STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2601 - of
Watch Out Bankers: Now the IMF Wants to Tax You Too
October 03, 2009
The IMF is being intensely active. First IMF leaders have announced the development of risk tools that will warn the world of an impending calamity. Now IMF executives are drawing up plans to levy what is basically an international banking tax. These moves come ...
Will IMF Early-Warning System for Financial Crises Be Effective?
October 02, 2009
Free-Market Analysis: Boy, this is an exciting idea. The IMF, which until recently anyway, never met a country that it couldn't squeeze, is going to unveil a system that will predict financial crises. Since the IMF uses Keynesian (statist) analysis, we can't qu ...
Greenspan Sees Growth Slowing as Stocks 'Flatten Out'
October 01, 2009
Huh? Whaaa? We must have missed this "growth." Alan Greenspan hasn't though. The man who looks and sounds exactly as a central banker is supposed to look and sound is at it again. We've charted Greenspan's course in the past, and we must admit he is being more ...
Japan Tips Ever Deeper Into Deflation
September 30, 2009
First Spain and now Japan. The Telegraph is charting deflationary trends in one industrial economy after another. The problem in Spain apparently is that EU central bank demands make it impossible for Spain to print enough money to cushion its increasingly grim ...
Volcker Claims Concern About Moral Hazard
September 29, 2009
One of the things that central banking does among other things is basically turn marketplace finance into radioactive waste. Mention hedge funds, private equity and derivatives and responsible people in Washington DC go apoplectic. Of course, in each instance, ...
Spain Tips Into Depression
September 28, 2009
We think that the problems with Spain do presage problems going on elsewhere in the world. We think, eventually, they will visit the United States as well. When we write "eventually" what we mean is that things will get considerably worse. We believe this becau ...
Ross Beaty on How to Build Mining Companies, the Value of Silver and the Future of Geothermal Energy
September 27, 2009
Ross J Beaty is a geologist and resource company entrepreneur with more than 37 years of experience in the international minerals industry. In early 2008, Mr. Beaty founded Magma Energy Corp. to focus on international geothermal energy development. Magma curren ...
Ditching the Dollar at G20 Summit?
September 26, 2009
There are plenty of calls to get rid of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and China has been leading the way because the Chinese hold so much American paper. Japan is another country that holds a good deal of American debt, and between them these two ...
Sarah Palin – A Libertarian in Hong Kong?
September 25, 2009
Sarah Palin is apparently trying to resurrect the successful Republican – "conservative" – formulation that marked Ronald Reagan's tenure in office 20 years ago. Readers of the Bell will not be surprised. We predicted this back in early July when we wrote o ...
Double-Dip Recession Could Be Best for America?
September 24, 2009
Harsh medicine? The thrust of this analysis, which appears on NewsMax, is that a second recession will achieve two goals: It will bring Republicans back into office and it will purge the economy of bad investments by major entities including large corporations ...
Shrinking Money Supply Dampens Inflation Fears
September 23, 2009
This article, excerpted above, is yet another reason, in our humble opinion, why McGraw Hill is trying to unload BusinessWeek, reportedly at one point for a buck. With all the commentary now on the Internet and even in the mainstream press about free-market eco ...
China Faces 'Arduous Task' for Stable Growth, Society
September 22, 2009
Here are the Bell, we have made points about China for several years that are gradually trickling into the mainstream, not because of our influence (we'd like to think so) but because Chinese leaders are saying basically the same thing. We recently reported on ...
Voters Demand EU Referendum if David Cameron Becomes PM
September 21, 2009
More democracy please? It is sad to see the British nation ending with a whimper, as most legal authority to determine British society passes to Brussels. This is obviously what the British monetary elite and titular elite wish to have happen, but having it occ ...
Adrian Krieg on the Foundering of the West, the Plans of the Elite and the Future of Money
September 20, 2009
Dr. Adrian H. Krieg has written numerous engineering books as well as over 100 technical articles. He is a columnist and a contributing writer in numerous magazines and newspapers in America and Europe. The only writer we can think to compare him to is Ezra Po ...
Federal Reserve Considers Controls on Pay at 5,000 Banks
September 19, 2009
It's the bankers' fault. Do the wise men (and women) at the Fed really believe, at this point in history, that the reason for excessive risk taking in the Western world has to do with how much bankers are paid? Wait ... apparently they do. ...
SEC Tightens Grip on Ratings Agencies
September 18, 2009
So the SEC, which missed the Madoff Ponzi scheme, is going to supervise Wall Sreet's ratings agencies in order to ensure ... what? That they provide information about company risk? That they allow the consumer to comparison shop? At the risk of sounding rude, w ...
Greenspan Sees Threat U.S. Congress Will Hamper Fed
September 17, 2009
The sage is concerned. This is the point that we, along with many others in the hard-money community, have made strongly in the recent past – that the Fed will not be able to finesse the looming monetary disaster stemming from its pump priming. Pump priming i ...
Tories' George Osborne Unveils New Economic Model for UK
September 16, 2009
O boy, the Tories are coming. Osborne is celebrating because Prime Minister Brown, in announcing budget cuts has "capitulated" to the Tory perspective. Sensing victory in upcoming elections over the hapless, meretricious and thoroughly discredited Brown, Osborn ...
