STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2101 - of
Britain to See Inflation Risk?
June 08, 2010
The world is in a jam because its biggest economic brains don't know where money is headed. Is the paper money in your pocket, dear reader, going to be worth less or more ... tomorrow. This article in Telegraph tells us that more economists believe that money i ...
US Tax Collapse Coming?
June 08, 2010
One of the miracles of the years of former President Ronald Reagan was the boost the American economy received from tax cuts. And one of the prominent advisors to Ronald Reagan and his "kitchen cabinet" was Arthur Laffer, the developer of the Laffer Curve. This ...
Why Governments Hate Gold
June 08, 2010
This past week several emerging and ongoing crises took attention away from the ongoing sovereign debt problems in Greece. The bailouts are merely kicking the can down the road and making things worse for taxpaying citizens, here and abroad. Greece is unfortuna ...
The Foundations of a Free Society
June 08, 2010
Some years ago, shortly before the collapse of the Soviet Empire, I was an invited speaker at a conference of company CEOs and presidents in Acapulco, Mexico. Another of the speakers was Gennady Gerasimov, who you may remember was Gorbachev's spokesperson to th ...
Mainstream Media Predicts Euro Death
June 07, 2010
We were surprised by this article in the UK Telegraph because we have come to believe that the power elite that is responsible for the Western world's dominant social themes tries to "keep a lid on" contrarian perspectives as long as possible. From our humble p ...
NASA vs. the Sun
June 07, 2010
Once upon a time, this might have been a frightening prediction. But there are so many of them these days. Here at the Bell we call them dominant social themes. They are, in our opinion, (in many cases, anyway) actually fear-based promotions generated by a powe ...
Equality vs. Diversity
June 07, 2010
For the last couple or so decades the universities and colleges where I have taught - and by all accounts, most of them in the USA - have had two mutually exclusive social objectives. (Yes, Virginia, higher education is now mostly embarked upon pursuing social ...
Judge Andrew Napolitano on Chaotic Courts and Unconstitutional Justice in the United States
June 06, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. Judge Napolitano joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in January 1998 and currently serves as the senior judicial analyst. He provides legal analysis on both FNC and FOX Busin ...
U.S. Still World's Policeman
June 05, 2010
This is an astonishing and forceful statement by Max Boot, "the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick senior fellow for national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and a contributing editor to Opinion," according to the brief LA Times bio at the bottom of the ...
Prof. Krugman Is Wrong Again
June 05, 2010
While Prof. Krugman and most other fiscalists believe this to be self-evident, it is not. Indeed, this fiscalist dogma fails to withstand the indignity of empirical verification. Prof. Paul Krugman's formulation fails to mention the state of confidence. This is ...
What Do We Cherish as Americans?
June 05, 2010
In a recent talk, responding to the Arizona law that's said to be aimed at containing illegal immigration, President Barrack Obama stated that this piece of legislation "threatens to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans...." I am not ...
Buffett Warns of Municipal Debt Meltdown
June 04, 2010
The issue of over-spending by US municipalities has been evident for a long time but has also been overshadowed the European sovereign crisis. But in a sense both crises are similar in that participants overspent and were supported in doing so by the larger sec ...
Chaos of the Bilderbergers?
June 04, 2010
The Bilderberg group is meeting in Spain and unlike other years there has been relatively speaking a good deal of coverage of the meeting. We have already speculated that the reason has to do with the alternative 'Net press's relentless scrutiny. Thus, for the ...
Ignorance vs. Intervention
June 04, 2010
Some of the most prominent and influential defenders of the regime of individual liberty, such as F. A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Richard Epstein, Don Boudreaux and others, have argued that the main reason adult men and women must be left free from others' interf ...
A New Euro to Save the Old One?
June 03, 2010
We never understood how the EU would work over the long term. The tribes of Europe gladly took their profits, but how can you make the argument that people should put up with years of "austerity" for the sake of a concept only a banker could love. Pan European ...
Israel Faces Off With Iran
June 03, 2010
The unfolding and unending saga of Israel versus Gaza flotilla has ended up, unsurprisingly as an Israel versus Iran scenario. And that's too bad. When the fluid situation in the Middle East is hardened into a confrontation between Israel (a tiny nation) and Ir ...
US Economic Recovery of Lies
June 02, 2010
The trouble with economic reporting in the West is that it simply does not tell the truth. This AP story is a good example. Its main point is that the American "recovery" is not going to be strong enough to provide enough jobs for the 15.3 million unemployed. N ...
