EDITORIAL Showing 1751 - of
Democracy and Human Rights
October 27, 2010
Tim Snyder made a very important observation on democracy and human rights in a recent piece for The New York Review of Books. He wrote, "As important as democratic procedures might be, opponents of communism in Eastern Europe spoke more often of human rights. ...
Why the West is Losing
October 26, 2010
The dollar was knocked down on Monday, apparently by the perception that BRIC countries would not be buying dollars to weaken their own currencies. This is of course a kind of knee-jerk professional trading reaction. But most traders work for big bank currency ...
Space Aliens Intervene in 2014?
October 26, 2010
Is it important when an intergalactic council puts aside the "law of non-intervention" to help rescue humanity from its own dilemmas? In this case, NORAD'S Stanley Fulham, who recently predicted UFOs over major cities on October 13, is announcing the rescue mis ...
Government and Job Creation
October 26, 2010
As the current economic downturn shows no signs of lifting, we hear quite a lot of rhetoric from current and potential office-holders about what government can and will do to create more jobs. This is especially disconcerting to those who understand that the be ...
Anti-Intellectualism Among Animal Rights Advocates?
October 26, 2010
It is only a small sample but it comes from a significant corner of the academic community, a law school where I was invited to give a talk on the debate about animal rights. I did deliver such a talk at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, law school on Octob ...
What's Behind the US Currency Promotion?
October 25, 2010
From our point of view, the US is basically devaluing the dollar and asking other countries to go along with it, while taking haircuts on their own dollar holdings. Additionally, the US, basically, is asking other countries to suffer for ongoing US profligacy. ...
Pakistan Pushes Back Against Western Elites
October 25, 2010
Pakistan will understand eventually that it is in its best interest to go along with US demands. But not yet! We have noted that the relationship between US/NATO and Pakistan needs more than a little help. The US and NATO have been putting a good deal of pressu ...
Lawrence White on Austrian Economics, Free Banking and Real Bills
October 24, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Lawrence White. Dr. White is a professor of economics at George Mason University. Prior to position at George Mason, he was the F. A. Hayek Professor of Economic History in the Department of Econo ...
The Day the Earth Shook; China Dictates to G20
October 23, 2010
On Friday, if this quiet Reuters report is to be believed, a 100-year-old Anglo-American conspiracy to create one-world government may have begun to seriously founder. Yes, that is perhaps a bold statement (for those who believe in an elite-conspiracy in the fi ...
Elite Postpones Earth's Demise?
October 23, 2010
A new book has just been published, and we are indebted to a feedbacker for bringing it to our attention. Our feedbackers are generally far more insightful and clever than we are, so we are not surprised when they notice something we don't (even all 1,000 of us ...
2010 Is Just Deck Chair Politics on the USS Titanic
October 23, 2010
The political consensus is following the 2010 election, the Tea Partiers and the GOP establishment will breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate their victory and our two-party monopoly system of government will continue as before. A GOP House majority will check ...
France: Can You Hear Us Now?
October 22, 2010
Until recently we have been somewhat alone in trying to explain the reality of what was taking place in Europe. In a series of articles, we predicted that Europe would blow up sooner or later, because Europe was basically a tribal environment and, in fact, a pa ...
The Big Science Promotion Grows Stranger
October 22, 2010
In a series of articles, we have explored what we consider to be the risibility of building multi-billion dollar Big Science machines like colliders to enhance scientific understanding. Our point, though we have never entirely boiled it down to its essence unti ...
Global Economy on Brink – Where's Lady Gaga?
October 21, 2010
What do you know about Lady Gaga's concert schedule? The riots in France have kept her from honoring several commitments in Paris, and there were a good many articles on the subject (generally) last time we checked Google. But we could not find a single one on ...
Cameron and Sarkozy Build EU Army
October 21, 2010
Recently we wrote an article pointing out that the European Union was an Anglo-American invention. We offered this perspective to counter the growing elite sub dominant social theme that the EU was really being run by secret German Nazis who had plotted for hal ...
The West's Pending Paper Money Implosion
October 20, 2010
We begin with China and its empty cities, but we want to mention Brazil as well. In a move that has not received much coverage, Brazil is dissociating itself from certain IMF deliberations regarding the nascent currency war. The Western elites, in their increas ...
Retiring CFTC Judge: We Covered Up Market Manipulation
October 20, 2010
We are well aware of the corruption that inevitably arises when regulatory democracies persist and like tumors begin to swell. The United States is perhaps the world's most powerful regulatory democracy, and likely its most icily corrupt. Nevertheless, it is ab ...
