inflation, we read this in the Telegraph (see article excerpt above). We agree with much that the Hart is suggesting, and we have mentioned a lot of it. What comes across clearly ...
Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling!
November 30, 2010
As of November 7th, the total U.S. public debt outstanding reached an astonishing $13.7 trillion. This means that although Congress just raised the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion back in February, the new Congress will face another debt ceiling vote almost imme ...
The Road to Fascism
November 30, 2010
The usual beef among those who dislike trends in this country's economic policies is that we will soon have a socialist system. And it does appear that with more and more economic issues coming under government supervision and outright control, socialism is the ...
Inflation Bell Tolling for China?
November 29, 2010
Working with elves is not like working with humans. They tend to be scatterbrained and imprecise – financial analysis being a good deal different than toy making. So why is it we ask, that only a few "big uns" as the gnomes call us, a bunch of Swiss shorties ...
WikiLeaks: Clever PsyOps?
November 29, 2010
Is Julian Assange the rebel-with-a-cause that he makes himself out to be? We gave him the benefit of the doubt for months, and still do, but with less and less certainty. We don't remember when our suspicions became more pronounced, but (credit where credit is ...
What's so Bad About Exceptionalism?
November 29, 2010
There is nothing amiss with exceptionalism, never mind the slurs against it by the likes of NYU Law Professor Ronald Dworkin (in The New York Review of Books). To regard the United States of America as a country that's exceptional – meaning the likes of which ...
Dr. Mark Skousen's Five Questions for President Obama and How Free-Market Thinking Can Build a Better Future
November 28, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with the distinguished free-market scholar and economist Dr. Mark Skousen. Dr. Skousen taught economics at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business in 2004. In 2001- 02, he was president of th ...
Are There Still Differences Between the Great Powers?
November 27, 2010
Vladimir Putin makes a currency swap deal with China and then heads to Germany to propose a vast, continent-wide European union. It is inevitable, he says. It is aimed at marginalizing the US dollar and giving the world a choice of what kind of currency to use. ...
Do We Have a Moral Nature?
November 27, 2010
It is often held, by admirers of modern science (which took off around about the 15th century) that if human beings are parts of nature, there can be no room for morality in their lives. They are then simply complicated machines working as they must, with no po ...
The Insider Trading Promotion
November 26, 2010
The criminalization of communication continues apace. More "insider traders" are about to feel the full brunt of US justice. It is kind of sickening, actually, to watch it play out, given what the US government chooses NOT to prosecute or even investigate. And ...
Speaking Truth to Euro-Power
November 26, 2010
We don't want to make too big a fuss about this because it is usually very hard to pinpoint a speech that will serve as history's fulcrum. We do believe, nonetheless, this could be one - it is that good. And as a bit of political theatre, Nigel Farage's impassi ...
Global Depression Just a Dodge?
November 25, 2010
Yesterday we commented on the coming Chinese economic implosion (either slowly or quickly) due to out-of-control inflation but ran into the predictable (feedback) perspective that China will be the next towering power in the world. This viewpoint will doubtless ...
Green Auto-Sales Wilt as US Gov Dumps GM Back on Markets
November 25, 2010
"Competition is a sin," said one of the richest men in the world; his approach to commerce trailblazed the ruthless, capitalist way of modern business. In fact, a tiny, intergenerational, familial Anglo-American power elite of incredible wealth runs the Western ...
Dogmatism on the Left
November 25, 2010
As a loyal reader of books, articles and columns by members of the American intellectual left, I marvel often at just how blind these folks can be to their own dogmatism. Folks like these routinely charge those whose politics and economics they dislike with thi ...
What Happens When China Collapses?
November 24, 2010
Yesterday we revisited our prognostication of nearly two years ago that the Federal Reserve was on the way out in its current form - given the vituperation increasingly leveled at that institution. An institution like the Fed, set up by the powers-that-be as an ...
To Calm TSA Furor, Revisit War on Terror
November 24, 2010
The furor surrounding the TSA's enhanced security measures continues to grow and yesterday, as this article was being written, TSA personnel were pleading with the traveling public (the TSA's self-proclaimed "customers") not to protest the TSA's enhanced securi ...
End of the Fed?
November 23, 2010
So Federic Mishkin, who is a well-known economist of the Keynesian variety has realized, perhaps belatedly, that the US Federal Reserve is under attack and that the attacks are "unprecedented." This does not surprise us however (nor you), as we predicted this a ...
