STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2351 - of
Washington Times Covers 9/11 Controversy
February 25, 2010
We have no idea what happened on 9/11. But since 9/11 Commission members have reportedly disavowed the full government's story - and one has written a book claiming the commission was serially lied to by the Bush administration, the FBI, CIA, etc. - we have to ...
Going to the Roots of the Problem: Part 2 of 4
February 25, 2010
In light of the self-evident dangers it poses to Americans' constitutional liberties, a nationwide network of police agencies centrally controlled from Washington, D.C., is bad enough. For if such a network is not itself a "national police state", it certainly ...
Peddling the Corruption of Liberty
February 25, 2010
Ever since the idea of individual liberty has achieved some measure of credibility over the world, those who would be unseated by its limited triumph had to find some way to discredit it or trump it somehow. One way was to re-christen servitude, to make it appe ...
Bankruptcy of the West: Sovereign Debt Default
February 24, 2010
The last time countries verged on defaulting – in the 1930s – the gold standard evaporated. But this time according to Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard, "rich countries ... will deal with [their economic crises]." We wonder if he would be so confident if Dubai had ...
Robert Gates: Anti-War EU to Create a War
February 24, 2010
This comes perilously close to the famous phrase, "eternal war for eternal peace." For 70 years, the European mantra has been "never again." The powers-that-be have even created a European super state to ensure that member countries will not come to blows with ...
Going to the Roots of the Problem: Part 1 of 4
February 24, 2010
Once upon a time, not so very long ago, a certain nation was one of the richest countries in the world. [World War II] had left it a creditor nation; it was owed * * * billion[s of] dollars by Britain alone. The derelict state of the European economies gave [th ...
U.S. on Wrong Side of History?
February 23, 2010
Is America on the wrong side of history? Perhaps so, for now. Its wars, in fact, are being fought to inflict a social order on the Middle East (and elsewhere) that its own citizens are starting to reject. We anticipate that as the educative effects of the Inter ...
Buffet's Partner Says America Is Finished
February 23, 2010
We find it somewhat facile to maintain as Munger does that one can ban derivatives and otherwise tinker with the system – and then it will work again, at least after a fashion. In fact, we think that this perspective merely touches the surface of what is nece ...
EU Economic 'Torture' for Greece?
February 22, 2010
We wanted to write about the irony of the anger that is rising in Euroland, and lo and behold, the UK Telegraph makes the pertinent observation. What supposedly began as a way to generate comity between various European countries is now, as euro-currency-rules ...
Some Sunnis Drop Out of Iraq Election
February 22, 2010
We try to follow the news from Iraq on a fairly regular basis. The announcement that an important Sunni group will boycott the upcoming election has not received a great deal of notice so far. But if it stands, and especially if it spreads, the results could be ...
Lew Rockwell on von Mises, Ron Paul, Free Markets and the Future of Freedom
February 21, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with Lew Rockwell. Lew is a seminal proponent of the modern free-market movement and a chief orchestrator of the Austrian economic resurgence in America and abroad. Rockwell was Ludwig von Mises' own e ...
Are U.S. Taxpayers Bailing Out Greece?
February 20, 2010
Last week we were reminded that ours is not the only country suffering from severe economic turmoil. The Greek government is the latest to come close to default on their massive public debt. Greece has insufficient funds in their treasury to make even the minim ...
Tiger Woods Dishonored Himself
February 20, 2010
So Tiger Woods apologized for his "selfish behavior." Of course, what he did was to dishonor himself, his human self that is, not benefit it at all. Indeed, this allegedly selfish conduct of Mr. Woods has produced a few hours of sensual pleasure at the expense ...
Economic Fiat End-Times?
February 19, 2010
Recently we have written about how America's – and the world's – fiat financial system could change and even unravel. We have noted that there is generally a fiat-money crisis around the world and that every single global player seems to be struggling with ...
As Bell Predicted: IRS Plane Attack Hits Freedom
February 19, 2010
That didn't take long. The tragic incident of a man flying a plane into an IRS building in Texas almost immediately conjured up articles in the mainstream press expressing concern over the violent impacts of libertarian and free market rhetoric. Joe Stack appar ...
Are All of Us Always Selfish?
February 18, 2010
The idea that everyone is always acting selfishly comes from Thomas Hobbes, mostly, though others have voiced it too. For Hobbes we are all moved by passions, such as for power or wealth or such, and this is merely the human version of the way matter behaves in ...