Why Obama Doesn't Seem to Relate – Emotionally
October 20, 2010
Most of the time when I hear about how President Obama lacks the emotional disposition that most Americans would like to see him demonstrate, I am disinclined to make much of the point. What I want from someone in the role of the presidency is good thinking and ...
The Golden Bubble
October 19, 2010
We have dealt with the "gold is in a bubble" story several times already. Initially, we poked fun at the idea that gold can evolve into a bubble, but given the persistent mismanagement of Western countries, especially the United States, it is perfectly possible ...
Inflation Doesn't Exist?
October 19, 2010
Reuters is a media arm of the power elite and the stories that this mighty corporation disseminates tend to reinforce the power elite's various dominant and sub dominant social themes. This article reinforces two themes at the same time. The first theme or meme ...
More Inflation Fears
October 19, 2010
Inflation fears are heating up this week as Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke gave a speech in Boston on Friday, causing further frantic flight into gold by those fearful of the coming "quantitative easing" the Fed is set to deliver in November. Others who view gold as ...
The Amorality of Macroeconomics
October 19, 2010
In a surprisingly sensible essay in The New York Times, on Sunday October 17, 2010, David Segal gives a pretty good explanation of why macroeconomics is so unsuccessful. It's human nature, stupid. People just aren't predictable – will they do this or that whe ...
EU Gripped by Growing Class War?
October 18, 2010
We have tried as best we can to offer a counter-narrative when it comes to the EU, austerity and protests. The "alternative Internet news" approach is that the crisis has been cynically fomented to create a greater European Union. This has been our argument as ...
NASA Admits Photo Retouching
October 18, 2010
We wanted to return to the issue of whether American astronauts landed on the moon because it is obviously a controversial one. In the above article excerpt, we can see how even a little Photoshopping can cause a big uproar, such is the sensitivity about NASA's ...
Daniel McCarthy on the Future of the American Conservative Magazine and Taking Back the Right
October 17, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Daniel McCarthy. Daniel is editor of The American Conservative (www.amconmag.com) and a founding member of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters. In addition to his work at The American Conservati ...
As Goes Iceland, so Goes the EU?
October 16, 2010
It is important to keep track of Iceland because the EU and European mainstream media itself continually fashion an Icelandic narrative that is much different than what is really going on. And when events do not correspond to the narrative, the result is ... si ...
In Defense of the Adversarial System
October 16, 2010
Every once in a while I get sucked into defending the way the legal system aims to secure justice in the criminal law. In particular, why do the accused or suspected criminals get to be defended so vigorously, as if they were always victims of perpetuation rath ...
Yes, There Is Gold at Fort Knox
October 16, 2010
Gold reached a record high of $1,376 per ounce last Thursday morning but I'm writing about Fort Knox because of an unexpected conversation I had the day before with a distant friend. We have known each other for 35 years but have only seen each other once over ...
The Currency War Promotion
October 15, 2010
We have watched the building "currency war" with interest. Warnings are certainly placing the onus of responsibility on the G20 and the International Monetary Fund, both of which have somehow emerged as key players in an effort to ameliorate the worst excesses ...
Now FDA Criminalizes Chelation
October 15, 2010
Well, the FDA is at it again. Now it is chelation that has received the brunt of the FDA's nannyism. Chelation was developed during the World War I to help veterans exposed to poison gas attacks. After World War II, the treatment found favor helping those in th ...
UFO-Like Objects Appear on Schedule
October 14, 2010
A feedbacker sent us an email yesterday, pointing out that "Well, here it is October 13th, 2010 and there IS indeed, a UFO hovering over NYC." We thank the feedbacker for the alert. The news was all over the Internet and YouTube, in fact, when we checked: Huffi ...
Crossing Memes? – UFOs and the Muslim Threat
October 14, 2010
We have mentioned Billy Meier before because he is one of the original UFO-ologists and his case seems to figure prominently in UFO annals. What is passing strange about the current state of the Billy Meiers oeuvre is that it seems to have overlapped powerfully ...
Absurdities of Atomism
October 14, 2010
Individualism has had its foes over the centuries, mainly because it is a bulwark against some people making use of unwilling others. If one is indeed a sovereign individual, with rights to one's life, liberty, etc., others are morally and would in justice be a ...
