STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2251 - of
Happy Days Are Here Again?
April 08, 2010
Are American consumers really a bit "giddy?" We have mentioned already the amazing amount of attention in the mainstream press to the nation's recovery, even though we have a hard time discerning one. For us, a recovery begins with jobs, and it hard to see how ...
IRS Targets High Wealth Individuals
April 08, 2010
This is a very interesting development in that it would tend to confirm the perception of the Daily Bell that the US has been engaged for quite some time in the projection of its influence beyond its borders not to support regulatory democracy or for general pu ...
Baby-Boomers Rule?
April 07, 2010
This book review by Boris Johnson is actually disguised social criticism, and later on he brings another book into the fray against with which he contrasts Willetts' book. As we can see from the above excerpt, he is not willing to grant Willetts' argument that ...
Now It's Spain's Turn
April 07, 2010
It is nice to see that the mainstream media has woken up to one of the biggest stories of the 21st century, the foundering of the European Union – the grand socialist experiment that began as a modest trade union and has ended in an attempt to squash together ...
Water Scarcity Promotion Begins?
April 06, 2010
Unlike the 20th century, power elite promotions are increasingly foundering in the 21st as the Internet seems to expose them. The first area an investor ought to look into is whether or not the specific promotion he wishes to support is feasible long-term or is ...
Bye, Bye SUVs
April 06, 2010
We weren't surprised by this move. The American president does nothing by suggestion when he can demand it. Barack Obama is indeed the most amiable and soft spoken of authoritarians. First, he "bailed out" two of America's three car companies and in the process ...
Government and Gasoline
April 06, 2010
As we head into the summer driving season and gasoline prices are again creeping up, the administration has announced plans to explore opening up more off-shore areas for exploration and drilling. On the one hand this can be lauded as a positive step. On the ot ...
So Then Be a Proud Socialist
April 06, 2010
It is disgusting to witness all the dishonesty surrounding the current administration's public policy efforts. Even the new language columnist of The New York Times Magazine is in denial and pretends to consider it some kind of smear - even conspiracy - for tho ...
Obama Now Seen as Superman
April 05, 2010
Certainly, the powers-that-be shall try to manipulate the Internet for their own ends, but as it was with the Reformation, the results will not be predictable and likely not favorable, at least in part, for those intending to use the 'Net to further consolidate ...
NY Times: Marja Undone?
April 05, 2010
This is an astonishing story that has appeared in the Times, given the lack of real reporting about what's going on in Afghanistan. Marja, which the Times spells without an "h" on the end, is not a city, not even town, it turns out. Just a rural, agrarian colle ...
William Murphy Explains His Testimony at the Recent CFTC Hearing and the Future of Precious Metals Markets
April 04, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with William Murphy. Bill Murphy grew up in Glen Ridge, New Jersey and graduated from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University in 1968. His senior year he broke all single season Ivy Le ...
Fear Rises as U.S. Officials Threaten Iran
April 03, 2010
Again, the drums beat - and the fear and frustration in America thicken until they seem almost palpable. War is certainly a racket, as General Smedley Butler wrote, but it is one that America's power elite has deployed with grim efficiency over the past decade ...
Jeffersonian Conservatism Versus the Neocons
April 03, 2010
Jeffersonian Conservatism offers us salvation. Its fundamentals of reason, universalized natural rights, and moral idealism are the vital antidotes to reverse the plague of authoritarian statism presently destroying the West. Without its restoration, an alien d ...
The Ethics of Tax Resistance
April 03, 2010
Although there could be variations in how one ought to resist (dodge, avoid, legally contest, etc.) taxation, the answer to whether those subject to the institution are ethically justified in making the effort to resist it is in the affirmative. Yet, as with al ...
U.S. Down, Trans-Texas Corridor Up
April 02, 2010
It's not a done deal, of course. What may halt this relentless drive toward super-regionality is the growing tide of American (and Canadian) anger – given that both of these countries have a good tradition of self-rule and individualism and a high literacy ra ...
CERN Rises – The Boondoggle Expands
April 02, 2010
We'll put our biases right up front (don't we always?). We DON'T think the LHC has any value. We're old fashioned. Newton invented physics when an apple fell on his head. Copernicus figured out that the planets revolved around the sun with a pocket telescope. W ...
