STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1851 - of
EU Bars France: Now It Begins
September 16, 2010
It is true that as the Internet becomes more comprehensive, patterns emerge. We see patterns and often those who patronize our humble blog see the same patterns, and others, only more deeply and clearly. We are grateful when they present these visions to us via ...
Internet Continues to Change the World
September 16, 2010
This is a strange story for the mainstream media to carry. We don't see any promotion here, not even a dominant social theme necessarily – as we believe the above-excerpted article provides us with a fairly clear recitation of what is actually occurring, and ...
IMF: It Falls Apart
September 15, 2010
We return to the West's sputtering economy and horrific unemployment because it shows two things. One, elite-structured capitalism doesn't work and, two, the Anglo-American power elite is most nervous about social explosions as a result of the crashing monetary ...
Where Krugman Went Wrong
September 15, 2010
Paul Krugman, writing in The New York Times on September 5 under the title "1938 in 2010", chastizes president Obama's economists once more for doing what they have promised not to do: to repeat the mistakes of president Roosevelt's economists in 1937 in pullin ...
NATO Takes Over?
September 14, 2010
We recently wrote about how a takeover by Brussels of Britain's financial centers was actually in our view nothing more than a real-estate transaction. British finance may move to Belgium, but the Anglo-American axis will still maintain control of it, just as t ...
What Has Happened to US Movies?
September 14, 2010
Satirist Joe Queenan is in great form in this article excerpted above and featured recently by the Wall Street Journal. Not only has it set the blogosphere abuzz, but we think it captures neatly an unspoken trend, which is that the movie fare that Hollywood pro ...
Oblivious to the Weight of History
September 14, 2010
Anyone in search of a short yet useful introduction to the life of Sir Winston Churchill will find it in Paul Johnson's biography. Johnson, a long-established historian of the modern age, has penned a readable and informative account of the life, personality, t ...
Military Keynesianism in Iraq
September 13, 2010
We have no idea where Iraq is getting the money to buy its weapons. Presumably, Iraq will print the money and the money will essentially act as a claim on Iraq's productivity as the Iraq political and military elite arm themselves first for domestic reasons and ...
First American Autism Award
September 13, 2010
The power elite, in our view, has a special affection for vaccine programs. The more emphatically efficacious it can make vaccines seem, the more ability the elite has to promote a variety of vaccine programs without significant push-back. We are also aware tha ...
Does the General Understand Freedom?
September 13, 2010
General Petraeus sadly got it wrong when he wants to shut down the Koran burning on the grounds that some will react to it irrationally. Sure, the burning should not happen because it is a needlessly provocative deed but no one should be forcibly stopped from u ...
James Payne on War, Politics and the Demise of Activist Government
September 12, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. James L. Payne. Dr. Payne is Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Director of Lytton Research and Analysis and author of numerous well-known, libertarian-oriented books. These incl ...
Europe Takes Over the City
September 11, 2010
It is likely confusing for most people to understand what is going on regarding the British financial system and Europe. On the surface it looks like a takeover of the British system, with the important regulatory elements migrating to Brussels. This is in fact ...
Peak Oil Bites the Dust?
September 11, 2010
Here at The Daily Bell we continue to cheerfully cover the degeneration of the elite's dominant social themes. (See other story in today's Bell.) The 21st century's truth telling via the Internet and the endless ravel of the financial crisis has proven increasi ...
The Power of Freedom
September 11, 2010
At this time when most people are clamoring, or at least hoping for, economic revival, the major debate centers around how it could be achieved. One side, mainly the current administration and its supporters in the academy, believe in some variety of stimulus i ...
China Real Estate Glut Widens
September 10, 2010
Once again we read an optimistic article about China and the Chinese miracle. We do not understand at this point how anyone looking at China can be positive about where this largest-of-all Asian economies is headed. Citing various kinds of industrial statistics ...
Afghanistan End Game
September 10, 2010
This is a dangerous time in Afghanistan for the West. As we have covered in numerous articles, Afghanistan is a war that the West wants desperately to win. This runs counter to the point of view of many in the alternative news community who believe that the Wes ...
Is It Deflation Yet?
September 09, 2010
Issues of inflation and deflation did not seem so important earlier in the 2000s, but the inflation versus deflation debate has heated up lately. The above article that we have excerpted has attracted considerable attention on the blogosphere, maybe because it ...