Dreamtime of the Baby Boomers
October 13, 2010
We stated the other day that it "seemed" the US moon-landings were real and immediately a feedbacker sent us a link to the Center for an Informed America, which is run by David McGowan. As a result of reading McGowan's extensive dozen-part series called "Waggin ...
Copyright and Private Markets
October 13, 2010
We have written two articles on intellectual property proposing that market forces provide the determinant factor for copyright, patents, etc. This is the third and final one (for now anyway.) We can see from the above article excerpt that the current mania to ...
Rights and the Self
October 13, 2010
Why did this view become so credible even while people, especially those in the business world, are routinely pursuing a course of conduct that advances not just their but everyone else's profit with whom they trade? Why will the silly zero sum game vision of h ...
Irish Central Bank: Raise Taxes Now
October 12, 2010
We have been arguing for a while that austerity is a promotion and that the real idea behind it is to ensure the EU doesn't go under as a regional entity and also, just as important, that the European middle-classes lose even more ground. Sub dominant social th ...
Copyright Redux and the Brilliance of Kinsella
October 12, 2010
We can see from the above article that when Steve Jobs wanted a Chinese manufacturer to cease and desist from copying Apple's iPhone, he got the Chinese government to apply pressure to the rogue manufacturer. This is an example of the point we were trying to ma ...
A Spooked Economy in October
October 12, 2010
The Fed has been wreaking havoc and devaluing our monetary unit steadily since 1913, and greatly accelerating it since the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in the 1970s. This severing of the dollar's last tenuous link with gold allowed the Fed to create ...
The Tyranny of Copyright
October 11, 2010
The Internet has greatly increased the argument over copyrights and "intellectual property" and now comprehensive treaties (see article above) are being negotiated to harmonize intellectual property rights across the globe. Sub dominant social theme: "Thank goo ...
Moon Hoax and Margaret Atwood
October 11, 2010
We were glad to read this article (excerpted above) about Margaret Atwood who is one of the greatest writers in the world and also what Samuel Johnson would call a "leveler." We always wonder how such great minds, with such great insights into human character, ...
Doug Casey on the Violence of the Storm, the Destruction of the Middle Class and the Coming Gold Standard
October 10, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Doug Casey. Mr. Casey has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows, and has been the subject of articles in People, US, Time, Forbes, The Washington Post, and numerous other publications. For ne ...
Rise of EU Military Power
October 09, 2010
We have written in the recent past about how the EU is actually an Anglo-American invention and is likely controlled behind the scenes by the Anglo-American axis. We pointed this out in the context of the British City – the world's most famous financial cente ...
A Coming Republican Onslaught?
October 09, 2010
We have been following voter whiplash of the past decade-and-a-half with a good deal of interest. We picked the Clinton presidency in America as the first real Internet presidency because of the impact that the Internet had on his credibility and programs. Matt ...
The Times' Phony Integrity
October 09, 2010
In its October 6, 2010, editorial, "Lamentable Speech," The New York Times stood up for a hard line stance on the right to free speech. As the editors wrote, "To the American Nazi Party, Hustler Magazine, and other odious figures in Supreme Court history, add t ...
EU Confrontations Continue
October 08, 2010
It is sometimes a little wearying to follow the ins and outs of the austerity measures being pushed in Europe because from our point of view they increasingly are a kind of pre-scripted affair. They do give rise to the idea that those behind the EU knew perfect ...
The Salvaging of Mainstream Media
October 08, 2010
We have noticed a kind of phenomenon taking place within the US media circles. It has to do with great media properties that have essentially be ruined by the Internet and then offered for a single dollar. We read reports that this was the initial nominal price ...
Good Grief… Another Round of Stimulus!
October 07, 2010
In our attempts to track the fading of the elite's central banking promotion, we have sensed a kind of turning point. No doubt many others have as well but since we have been predicting the decline and fall of central banking for some two years now (actually te ...
A Tale of Two Contacts
October 07, 2010
Unlike most of the mainstream press and even a good deal of the alternative press, the Daily Bell has continually expressed skepticism over the war in Afghanistan. We are in fact almost alone in our conclusion that the Iraq "surge" had little or nothing to do w ...
The Cost of Lack of Trust
October 07, 2010
Over the last couple of days a bunch of announcements came from our government, including warning about travel to Europe where terror plans are said to be afoot by Al-Qaeda. Another warning came from the man convicted of trying to blow up Times Square - he said ...
Showing 1751 - of – Newest on Top