The Real U.S. Militia Problem
April 01, 2010
Countries have cultures, and the American culture – once you get outside of the big cities – is fairly small-r republican and entrepreneurial. Even In cities, there's an entrepreneurial streak in America, so it could be said, as it has been about America, t ...
Could U.S. Taxes Rise Hard?
April 01, 2010
By pushing through extremely unpopular health care legislation, the Obama administration has served notice that progressivism now takes pride of place over pragmatism. It is ironic that the previous Democratic presidency of Bill and Hillary Clinton was seen as ...
Government School Lesson #758
April 01, 2010
The New York Times reports that according to a ruling by a federal judge "a Mississippi school board was grossly discriminatory and mean-spirited when it told Constance McMillen that she could not attend her high school prom with her girlfriend." According to t ...
What Global Recovery?
March 31, 2010
Not a day goes by that we don't read an article or see an Internet video that proclaims green-shoots have turned into what should be eventually a full-blown recovery. In America, we read, the recovery, though tentative, is doing well; the stock market has doubl ...
NASA to Toyota's Rescue
March 31, 2010
NASA will conduct a probe of Toyota. Yet this is an organization that couldn't figure out if an O-Ring was freezing until Richard P. Feynman, a member of the presidential commission investigating the 1986 Challenger space-shuttle crash, proved it on national TV ...
EU Deal Helps Greece – Maybe Not?
March 30, 2010
This latest apparent EU solution may merely stave off a day of reckoning, but likely it will not avoid it – not without many further efforts anyway. And we still believe the problems may prove intractable, as the problem is obviously not merely a Greek one. P ...
Sarah Palin Still Endorses McCain
March 30, 2010
As a free-market publication, we would be more comforted by Sarah Palin's actions had she not just recently once again endorsed longtime former presidential running mate, Republican Senator John McCain. McCain is a certain kind of American politician and by sho ...
Healthcare and Economic Realities
March 30, 2010
Those who understand Austrian economic theory know that this new model of healthcare will cause major problems down the road, as it has in every nation that ignores economic realities. The more government involves itself in medicine, the worse healthcare will g ...
Reaching Within
March 30, 2010
Anyone who engages in the practice of psychotherapy knows that it is oftentimes as much a learning experience for the therapist as for the client. Nearly thirty years ago, I conducted a therapy group in which there was a man, a few years younger than I, with wh ...
Obama Sets Sights on Merging Mexico and U.S.?
March 29, 2010
This article is the story of a canvas now being painted. It may even end up with a portrait of an international couple being married. But it is not a pretty picture by any means. Investors with holdings in the United States – dollars, bonds and stocks – wil ...
Obama Surprises Afghanistan
March 29, 2010
The power elite has set itself some formidable tasks in the 21st century. The problem is that unlike the 20th century, the Internet has made many of the tactics of the elite abundantly clear. The basic method of operation of the elite is to create fear-based me ...
Tibor Machan on the Myth of Medical Care Rights, the Media Frenzy and the Possibility of Backlash
March 28, 2010
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an interview with well-known libertarian philosopher Tibor R. Machan. Dr. Machan is currently Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy, Auburn University, Alabama, and holds the R. C. Hoiles Endowed Chair ...
Ron Paul Sees Dollar Disappearing
March 27, 2010
We were lucky enough recently to snag an exclusive, short interview (below) with libertarian congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex). And when we received the above missive via email from his Liberty organization, we found to some extent it paralleled the interview. In bo ...
America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy!
March 27, 2010
We are making slaves out of those who are productive, and rulers out of those who gather together in bumptious mobs. We are allowing the destruction of individual rights to be justified by the might of numbers in pursuit of public handouts. The democratic major ...
Imploding China Forbids Sale of Land
March 26, 2010
This is a very interesting piece of news that is for some reason not apparently getting a great deal of play in the mainstream media, probably because it contradicts the power elite's dominant social theme that China is just like the West except richer and hard ...
Central Banks Buy Gold
March 26, 2010
So now the West's central banks are buying gold. They couldn't sell enough of it when the yellow metal was priced around US$250 just about a decade ago. But now that it is well over US$1,000 they can't buy enough. This alone should disabuse people of the notion ...
Health Care Bill Is End of U.S.?
March 25, 2010
This is a standard neo-strategic analysis of how the world works. We have recently noticed more and more of these types of analyses, especially from those affiliated with the US military. We don't know what is being taught to recruits at any level, but we would ...