How Global Fiat Money Dies
February 18, 2010
When it occurred to us recently that the current version of Western fiat money was in very deep trouble and perhaps on the way out, we wrote an article on the subject (Depression 2010 – Western Fiat-Money Finished?). Now we return to the subject because the U ...
Sarah Palin as Paid Hack
February 18, 2010
It is all so scarily transparent now. First Glenn Beck, then Bill O'Reilly and now Sarah Palin. If you read the articles and analyze the rhetoric, you can see that the mini-meme of Tea Party extremism is being fully orchestrated by Murdoch's flagship media netw ...
When Do the Lawsuits Begin?
February 17, 2010
The drumbeat for financial damages seems to have stepped up its pace as regards the failure of evidence surrounding global warming. It is not something that for the most part has been contemplated in the past – the idea that power elite and its allies could b ...
False Flag to Discredit Ron Paul?
February 17, 2010
This is an interesting article, excerpted above, not because we believe necessarily that the powers-that-be are contemplating a false-flag event but because there is certainly room for escalating violence in American (and Europe, too). In fact, Infowar's Alex J ...
The Truth About Political Correctness
February 16, 2010
The Glenn Beck program has provided us with an instructive lesson on the nature of modern political correctness. This article will use Beck's behavior, as related above, as a jumping-off point to analyze the term within a 21st century context – at a time when ...
How Wall Street Aided Greek Spending and Why
February 16, 2010
It has apparently emerged that Wall Street's Goldman Sachs was not alone in helping Greece – and other countries – avoid EU-determined governmental budget limits. But the way this story is playing out, Wall Street is made to look like an enabler of bad and ...
EU Elite Starts to Stagger?
February 15, 2010
We have noticed somewhat to our surprise – and pointed out to our readers – that power elite dominant social themes do seem to be unraveling at a rapid rate: central banking, peak oil, corporatism – all are under fire or at least being questioned. In this ...
Britain Hammers Its Biggest Stars
February 15, 2010
What is it with Britain these days? Between the cameras at every street-corner, a sizeable and apparently secretly proposed VAT tax raise, the escalating debt and endless regulatory palaver, it's hard to see what else the British socialist leadership could do t ...
Terry Coxon on the Trouble With the US Economy and its Two Major Causes
February 14, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to present an exclusive interview with economist and financial author Terry Coxon. Mr. Coxon is the author of Keep What You Earn and was for many years a close collaborator with and editor for the late Harry Browne. He currently is a r ...
More Spending Is Always the Answer
February 13, 2010
Last week, the House approved another increase in the national debt ceiling. This means the government can borrow $1.9 trillion more to stay afloat and avoid default. It has been little more than a year since the last debt limit increase, and graphs showing the ...
Oh, That Egalitarian Feeling!
February 13, 2010
If I recall this right, the prominent philosopher and legal theorist, Martha Nussbaum of the University of Chicago (where she is the Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics), has argued that while it is true that full human equality is no ...
The Buy & Hold Scam
February 12, 2010
Are stocks the only place to be long-term? We don't think so. The Bell is on record as pointing out that the stock markets of the 20th century were highly influenced by central banking money production and were in a sense a "scam" because it was fiat-money prin ...
Unlike Bush, The Bell is Anti-State & Anti-War
February 12, 2010
And NOW – right here – we will state even more clearly than we did yesterday that those who write for the Bell find the Bush administration to be exceptionally odious and, not to put too fine a point on it, evil. Evil because when the administration could h ...
EU Will Fail Upwards Until it Really Fails
February 11, 2010
The European Union, like Frankenstein's monster, is not about to die again – or not if its leaders can help it. Every crisis, every mis-step, every unworkable solution only provides those running the EU with additional reasons why the EU should obtain more po ...
Should U.S. Voters Miss George Bush?
February 11, 2010
We disagree with those who believe that George Bush's presidency was a failed one. We believe George Bush was a profoundly transformational and important president. We also believe he was one of the cleverest men to occupy the White House – though we do not m ...
Depression 2010 – Western Fiat-Money Finished?
February 10, 2010
Is the Western world struggling through a bad patch? Our argument, voiced with various levels of clarity at various times, is that the West is currently living through a failure of fiat money - specifically a failure of the global anchor currency: the greenback ...
Afghan Pashtuns and U.S. Patriots on Same Side?
February 10, 2010
We disagree with the above frothing analysis, of course. We have placed ourselves firmly on record as believing the Western war in Afghanistan is aimed at the stiff-necked Pashtun tribe of some 40 million strong - and are inclined to support the notion that if ...
China in Secret Chaos?
