Exclusive Interviews Showing 2401 - of
Roger Simon on American Freedom, the Success of Pajamas Media and Blacklisting Himself
January 31, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with Internet Media Entrepreneur Roger Simon. Los Angeles-based Roger L. Simon is co-founder of the well-known conservative news site Pajamas Media. Simon is the author of ten novels, including the pri ...
Legalize Competing Currencies
January 30, 2010
Much has been made recently about the supposed economic recovery. A few blips in a few statistics and many believe our troubles are all over. Of course, they have to redefine recovery as "jobless" to account for the lack of improvement on Main Street. But the b ...
Why the First Amendment?
January 30, 2010
It has puzzled me for some time why campaign contribution is considered a First Amendment constitutional issue. If I write out a check to some candidate, I am not talking, writing an essay, carrying some poster in a parade or anything that could be construed as ...
George Soros: Gold in a Gargantuan Bubble!
January 29, 2010
George Soros, in our opinion, has been "damaged goods" every since he made billions betting against the pound. The Queen called him in for a private talk after he took his profits, and ever since then he's been a virtual whirlwind of socialist energy – a ghos ...
Tea Party of Nope?
January 29, 2010
What is the Washington Post on about in this article entitled, "The Audacity of Nope?" This is certainly an obtuse article from our point of view. With all that is taking place in the US, how can the Post find American dissatisfaction incomprehensible? The nati ...
The Address Obama Should Have Given – For a Change to Freedom
January 29, 2010
In the face of the President Obama's determination to push for more "change" down the path of expanding political paternalism, one imagines what he might have said in the State of the Union address if he had chosen to pro pose the type of change that really wou ...
CIA: Terrorists to Nuke U.S. Cities
January 28, 2010
We follow up yesterday's somewhat controversial column "Lieutenant Colonel Says US Coup Feasible" with this item from Newsmax (and perhaps elsewhere as well) which is actually entitled, "Former WMD Chief: Al-Qaida Awaiting Nukes." We focus on analyzing this sto ...
Gold Bottom Is U.S.$1,000?
January 28, 2010
Yesterday we carried a CNN article (originally appearing in Fortune a feed-backer informs us) that predicted gold would plunge to US$500. While the author of this article apparently has an affinity for finding and then metaphorically lancing bubbles, we were no ...
Choice and Rights
January 28, 2010
It's about who is to choose! Our rights identify the realm of our choices, where we and not others get to decide about how things go. When rights are violated, the violator deprives the rights holder of his or her proper, morally justified authority to chose. S ...
Lieutenant Colonel Says U.S. Coup Feasible
January 27, 2010
We try to balance realism about society with a perception that the Internet, like a modern-day Gutenberg press, is badly damaging power elite dominant social themes. One of these themes in our opinion is "potential martial law" – a theme that has found specia ...
Why Does CNN See Gold at U.S.$500?
January 27, 2010
Every time we read one of these articles lumping gold in with other "investment" entities we feel an article coming on. Gold is not a stock, not a commodity, it is a money metal - and there are factors that influence it that go far beyond supply and demand. By ...
Fed Threatens Congress Again?
January 26, 2010
As of this writing, the tenor of reporting in Washington seems to have shifted. This past week, the story was that Ben Bernanke was not going to get reconfirmed as Federal Reserve Chairman. But after what appears to be a phone blitz by the Obama Administration, ...
Incredible 'Real' Reason for Carbon Trading?
January 26, 2010
We tend to analyze articles that appear in the mainstream press but regular readers know that the Bell will make an exception from time to time. And in this case, we have. The paper we have alluded to, (above, excerpted) seems to reveal details about the
Obama's Failing Corporatist Presidency
January 25, 2010
This article, written by a young author with the Huffington Post, really got us thinking about political labeling. The article is certainly, in our opinion, written from a leveling perspective, as Samuel Johnson would say, and seems to bemoan the lack of sincer ...
Like Lazarus, Bin Laden Rises
January 25, 2010
Another day waging a war on terror, another Bin Laden tape. We've been writing about the war on terror and 9/11 fairly regularly because we believe some of the power elite's most fundamental dominant social themes are evident in them – and also because these ...
Dr. Mark Skousen on Honest Money, Austrian Economics and the Future of Free Markets
January 24, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an exclusive interview with the distinguished free-market scholar and economist Dr. Mark Skousen. Dr. Skousen was an adjunct professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business in 2004. In 2001- 02, he was preside ...
Brown's Tea Party Schism?
