STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2301 - of
Newsweek: U.S. in Terminal Decline
March 18, 2010
As a newspaper devoted to analyzing dominant social themes, the Daily Bell occasionally turns to Newsweek to mine some of the best promotional presentations available. Newsweek, long affiliated with the Washington Post - the crown jewel of establishment newspap ...
Afghans Seek More Gov Protection
March 18, 2010
We had to read this twice, because we didn't believe it. Gallup in Afghanistan! And taking the pulse of the Afghan people with a fairly low level marginal sampling error - a statistical variance, in fact, that seems no more than what is achievable in the West. ...
Chinese Inflation – the Final Unraveling?
March 17, 2010
We've been coming back to this story again and again because it could be one of the biggest stories – financially, anyway – in the world right now. The European Union seems to be gradually collapsing under the weight of sovereign dysfunction and in America ...
U.S. Infrastructure Disintegrates
March 17, 2010
It is one more seeming failure of big government in the US. Crumbling roads and highways get the majority of attention from the American press, but the problems with the nation's water and sewer networks are apparently just as severe. Some systems date back to ...
Nobel Winner Stiglitz Calls Fed Corrupt
March 16, 2010
One must consider Joseph Stiglitz someone who knows his way around the corridors of power. He was former chief economist at the World Bank and a winner of a prestigious prize for economics (one that is not actually THE Nobel prize but has the same name). His st ...
A Better Afghan Propaganda?
March 16, 2010
The war, seen from this perspective, is a perhaps (primarily) aimed at "westernizing" Pashtuns – the tribe of 40 million strong from whom the Taliban is drawn. This may be a laudable goal, at least for some, but it is increasingly running into Western economi ...
The Free Market of Ideas
March 16, 2010
As my career in academia winds down, hopefully not too rapidly, I reflect on just how odd it is that in the United States of America, the leaders of which often boast of being the freest country in human political history, most of education is the province of g ...
Trade War: China Versus the West?
March 15, 2010
So China and the West are headed for a protectionist spat over an under-performing yuan? We have some difficulty believing this. China and America in particular have a 21st century symbiotic relationship, though the hostile posturing may be helpful to the polit ...
Big Media Debates Online Charges
March 15, 2010
The endless Big Media breast-beating continues, motivated not by bad reporting (which is the real problem) but by a bad bottom line. The outline of what it is intended to occur is coming clear now, but we are not sure that Big Media will be able to pull it off ...
Rob Pfaltzgraff on Free-Market Movies, the MPI and the Future of Independent Films
March 14, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Rob Pfaltzgraff. Rob is executive director of the free-market-oriented Moving Picture Institute. Pfaltzgraff has helped produce a number of well-received features including Do As I Say (based on P ...
Is Euro IMF Idea Half-Baked?
March 13, 2010
It may be that the top-notch minds running the EU will figure out a way to finesse the upcoming EU unraveling. Italy, Spain, Portugal, even Ireland are all potential trouble spots, however, and there is no way to continue forward with the euro (as it is, anyway ...
Census: A Little Too Personal
March 13, 2010
Yet there are consequences for not submitting to the census and its intrusive questions. If the form is not mailed back in time, households will experience the "pleasure" of a visit by a government worker asking the questions in person. If the government still ...
Texas Textbook Troubles
March 13, 2010
In a free and open society there will be a great variety of ways that people, even the most highly educated ones, will see the country's history, especially when it comes to politics and economics, as well as whatever other disciplines study. Few Americans coul ...
American Investors Shun Stocks?
March 12, 2010
After the Great Depression, the American stock market was decimated. In the latter 1940s, the New York Stock Exchange, in desperation, came up with the idea of road shows to explain to American investors the benefits of investing in stocks. The publicity campai ...
Elite Retreat? McCain Drops Diet Bill
March 12, 2010
Is there any elite dominant social theme that John McCain doesn't want to support? During the waning regime of George W. Bush, he came out in favor of flooding the United States with workers from Mexico – and its corollary which was building a transnational h ...
The Desperation of Quantitative Easing
March 11, 2010
Of course the power elite that stands behind the West's central banking regime will continue to try. They will pour as much money into the system as they believe they have to. The trouble the elite foresees, and we see it too, is that patience is just about gon ...
One U.S. Soldier's Struggle to Reintegrate
March 11, 2010
Perhaps the wrong wars are being fought. Maybe the real wars that ought to be waged – firmly and without violence – should be ones against systems of governance and economics that gradually remove people's freedoms to live and work as they choose, and to re ...