Taking Aim at Iran
June 02, 2010
A recent article of ours about "evil Jews" caused a bit of a stir. We were roasted for referring to Jews as evil (even ironically) and we also were hit on the other side by those who were upset that we didn't come right out and admit that Israel generally and t ...
Put Patients and Doctors Back in Control of Healthcare
June 02, 2010
Most everyone agrees that health care in the United States has major problems, the biggest problems relating to skyrocketing costs. No one doubts the system is in need of reform. However, too many in Washington see tighter government controls as the solution. I ...
China Blows Up?
June 01, 2010
When we first predicted the overheating of the Chinese economy early last year, we could hardly find a word about it. Nonetheless, it was clear to us that no economy grows at 10-percent per quarter normally - year-in and year-out - without some very strong mone ...
US Diverts Flight to Capture 'Muslim'
June 01, 2010
There are many ways of promoting an elite dominant social theme. In the case of the myriad major memes and minor themes that the Anglo-American elite inflicts on long-suffering Western citizens, there are verbal and written promotions, and then there are promot ...
Tea Party Versus ACORN, etc.
June 01, 2010
It is one thing to be against the ideas of some organization, quite another to be against organizing itself. Why would organizing be proper and commendable for Leftist causes but not for those of the Right? The Tea Party isn't some criminal gang burning down bu ...
EU Spins Out of Control
May 31, 2010
What a mess. As can be seen by the article excerpt above, the European Union threatens to come apart at the seams. The debt "contagion" is obviously not stopping, nor can it, given the monstrous overhang that is now being presented to world markets. Spain has b ...
Aliens, the Next Fear-Based Meme?
May 31, 2010
At this point, we would put nothing past the power elite when it comes to fear-based promotions. The global warming promotion was amazingly audacious, and we have no illusion that the elite has ceased to flog it. While we haven't dealt with it specifically in t ...
Rights May Never Be In Conflict
May 31, 2010
If rights were no more that fancy ways of expressing preferences – in short, if morality and politics could only produce emotional expressions-there would be no doubt about the possibility of conflict between rights. Those who embrace the emotivism of the lik ...
Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the Autism/Vaccine Controversy and His Ongoing Professional Persecution
May 30, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath, an academic gastroenterologist. He received his medical degree from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School (part of the University of London) in 1981, one ...
Canada Creates Own SEC
May 29, 2010
Here is what Canada's industrialist and regulators ought to keep in mind. There are plenty of places to mine in the world and plenty of well-capitalized entrepreneurs outside of Canada. Regardless of the reasons for the current SEC legislation, we would have to ...
The Ron Paul Story
May 29, 2010
While we usually focus on the dominant social these of the elite, we wanted to take the time over this weekend to comment on the Paul clan and how it has been shaking up the political establishment. We are aware of the reports circulating that Ron Paul is part ...
Euro Crisis to Set One World Currency?
May 28, 2010
As the money crisis seems to grow worse in Europe, we have begun to wonder if there are parallels to the 1907 financial panic in the United States that gave rise to the Federal Reserve. The dominant social theme way back then (assuming an active power elite, an ...
SEC to Rule All Trades All the Time
May 28, 2010
So it has come to this. In America, anyway, and surely in Europe too, regulatory authorities wish to be empowered to look at every click, every number, every trading strategy of ANYONE in order to detect fraud and make sure that markets are fair, open and trans ...
Are Kids Altruists?
May 28, 2010
I will not address whether babies have a sense of right versus wrong, only the way this matter was reportedly tested by the researchers who investigated it. Paul Bloom and his wife, Karen Wynn, of the Infant Cognitive Center at Yale University, conducted studie ...
Money Supply Plunging Toward Depression?
May 27, 2010
The talk in the United States, especially, and Britain, too, is one of recovery. Even in Europe, we noted recently, there are digital maps available that show much of the Eurozone is coming out of "recession" and various indicators are turning positive. We have ...
Vanunu Jailed by Evil Jews?
May 27, 2010
We are not much impressed by Israeli justice when it comes Mordechai Vanunu who has paid with a good deal of his life for apparently exposing Israel's nuclear arsenal. Presumably his persecution is supposed to be a warning to others not to tell Western media ab ...
Copycat Republicans Seek Answers
May 26, 2010
We are more apt to consider these twin initiatives to be promotions rather than serious efforts to address serious Western dilemmas. Yet even their existence, no matter the outcome, indicates that the elites are well aware of the rising level of discontent in t ...