January 23, 2010
Did the results of the recent Massachusetts election in a sense presage a growing formal schism between conservatives and libertarians who supported the "real" Tea Party candidate Joe Kennedy? We've written about the schism in the past without being sure of its ...
Tipping the Scales for Liberty
January 23, 2010
It has been my experience that people who take politics seriously tend to want to have their idea of a good or just system of laws fully implemented. Yet these people aren't ignorant about the poor prospects of achieving their goal. Unless a society is being ru ...
Squirming of the Fed
January 22, 2010
Bernanke is vainly striving, presumably with the help of the Obama administration, to point the finger of blame for the economic crisis directly at Wall Street. This is all he can do, really. For if Congress does come up with a severe realignment of Wall Street ...
The Reality of Scott Brown
January 22, 2010
We've learned some interesting things in the past 24-hours. According to Newsweek and the New York Times, "FreedomWorks, headed by former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey, helped direct the Tea Party movement in Massachusetts to score the upset win f ...
Bogle: Faith-Betrayed Markets
January 21, 2010
John Bogle is back at it again. The pioneer in the area of low-cost funds, Bogle always beats the drum for the small investor and positions himself as Wall Street maverick tilting at the windmills of greed and avarice. Bogle in this Journal opinion piece makes ...
Prayer for a Tea-Party Nation
January 21, 2010
We said we would return to the Tea Party movement and with the victory of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, now is as good a time as any. We see the First National Tea Party Convention (taking place in early February) is already sold out! Not only that, but it's ke ...
Bernanke Tells Congress to Investigate Fed
January 20, 2010
This is really unheard of, in our opinion. Even a year ago, the idea of the Fed actually "welcoming" a full review by Congress into ANY of activities would have seemed faintly ludicrous. Even now, we wonder what the Fed really has in mind – what slippery rhet ...
Merkel's Germany to Let Euro Die?
January 20, 2010
Well, this is interesting. We've written articles expressing the idea that the EU itself is something of a German reconquest of Europe without the messy effects of a war. But even within this context we wondered how much German citizens would be willing to pay ...
Government Is Too Big to Succeed
January 20, 2010
The Pecora Commission was stacked with big government sympathizers who blamed the free market and the gold standard without question, and without any consideration of government interference in the economy. This panel is no different. Never will they contemplat ...
Do We Need More Guilt?
January 20, 2010
The idea that just because there are other persons who are disabled or lacking in what they would want, no one may take pleasure in what he or she does have, may have a noble ring to it but it is complete folly. It is contrary to the very point of feeling sorry ...
Old GOP Doesn't 'Get' Tea Parties
January 19, 2010
We must admit we don't "get" the Tea Party movement either. Yes, it may be growing, but we think the mainstream media – and even portions of the alternative media – are purposefully massaging the movement's profile to fit certain political conceptions. But ...
Are Roman and American Empires Good?
January 19, 2010
There are always those, well educated and passionate, who make a case for a pax Americana similar to a pax Romana and that within this context a world-spanning and judiciously militaristic (American) empire may be seen as a good thing. We think, in fact, this p ...
Time Mag Chops Down Wall Street
January 18, 2010
The Internet, in our opinion, has been a big impediment to the plans of the power elite to drive global hegemony forward based on the latest financial crisis. It has taken a long time to organize an international response and there is no certainty that the over ...
FBI Bin Laden Promotion Blows Up
January 18, 2010
The Anglo-American power elite uses promotional methodologies to create fear and uncertainty in Western citizens – who in turn surrender their wealth and freedom to purchase the illusion of personal and familial security. This article briefly reviews how thes ...
Thomas Woods, Jr. on Popularizing Freedom and Why Real Libertarian Conservatives Are Anti-State and Anti-War
January 17, 2010
The Daily Bell is the Daily Bell is pleased to publish an interview with the distinguished libertarian scholar, Thomas E. Woods, Jr. Dr. Woods is a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. He holds a bachelor's degree in history from Harvard and his mas ...
Why the Fed Likes Independence
January 16, 2010
Last week it was revealed that when Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, he urged AIG officials not to disclose to the Securities Exchange Commission relevant details of agreements with banks to bail out Goldman Sachs. A ...
CFTC to Limit Gold and Silver Trading
January 15, 2010
So it comes down to this. The American CFTC which runs gold and silver trading is concerned about "speculative bubbles" and is determined to get ahead of the curve. It may impose limits on how much metal can be purchased, in aggregate, on any given day or even ...