Gold Is Toppy, Buy More?
March 10, 2010
The mechanism we are suggesting is a bit different than the one presented in the Telegraph article. But we have done our best to present it realistically, as we understand it. Since we have not seen evidence of severe price inflation yet (and sooner or later we ...
Internet Icon Marc Andreessen: Burn Old Media Model
March 10, 2010
Andreessen believes the mainstream media is somewhat technology-phobic. But in fact it is probably a much larger and more terrible problem. By purveying lies, mainstream media has forfeited the trust of its audience. And today, like Macbeth, it lives with the c ...
Is Quality Health Care a Fundamental Right?
March 10, 2010
Now the big problem with this is that while respect for another's right to life or liberty requires nothing more from someone than to abstain from killing (or assaulting or kidnapping) that individual while respecting the right to, say, health care requires act ...
More Sovereign Defaults Loom?
March 09, 2010
As more begin to understand the reality of power-elite promotions – that they are a kind of fear-based propaganda aimed at gathering additional wealth and power for only a few (at the expense of the many) – the task of those supporting such promotions grows ...
George Soros – Secret Austrian Economist?
March 09, 2010
We have no idea why Soros is advocating the nationalization of American banks, or why he is talking up the Chinese approach as superior. We don't really care. Most of what Soros says these days has little or nothing to do with the way he actually invests, we wo ...
Iceland to Europe: Drop Dead
March 08, 2010
Iceland was a fairly socialist entity until the 1990s when its government went on a privatizing spree and sold off almost everything under the theory that Iceland would be more prosperous if the government ceased to interfere with every Icelandic entrepreneuria ...
Gold: Best Asset of the 2000s
March 08, 2010
It is really is unfair in our view how the mainstream media misleads so many people when it comes to investing. As financial journalists throughout the 1990s we heard over and over from the planning and brokerage establishment that gold and silver were purchase ...
Big Lie Theory Flourishes
March 08, 2010
What they say is, well, a big lie, although for The Times it is routine by now, what with the leadership of hyper-Keynesian Paul Krugman on their pages when it comes to political economy. They state, clearly without any hesitation, that "For a quarter-century, ...
Charles Payne on Business Broadcasting, Stock Picking Strategies and the Promise of Global Investing
March 07, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Charles Payne (left). Mr. Payne is a Fox business analyst and Chief Executive Officer and Principle Analyst of Wall Street Strategies, Inc. (WSSI), which he founded in 1991. Today, WSSI provides i ...
Solution to Economic Crisis – Pretty Wallpaper?
March 06, 2010
This article excerpt above is a perfect metaphor for what is happening in Great Britain. Britain's educational system, health care system, media (state-run BBC) and economic system are dysfunctional to one degree or another. The country, according to its mainst ...
Tales of Strong Reforms in Iqaluit – or Possibly Just a Hoax
March 06, 2010
These questions enveloped the recent news surrounding Greek and EU sovereign credit risk. Concerns in this context have dominated financial markets and price action over the past week. The EU, led by Germany and France, has now 'dutifully stepped up to the plat ...
Property Rights and Gun Rights
March 06, 2010
Over the years the distinction between public and private spaces has become obscured. Which is why Starbucks is finding it so difficult to insist that customers do not carry weapons while in their establishment. It is because over the last several decades a doc ...
Toppling Memes of the Global Elite
March 05, 2010
In Keynesian parlance a soft landing merely means that central bank over-printing of money is lessened. Meanwhile, the bankers running the show hope desperately that the economy does not collapse. That's about all there is to it. Oh, the mainstream media likes ...
M&S Boss: Don't Trash Capitalism
March 05, 2010
Sir Stuart Rose seems to speak from the heart on this one. But here at the Bell we'd make a plea for some truth-in-labeling. Surely (one day) the Internet revolution – which has brought free-market thinking to millions – will contribute a name more evocativ ...
Fed Optimistic About U.S. Economy
March 04, 2010
We confess, we wonder what it is that CNN reporters - and the Fed itself - see as so encouraging about the economy. Americans have been down this weary road before. In the 20th century alone, especially since the implementation of the mercantilist quasi-public ...
Greece Must Swallow Its Medicine
March 04, 2010
The idea that Greeks themselves are going to feel it is incumbent on them to make recompense to the EU – and the world at large – for "a nation's profligacy" flies in the face of human nature as we understand it. Greeks will likely not internalize their nat ...