Murdoch's Plans for the Future of the Internet
November 23, 2010
Here at the Bell we scrutinize the dominant social themes of the elite. When we attempt to analyze Rupert Murdoch's actions we often find ourselves making guesses as to how the elite visualizes the future of the 'Net from a publishing standpoint. In this analys ...
Are Air Travelers Criminal Suspects?
November 23, 2010
The growing revolt against invasive TSA practices is encouraging to Americans who are fed up with federal government encroachment in their lives. In the case of air travelers, this encroachment is quite literally physical. But a deep-seated libertarian impulse ...
Are Corporations People?
November 23, 2010
Much fussing is in evidence from certain circles some heavy hitters, like Professor Ronald Dworkin - about the Supreme Court's recent ruling that protects corporations against government intervention when they make political contributions. The common complaint ...
Irish Shadow-Play
November 22, 2010
For months we have been reading articles about how the Irish, unlike the Greeks or even those in Iceland, really understood what had gone wrong. This in our estimation was a kind of sub dominant social theme, that the Irish were "good" Europeans and reasonable ...
Demise of the Politically Correct?
November 22, 2010
We have charted in the past the implosion of art as it relates to real life. One can say that art-as-abstraction is the result of photography, but how, then, does one explain the lack of realistic photography in public places? Instead one finds abstract sculptu ...
Stewart Rhodes on the Rise of Authoritarianism and How US Law Enforcement Can Take a Stand for Freedom
November 21, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with E. Stewart Rhodes. E. Stewart Rhodes is the founder and President of the growing, national non-profit organization Oath Keepers. The group supports members (current and former U.S. military and la ...
Elite Eye on Africa
November 20, 2010
All you may really need to know about the World Bank is that it apparently requires "sovereign immunity" from the countries it works with so none of its employees, assigns, etc. can be held accountable if anything goes wrong. And like its sister enterprise, the ...
Introducing the American Traveler Dignity Act
November 20, 2010
Washington D.C. – Congressman Ron Paul Thursday introduced legislation designed to stop abusive TSA practices that treat American air travelers like criminal suspects. "Enough is enough" Congressman Paul declared in a speech before the House of Representative ...
Is Capitalism Cruel?
November 20, 2010
Now these issues must always be dealt with comparatively - is capitalism cruel, harsh, heartless compared to what? Some folks I know have maintained that compared to socialism, capitalism is indeed all these things but I just cannot buy it. Partly it's because ...
Elite Scarcity Memes Failing?
November 19, 2010
Food prices are going up; everywhere we read about it. When we Googled "high food prices" recently we received 100 MILLION hits. Now there's a dominant social theme for you. The UN especially (talk about predictable culprits) has been flogging this latest power ...
NATO Sets for Long War
November 19, 2010
NATO brass are meeting in Brussels (where else) to formulate further plans to win the war in Afghanistan and reshape NATO into a kind of worldwide rapid response force that will fight on behalf of democracy wherever it is needed. We have spoken before of the em ...
What Kind of Gold Standard?
November 18, 2010
Money is being argued about again, which is a good thing. But as usual (or so it seems to us) the argument is being framed in terms of what "ought" to be done. This is a kind of promotion, a dominant social theme, whether or not one wishes to admit it. Even the ...
What Kind of Freedom?
November 18, 2010
We are reminded of a certain book when we read who is getting freedom medals from Barack Obama shortly. Warren Buffet is a kind of Keynesian socialist in our humble view, while George H. W. Bush is the former head of the CIA (as well as a former president), Ang ...
IMF's Bancor Last Man Standing?
November 17, 2010
Are all the world's currencies on a downhill slope? Is it possible that the Western elites that desire one-world government above all else are deliberately unraveling the euro and the dollar, the world's two most important currencies? That would leave the Chine ...
Chinese Statists = American Ones?
November 17, 2010
We have been covering what we believe is essentially the demise of China as it currently exists because we think inflation is raging virtually out-of-control in that big country. We know some (or even many) may disagree with our perspective and certainly the ti ...
The World Shorts the Dollar
November 17, 2010
A remarkable confluence of recent events has brought unprecedented but very welcome attention to both U.S. monetary policy and the global political economy in general. First, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke recently announced that the Fed would emba ...
Private vs. State Schools & Free Speech
November 17, 2010
Much fuss is afoot now about how various schools, especially colleges and universities, are dealing with the airing of controversial topics. Although by my count this isn't some kind of epidemic, in several schools the administrators have decided they do not wa ...
Showing 1651 - of – Newest on Top