Let's Talk About Natural Rights
September 09, 2010
When various skeptics question the soundness of the American political system, one of their targets is the idea of human nature. After all, the founders took their political philosophy mainly from John Locke who thought human nature does exist and, based on wha ...
EU Fizzling
September 08, 2010
We have mentioned many times before that "austerity" was the wrong prescription for Europe. But the idea many have is that lazy European socialists deserve what they get. This is in fact, part of a dominant social theme, "The socialists have ruined Europe for E ...
Big Science Goes Broke?
September 08, 2010
We've written a good deal about big, government-funded science. Whenever we do, we get defense feedbacks from those who are somehow invested in the process. These feedbacks make it clear that in the 21st century – unlike the 20 preceding ones – things are " ...
Successful Economic Policies? For Whom?
September 08, 2010
Last week, in the wake of another uptick in the official unemployment rate, the administration continued to claim that their economic policies were working, just not fast enough. This administration inherited an unemployment rate of 7.7% and promised a peak of ...
Here We Go Again
September 08, 2010
Innumerable arguments and research have been produced showing that government stimulus is useless. Despite what President Obama and his cheerleaders in the academy, like Princeton's Paul Krugman, seem to believe (or at least say), there is no evidence that gove ...
TIME Spreads the Government-Wealth Meme
September 07, 2010
The Daily Bell analyzes the dominant social themes of the elite and thus it is natural that the Bell should be in the forefront of pointing out that the mainstream media presents these fear-based promotions. One of the ways, ironically, that the elite runs its ...
Combating HAARP Suspicions
September 07, 2010
Though hardly any of it seems to resonate with the American mainstream press, the rest of the globe is alive with conspiracy theories about American military power, 9/11, HAARP and other maleficent and perhaps mythical US schemes for global domination - full sp ...
EU Treasury Overkill?
September 06, 2010
In the other article in today's Daily Bell, we focus on how the elite back-story is in a sense falling apart with the foundering of the global warming promotion. We find much the same elements at work when it comes to the EU, which is being forced into existenc ...
Failure of the Famine Meme
September 06, 2010
There are plenty of people who don't and never will believe in organized fear-based promotions orchestrated by a shadowy, familial power elite. But it is this publications raison d'etre to discuss these promotions, point them out to those who wish to accept the ...
Nathaniel Branden on Mastering the Six Pillars of Esteem and Honoring One's-Self
September 05, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Nathaniel Branden. Dr. Branden (left) is a practicing psychotherapist in Los Angeles and also does corporate consulting. Dr. Branden offers workshops, seminars, and conferences on applying sel ...
US Fed Gains Power, Loses Credibility?
September 04, 2010
Despite such statements from Ben Bernanke, we would venture the observation that there is an ever-growing perception within the alternative news community (especially among the hard-money websites) that the Fed and central banking in general constitute an illeg ...
The Mind Conspirators
September 04, 2010
More and more Americans today are coming to understand the terrible truth about our Federal Government -- that it seeks to dominate us as citizens, to mold us into a society of dutiful Stepford Wives totally beholden to the wishes of elite politicians, bureaucr ...
Kenya – New World Building Block
September 03, 2010
It would be nice to think that the new Kenyan constitution is going to be helpful to the country and to Africa generally. But when we read the constitution we find as usual these days that the power of the people is vested in the state. The dominant social them ...
Psychic Regulation
September 03, 2010
We have been writing about regulation lately because the regulatory state is one of the very biggest of all power-elite themes. The financial crisis has actively fanned the flames of regulation. But at some point, regulatory society must surely crosses the divi ...
Revisiting Wealth Redistribution
September 03, 2010
It is time to bring this ruse to an end. Those people's scam should be shut down. Their phony authority to take from everyone so they can use it as they see fit - in the name that they are the nice guys who redistribute wealth while we the greedy bunch intent o ...
Bank Run 2011?
September 02, 2010
Here at the Daily Bell, we long ago adopted the position that the Great Recession of the late first-decade of the 2000s is nothing like previous economic downturns. Several years ago we came to the conclusion that this crisis marked the unraveling of the curren ...
Mises Shakes the World?
September 02, 2010
We are returning to the "Spreading Hayek, Spurning Keynes" Wall Street Journal article to answer the question that Ryan McMaken asks in his fine article at (and then answers judiciously as well). We are returning as well because this is an incre ...