Gold Hits Record High in Euros, Sterling
March 03, 2010
We don't really expect Reuters or other major media to change their coverage as regards precious metals. But the mainstream is missing one of the biggest stories of the early 21st century in our opinion. There is still time to get on board from a journalistic s ...
Smart Grid: Trojan Horse of the New World Order?
March 03, 2010
We would hope that those concerned by the re-emergence and implementation of Technocracy would help spread the word. Smart Grid would seem to be one more initiative by the current American administration that needs to be confronted. In fact, the Obama administr ...
Bizarre Spending Habits
March 03, 2010
Last week I had the opportunity to bring up spending and transparency in two important hearings. On Wednesday I questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on some highly questionable uses of funds at the Federal Reserve, and on Thursday I asked Secretary ...
Central Banks Can't Stop Global Unraveling
March 02, 2010
Yes, every day we observe the differences between current reality and analyses of the Great Depression of the 1930s, especially as regards America. We are increasingly in a position to make a determination over what was covered up or twisted to buttress certain ...
Power Elite Losing America?
March 02, 2010
There are two areas of pushback an alternative media initiative such as the Daily Bell is apt to encounter. The first is that it is "conspiratorial" and the second is that its paltry insights will fall on deaf ears, as the mass of people are "asleep" or "sheep. ...
What Is the Public Interest?
March 02, 2010
The moral system these avid fans of statism are peddling is the doctrine of service to the public interest. You know, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country" and similar calls to have us all abandon the Declaration's idea ...
Al Gore's New Warming Theme
March 01, 2010
We were surprised yesterday to read the above excerpt in the New York Times because we had written about this possibility the day before. We note this not to blow our own horn (honestly) but only because it confirms generally the thrust of the Bell and its anal ...
Afghan Government Shields Endangered Bird
March 01, 2010
The West will not likely win in Afghanistan, not in the long run (no invader ever has in modern history). Those in charge – the power elite in particular – do not care. Western officials are busily building bases in Afghanistan as they have in Iraq, as they ...
Jim Rogers on China Opportunities, the Gold Standard and the Development of His Free-Market Financial Philosophy
February 28, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Jim Rogers. Jim was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund, and is creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI). A native of Demopolis, Alabama, Jim Rogers was entrepreneurial from a you ...
Elite Rewind: Green Best for Jobs
February 27, 2010
Here at the Bell we cover power elite dominant social themes. Now there are plenty of people who may not believe in them. They may find it hard to fathom that over the past hundred years or more, a mostly Anglo-American elite has built a nearly seamless structu ...
Going to the Roots of the Problem: Part 4 of 4
February 27, 2010
Therefore, if Americans want a stable and prosperous economy, they want a free economy (that is, one based on the free market). If Americans want a free economy, they want "a free State", that being the only kind of political system that will support and defend ...
Government Stimulus, One Year Later
February 27, 2010
Last week marked the one year anniversary of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, or the stimulus bill, passing into law. While the debate over its success has been focused on whether or not it is stimulating the economy and on various questionable uses ...
How About Them Philosophical Differences?
February 27, 2010
President Obama and others at the summit Thursday (2/25/10) kept talking about philosophical difference between his team and the Republicans but what did they have in mind? By "philosophical" most mean "basic," or "fundamental." Possibly "systemic" could also b ...
Jim Rogers on the Pound
February 26, 2010
Jim Rogers, who has given the Bell a terrific interview to appear this Sunday, made news again yesterday with the above excerpted prediction about the British pound. It's no secret that Britain has been inordinately profligate even during the financial crisis, ...
EU Unraveling – Greece vs. Germany
February 26, 2010
Actually we're not too sure where the tussle between Greece and Germany is going to end up. It could easily be an early warning signal of the dissolution of the EU. Or perhaps the IMF could step in. Or Germany could eventually bail Greece out, and then other co ...
Going to the Roots of the Problem: Part 3 of 4
February 26, 2010
Even without much expenditure of electronic soap for their "brainwashing" by the Armed Forces' psy-ops contingents, the American people in their anonymous millions would likely accept these turns of events, and the "official" explanations for them, because by t ...
Marc Faber: 30 Percent Chance China Will Crash and Burn
February 25, 2010
The view we enunciated nearly a year ago (that China was in a bubble) is steadily being recognized by top investment pros, most recently the well-known Marc Faber. China is important to the world's economy. If China is in a bubble, and if that bubble should pop ...
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