US Wavers on Afghan War?
May 26, 2010
Those focused on protecting and building their investments, should follow the manipulations of the power elite and their themes closely in an attempt to figure out what may occur next. There is no surety in terms of a correct interpretation, but by tracking the ...
Who Is Free to Discriminate?
May 26, 2010
Everyone who is awake discriminates – it is what people do with their minds, it's the way they know the world, more or less well. The kind of discrimination that's objectionable is when people use irrelevant attributes of others to classify them – like thei ...
Europe Braces for Chaos
May 25, 2010
For several years now, we've been covering the power elite's dominant social theme as regards the European Union. And what is that? It seems to be ... "Only regional and even global governance can prevent another world war (or at least pan-European war) from ha ...
Desperation of the US Republican Elite
May 25, 2010
So many of the fundamental processes put in place by the power elite and sustained by a vast matrix of educational, media, military and civilian authorities are foundering that it is difficult to know exactly what is going to happen next. But we will predict th ...
More Blank Checks to the Military Industrial Complex
May 25, 2010
Congress, with its insatiable appetite for spending, is set to pass yet another "supplemental" appropriations bill in the next two weeks. So-called supplemental bills allow Congress to spend beyond even the 13 annual appropriations bills that fund the federal g ...
Traditional American Values Are Dead and Buried?
May 24, 2010
Working closely together, we Bell staffers have developed a most un-libertarian, hive-like mentality. These days, buzzing in our bee-brains are recollections, often, of the compelling Claudius books by Robert Graves. What comes to mind, however, is not so much ...
UN Swaps One Fear for Another
May 24, 2010
The difficulty with attempting to decipher elite memes and actions in the era of the Internet is that as the workability of fear-based memes has decreased, the level of uncertainty regarding elite actions – and their effectiveness – has actually increased. ...
Dealing With Racists in a Free Market
May 24, 2010
Finally, the Rand Paul furor, we have an issue in politics worthy of sustained, serious attention – How should people who act badly be dealt with? More particularly how should people who discriminate based on irrelevancies such as race, sex, national origin, ...
Hugo Salinas Price on the Nature of Money and Why Silver Should Be Legal Mexican Currency
May 23, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Hugo Salinas Price, a successful, retired businessman who lives in Mexico. He has been a follower of the Austrian School of Economics since his youth. He has written three books in Spanish on how ...
Rand Paul Disappoints?
May 22, 2010
Yesterday, when all 1,000 of us – the writers, editors and coffee go-fers of the Daily Bell staff – gathered around a conference table the length of a football field in our Pentagon-sized editorial office to decide on today's Bell article, it didn't take us ...
Freedom of Association and Rights
May 22, 2010
A big flaw of the famous 1964 Civil Rights law is that it engages in regimenting who may or must associate with whom in private commerce. Among free men and women no such regimentation by government is permissible even if, to quote one prominent Republican "it ...
Does Anti-Obama Fever Drive US Elections?
May 21, 2010
From our point of view an element of the American punditry is working overtime trying to portray upcoming House and Senate elections as an anti-Obama pro Republican mandate. In fact, we believe that such portrayals are part of a larger dominant social theme - t ...
Scandal Over Blood Doping Hits Cycling
May 21, 2010
In the 1960s, radical elements of the youth movement were impassioned about sociopolitical issues but, as we recall it, often went out of their way to exempt sports - certain sports anyway - from their arguments. It wasn't that sports didn't partake of the same ...
Beware an 'American Style' Federalized EU
May 21, 2010
The corrupt, power-hungry EU elites like politicians here in America are always ready to use a crisis to advance their agenda of accumulating power, increasing taxes and controls over local governments and independent citizens. Contrary to their false promises ...
US War Crowd Losing Steam?
May 20, 2010
We try analyze the elite's dominant social themes here at the Bell; but it has occurred to that when it comes to the victory of Rand Paul in Kentucky, we would tend to believe the elite doesn't know how to spin it. Rand Paul is an anti-foreign war, anti big-gov ...
German Anger Rises Against Afghan War
May 20, 2010
We have identified two of the power elite's most fragile current themes as the EU and the war in Afghanistan. The break-up of the EU (or at least the foundering of the euro) is increasingly a viable possibility from our point of view. The ongoing, slow-motion u ...
Showing 2101 - of – Newest on Top