Chinese Climb Great Wall Over 'Net Censorship
March 25, 2010
We read all the time about creeping Internet censorship and on some alternative news websites we are constantly alarmed by the imminent death of the Internet as a tool of learning and information. We've always held that the Internet was a good deal more robust ...
What of Pre-existing Conditions?
March 25, 2010
Here is what some would consider a hard case: Someone very ill is attempting to purchase insurance but companies refuse to provide it because they have a pretty good idea that covering the illness will cost very big bucks, way above what the insured and others ...
Jim Rogers: Euro Will Probably Break
March 24, 2010
Jim Rogers, whom we have interviewed in the recent past, now states he believes that the euro will go the way of the dodo bird – it will eventually become extinct. We never understood why countries would so easily give up their own currencies to begin with, b ...
Punish Wall Street?
March 24, 2010
So now we have a poll showing that many individuals dislike Wall Street and want bankers punished. But we would like to know how this poll was prefaced. Did the individuals doing the polling explain that the financial crisis was caused by easy interest rates? D ...
Global Economy Spins Out of Control?
March 23, 2010
Is the world spinning out of control? Europe, America and Asia face significant challenges and it is not at all clear that these are currently being surmounted. This article will take a brief look at the world's trouble spots and then suggest what can be done - ...
UN: World's Slums Grow
March 23, 2010
One might think the world's problems, especially as regards the poor, would be diminishing given the amount of attention to the plight of those who are less fortunate. But here we have an article stating definitively that the world's population of the poor has ...
Healthcare Reform Passes
March 23, 2010
Following months of heated public debate and aggressive closed-door negotiations, Congress finally cast a historic vote on healthcare late Sunday evening. It was truly a sad weekend on the House floor as we witnessed further dismantling of the Constitution, dis ...
Lies of Neo-Communitarianism?
March 22, 2010
Now it comes clear! We see in Britain what is to replace New Labour – and what surely will be an important influence in American political rhetoric as well. And that is the "ownership state" as proposed by someone named Phillip Blond who has come seemingly fr ...
Bribe the Taliban?
March 22, 2010
This article on bribing the Taliban has seemingly caused a minor Internet stir, as it has been picked up on many sites, though it was first reported apparently by ABC, see above. It fits in with the larger message both Americans and Europeans have come to under ...
Can You Get Out of a Debt Crisis by Piling on Another Layer of Debt?
March 22, 2010
The threat of this happening in other nations is quickly growing in the minds of politicians, investors and citizens around the world. The threat of lost trust, leading to a higher cost of servicing debt and financing deficits, leading to a visible loss of cred ...
David Icke on Earth's Artificial Moon and Why Humanity, Ultimately, Is One Big, Biological Internet
March 21, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with David Icke, one of the most controversial and entertaining conspiratorial historians commenting today. Formerly a professional athlete and politician, David Icke underwent a kind of conversion in ...
Shrinking Freedom in Britain
March 20, 2010
It is passing strange to read this article (excerpted above) by Telegraph writer Simon Heffer because it takes on a subject that British mainstream pundits seem to avoid for the most part - Britain's endless and growing authoritarianism, in some ways akin (in o ...
Supporting the War Instead of the Troops
March 20, 2010
Last week, Congress debated a resolution directing the President to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan no later than the end of this year. The Constitution gives the power to declare war to the Congress, so it is clearly appropriate for Congress to assert its ...
The William Tell Initiative: For When the Swiss Have Had Enough
March 20, 2010
Switzerland has long been an irritant to pushy governments everywhere. The country's availability and reliability as a place to store wealth undermines the power of foreign governments to exploit their own citizens. That chronic irritation may help explain the ...
Democracy and Liberty
March 20, 2010
The point deserves to be made over and over: majorities have no just authority to trump individual rights! That old dependable standby of the lynch mob is a perfect illustration of this. Just because the whole town wants to hang the suspect, it doesn't follow t ...
Germany Proposes IMF Greek Bailout
March 19, 2010
We have indicated that this was never expected. No, the EU elite in fact planned to continue to evolve through crisis. The idea was that each time the EU was deemed an unworkable entity, various insider maneuverings – eventually meeting a level of popular acc ...
Party Time for Anglo-American Elites?
March 19, 2010
We don't know exactly what the power elite has in mind to do next (in detail, anyway), but whatever it is, the Internet's alternative press will predict it and cover it – up to and including wars of control and diversion. And increasingly people, in the 21st ...
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