Criminal Mindset of U.S. Data Bureaucracy
January 15, 2010
It is actually very difficult to come up with an understanding of what is going on in America if one restricts oneself to the kind of analysis that Boskin is offering here. A one-time advisor to George Bush senior, which should set off alarm bells of itself, Bo ...
Real Economic Reform for a Hurting Haiti
January 15, 2010
Our televisions screens have been full of those tragic pictures of the devastation and human hardship that has been caused by the earthquake in Caribbean country of Haiti. Governments and private relief agencies are mustering their efforts to bring assistance t ...
Cost of Warming Fraud Comes Clear
January 14, 2010
We've spent plenty of time on global warming and of course we considered it a power elite promotion from the start (many years ago). But we have been gratified to see how thoroughly the meme has collapsed, even though like all dominant social themes the officia ...
Is Iran War Up Next?
January 14, 2010
The Washington Times, which never looked in the direction of Iran without seeing military enterprise, is beating the drums for war again. Whenever there is a decisive violent event in Iran the Washington Times trots out another story about the coming Western wa ...
Economic Aspects of the Pension Problem (Part 2): Productivity Revisited
January 13, 2010
In Part One I discussed the clear and present danger to pension rights: deflation as manifested by the interest rates structure that has been falling for almost thirty years, while most observers still think that the real danger is inflation. In this concluding ...
WSJ Again Confused About Freedom
January 13, 2010
It is common knowledge now, for those who read the Internet, that a republican form of government is far preferable to a democracy, which is the rule of the mob, yet this article we are analyzing is actually called "Democracy's Wane." Why would anyone be worrie ...
China Struggles Against Bust
January 13, 2010
Last year ('09) we made two pretty good calls against the prevailing wisdom of the day. We proclaimed that the Federal Reserve was in big trouble as an institution (an somewhat unheard of idea when we mentioned it) and not much later we pointed out that the Chi ...
Euthanasia of the Pension Funds (Part 1)
January 12, 2010
In 1950 Mises looked at the pension problem from the point of view of the shrinking purchasing power of the dollar, a consequence of what he called the deliberate policy of currency debasement by the U.S. government. In 1950 a pension of $100 per month was a su ...
Mary Daly Passes Away
January 12, 2010
We did NOT get an exceptional amount of push back to our previous article on feminism but what we did get made us think hard about how to portray a nuanced message here at the Bell in a way that would not dismay someone reading the Bell for the first time. So n ...
UK Upped War Threat for Bush Admin
January 12, 2010
We are trying to cover what's going on in Britain regarding the war on terror since we have noticed that it's not getting a great deal of coverage on the other side of the pond. Wonder why that is? Some pretty troubling info is being revealed, but what is surpr ...
U.S. Fed Rigs Stock Market
January 11, 2010
So now the whispers about government intervention into the world's largest stock market have reached the point where the mainstream press is writing about them. Way back in 1987, during the Crash, it was common knowledge - or at least a common rumor - that Alan ...
British Life Worse Than Communists'
January 11, 2010
We've covered this ground before, but here we have more proof of just how its leadership has let Britain down. It seems odd to recall that only two centuries ago Britain was approaching the peak of its power. It ran an empire over half the world and its civil i ...
Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. on the Failure of the Public Sector, the Coming Military Crackdown and How to Stop It
January 10, 2010
The Daily Bell is pleased to publish an interview with the distinguished libertarian attorney and activist, Edwin Vieira, Jr. Dr. Vieira holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and ...
Market Interest Rates Need to Tell the Truth, or Why Federal Reserve Policy Tells Lies
January 09, 2010
Arguing that there was no reason to fear significant price inflation for the foreseeable future, the Open Market Committee also told that it was continuing to inject more Federal Reserve-created money into the financial markets as it finishes buying up by the e ...
Greeks Will Get No Help From EU
January 08, 2010
Now the EU has thrown down the gauntlet. This could be a turning point. This is a big deal. After a gestation of 60 years, the EU powers-that-be are forcing a kind of confrontation. Perhaps they have no other choice, but that's a big deal too. It seems to us th ...
Women Become Majority Workers
January 08, 2010
The liberation of women is in our opinion another dominant social theme, one of the longest running of the power elite's promotions. The real push for women to become part of the work force happened in the 20th century. Not surprisingly, this was the century th ...
Majority of Americans Dislike Jobs
January 07, 2010
We've been down this road before, but it is worth restating. The 20th century and now the 21st century has seen a tremendous employment distortion because of central banking. The central banking era really only got going in the early 20th century and that's whe ...
Showing 2401 - of – Newest on Top