February 09, 2010
Who matters in the world's second-largest financial system is barely understood Feb 4th 2010. From being a rounding error a decade ago, the financial clout of China now trails only that of America. By market capitalisation, it has three of the four largest bank ...
U.S. Pushes Iran for War?
February 09, 2010
The trouble with sanctions is that they often provoke the very wars they supposedly are intended to avoid. When the US slapped sanctions on Japan before the Second World War, Japan responded with a good deal more aggressiveness perhaps than US planners had expe ...
Sarah Palin & the Desperation of the Elites
February 08, 2010
Sarah Palin is really a last chance gasp, in our opinion, for the power elite to maintain the integrity of the two-party system in America. We predicted that Palin would run long ago - and that she would set up an alternative political structure in the process. ...
Mystery Brit Funds Pump Global Warming
February 08, 2010
It's hard to wrap one's head around the prevalence of what we call dominant social themes. The idea that a tiny and incredibly wealthy power elite can orchestrate fear-based promotions in order to offer authoritarian solutions that deprive citizens of yet more ...
Lord William Rees-Mogg on Sound Money, Austrian Economics and British Government Reform
February 07, 2010
The editors of The Daily Bell are pleased to present an exclusive interview with legendary London Times editor, Lord William Rees-Mogg. Lord Rees-Mogg attended Charterhouse and Balliol College, Oxford and was President of the Oxford Union in 1951. He became a w ...
Spending Freeze Not Likely
February 06, 2010
Last week politicians in Washington made a few things clear about how they really feel about the state of the union. First, they are beginning to hear the growing discontent with the size and scope of government and the broken promises that keep piling up. Cert ...
Are Corporations Persons?
February 06, 2010
Actually, no one thinks corporations are persons but some do believe they are groups of persons. No one thinks orchestras, or football teams or universities are persons but many do think they are variously configured people. If this is so, then they, as groups ...
EU on the Brink?
February 05, 2010
The fight to maintain the European Union has been joined, and it is not clear what the outcome will be. It is possible that result will be a shrunken EU, even a shattered EU – or perhaps a EU that fights through the difficulties now arising and maintains its ...
Terror for Domestic Repression
February 05, 2010
Maybe Slate has not realized that Republicans and Democrats are basically equal opportunity offenders when it comes to the alarming erosion of civil rights and privacy in the United States. While damage to the protections provided by the Constitution to US citi ...
Germany Steals Swiss Tax Data?
February 04, 2010
On the face of it, the Swiss business of banking secrecy seems to be under severe attack. But let's peer beneath the surface, shall we? The EU, right now is under tremendous pressure having to do with governmental over-spending in numerous states. Is it possibl ...
Questioning Wakefield Lancet-Vaccine Retraction
February 04, 2010
Wakefield's co-authors had already retracted the paper, so the Lancet retraction is probably predictable. However, the retraction by his co-authors, Wakefield has pointed out, is somewhat puzzling since the paper never made a direct connection between vaccines ...
Robert Gates Sets New Global War
February 03, 2010
This is a historical moment folks. You are in on the ground floor. You are looking at liftoff. Right now, just this minute, Gates has declared a NEW GLOBAL COLD WAR. That's right – he's saying that the DANGER posed by the stateless terrorist "transcends" the ...
Paulson Didn't Save U.S. Economy
February 03, 2010
What exactly did Paulson save? From our point of view, he purports to have saved a financial system that is driven by fiat money and distorted by central banking surges. Not a real financial system in other words, but a false-mimic of one that has gradually bee ...
Why Are U.S. Voters Stupid?
February 02, 2010
The real title of this article is "Why do people often vote against their own interests?" It caught our eye because it seemed, well, a little bit patronizing. Even before reading it, just from the headline, we decided the BBC was asking the question based on th ...
Let's Admit U.S. Won in Iraq
February 02, 2010
Even as we are writing this article, analysis comes word from RTTNews, among other sources, that "at least 41 people were killed and over 100 injured when a woman suicide-bomber detonated her explosives during a religious rally in north-east Baghdad Monday." Wi ...
The Great Greek Unraveling of the EU
February 01, 2010
We've been writing about the decline and fall of the European Union (hopefully) for years. And for some reason, (even despite our criticisms!) the EU has slithered onward, swallowing up countries like a boa constrictor and pressing them close to its bosom in a ...
Will the West Pay Off the Taliban?
February 01, 2010
The West may prove so flexible about the Afghan war that it may eventually simply declare victory and leave. Of course, this flies in the face of the additional 30,000 troops that the Pentagon is committing to the fight. But it may be that the additional troops ...
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