DC Begins the Bust Up
September 01, 2010
So now the government is to step in and undo companies that are "headed" for collapse. This seems to us yet another step forward into a kind of bizarre alternative universe where free-markets are controlled and free-enterprise is managed. Anyone who has lived m ...
Thorium Cures the Free Market
September 01, 2010
We have lost track of the new energy solutions being offered on the Internet, which is certainly large energy companies' worst nightmare. Solutions abound from cars that run on water or natural gas to more obscure and less immediately comprehensible presentatio ...
Tempted by One Size Fits All
September 01, 2010
For most of human history it used to be standard practice for parents to insist that their children not only live by principles the parents have found to be sound but also to adopt all sorts of practices of dress, play, work, taste and so forth that they approv ...
Boetkke Promotion Redux
August 31, 2010
We confess here that we have gone as far as we can with this analysis. We are not qualified to speak to the issue of Hayek versus Mises from the point of view of the Kochs - as Lew Rockwell and others around him can. We know that Hayek was likely not as doctrin ...
Obama Admin Calls US Education Failure
August 31, 2010
The Hill never met a large-scale socialist program it couldn't analyze and present with resolute clarity. This is what passes for journalism these days on Capitol Hill. Other publications are not much better and now that we think of it, the Washington Post is p ...
Iraq – An End or an Escalation?
August 31, 2010
Amid much fanfare last week, the last supposed "combat" troops left Iraq as the administration touted the beginning of the end of the Iraq War and a change in the role of the United States in that country. Considering the continued public frustration with the w ...
Frank Rich's Prejudice
August 31, 2010
Karl Marx was famous for, among other things, claiming that everyone always promotes his or her economic interest. This is something he actually had in common with non-Marxists classical economists. Most economists, in fact, believe that we are all motivated by ...
WSJ Discovers the Austrians & Boettke – but not the Mises Institute
August 30, 2010
Peter Boettke is a terrific spokesperson for Austrian economics and has been at it for years. He deserves all the credit he can get for being in the right place at the right time - and correct about economic history as well. We here at the Bell wish we had inte ...
Australia Next Afghan Domino?
August 30, 2010
There are only a few tribes left to gather into a nation-state – chief among them the Pashtuns. Tribal cultures cannot be allowed to stand if the West is to enter the brave new world of its elite's choosing. This is why the Afghan war, waged on arid, mountain ...
Most Americans Just Don't Get It
August 30, 2010
It bothers me to no end that millions of Americans simply don't get just how dangerous this current administration's views are, especially about the nature of our basic rights. I suppose I should not be surprised, given the utterly perverted primary and seconda ...
Steve Forbes on Overseas Wars, the Coming Gold Standard and the Rise of Citizen Agitation
August 29, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Steve Forbes. Mr. Forbes is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Forbes Media. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine. The company's flagship publication, Forbes, is the nation's leading ...
Tea Party Infighting?
August 28, 2010
This blog-article, while not "mainstream" of itself, touches on plenty of mainstream issues. It was also posted after being written on the "conservative" RedState website, and we found the discussion that took place there to be enlightening in terms of what is ...
BIS: Trading With the Enemy – The Whole Story
August 28, 2010
This special report links Switzerland's sometimes regrettable World War Ii activities with specific evidence suggesting a possible revenue trail from the Nazi gold sales to the Bank for International Settlements, located in Basel, Switzerland. This "bankers ban ...
False Lure of an Infrastructure Bank
August 27, 2010
This is an interesting article because it acknowledges what free-market economic analysis has pointed out emphatically ever since the economic crisis began – that it was driven by a reckless and inflationary fiat money expansion. The New Republic article does ...
More Vaccination Questions
August 27, 2010
It certainly seems to us that the powers-that-be standing behind many of these pharmaceutical companies and their "medical model" continue to do whatever they can to intimidate those who would raise questions about vaccines and their side effects. The Swine Flu ...
The End of Global Banking Misery?
August 26, 2010
Western command-and-control systems are worldwide now. In fact, of course, this is a dominant social theme: "The West's economic perspective is a global one because of its efficiency and it is necessary to deal with it in a global way." We disagree with this pe ...
Showing 1851 - of – Newest on Top