Chief BIS Economist Warns of Double-Dip Recession
September 15, 2009
It is nice to see the chief economist of the BIS hopping on board the "realism train." White breaks ranks with the green shoots crowd to explain that numerous factors are weighing down the economy worldwide and these issues have not been done away with. They've ...
Iceland: What Ugly Secrets Are Waiting to Be Exposed in the Meltdown?
September 14, 2009
A sad episode international finance. One has to keep in mind that Iceland is a country of about 300,000 people. And yet the "suspicions of criminal activity" stemming from the collapse of one of the world's smallest central banks are likely to spread around the ...
Addison Wiggin on the Founding of Agora, the Empire of Debt and the Agora Outlook: Deflation Now, Inflation Later
September 13, 2009
Addison Wiggin is the executive publisher of Agora Financial, LLC, a fiercely independent economic forecasting and financial research firm based in Baltimore, Md. He's the creator and editorial director of Agora Financial's daily 5 Min. Forecast and editorial d ...
Charlie Sheen Confronts Obama on 9/11 Coverup
September 12, 2009
Sheen and his fellow conspiracy theorists, the Post reported, also believe the Bush/Cheney regime and the CIA orchestrated 9/11 as a ploy to invade Iraq." The Post is owned by the conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch. It is not surprising that a newspaper ow ...
U.S. Financial System Prone to Systemic Failure
September 11, 2009
A system that changes slowly. Actually, it is a system that changes not at all. We wrote the other day of a British banker calling for more social consciousness and decrying money-center banks evident parasitism in forceful terms. On and on he went, until he be ...
Gold at $1,000 an Ounce Just the Beginning?
September 10, 2009
We have returned to gold analysis several times recently since gold busted through US$1,000 once again, only to have its reins pulled back rather quickly. But since gold is on the mind of many, and at least some of our readers, we are certain, it may be time fo ...
Barrick Gold to Eliminate Hedges
September 09, 2009
Of course Barrick held out. We tend to share what is an industry wide view that Barrick was perhaps invented at least in part to manipulate the price of gold and to keep the price down through various speculative means. It may have managed to do this very well ...
Barack Obama Accused of Making 'Depression' Mistakes
September 08, 2009
The British ride to America's rescue? The Institute of Economic Affairs, Britain's self-proclaimed oldest free-market think tank, supposedly inspired by one of our favorite economic thinkers, FA Hayek has come out against the Obama administration's prophylactic ...
China Alarmed by U.S. Money Printing
September 07, 2009
The Chinese are tightening the screws in our estimation, making it clear to the United States that continued funding of the American national debt by over-printing money is simply unacceptable. But we don't necessarily see that the Chinese are operating from a ...
Bill Bonner on Economic Depression, Hyperinflation and the Rapidly Declining U.S. Empire
September 06, 2009
Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bonner has found success and garnered camaraderie in numerous communities and industries. A man of many talents, his entrepreneurial savvy, unique writings, philanthropic undertakings, and preservationist activities have ...
Keynes Versus Friedman – and Mises Goes Missing
September 05, 2009
This is a very interesting recent analysis by the Telegraph because it focuses on Milton Friedman and John Maynard Keynes as the archetypical east and west of economics. It is written by Edmund Conway whose Boom and Bust article we reported on just the other da ...
Boom and Bust Capitalism Won't Be Fixed
September 04, 2009
We wondered what happened to the various nostrums floated by these international meetings, the G8 and G20. Last time we focused on the topic, we were pointing out that they didn't really seem either serious or likely to produce substantive change. There was a g ...
Swine Flu Another Impetus for Creeping Radicalism of American Officialdom
September 03, 2009
What's strange about all this is that swine flu has not been shown to be especially deadly, at least not as compared to other diseases with obviously severe mortalities. For one thing, people over the age of 55 are said to have some immunity to this particular ...
Fed Secretive for Good Reason
September 02, 2009
We would like to give the Federal Reserve the doubt here, but we have considerable trouble doing so. In fact, in our opinion, the Fed is under attack because it comes up with apologists that Paul Kasriel that defend the institution in ways that many people migh ...
Rumors of Economic Recovery Overstated
September 01, 2009
This sort of article is too rarely available in the mainstream media, in that it departs from the happy talk that has characterized the "recovering" economy in the past six months. Stock markets have run up hard, powered by trillions in central bank money print ...
There's an Exit Strategy in Obamacare Ticket?
August 31, 2009
Are the compromisers becoming more evident. This article indicates that there are ways to move the American health-care bill forward by removing the public option and emphasizing insurer-led cost control. The article is actually written tongue-in-cheek (see bel ...
Ingo Bischoff on Why a Land Tax is Good, What Austrians Don't Understand About Real Bills, and the Enduring Popularity of Henry George
August 30, 2009
Ingo Bischoff is founder of the "Georgist" San Francisco School of Economics. Economist Henry George is a famous free-market oriented economist who believed that a land-tax was preferable to any other and whose writings and economic tracts were most popular in ...
Have You Heard About the Company That Runs Britain?
August 29, 2009
Privatization: good, bad or ugly? Actually, there is nothing good about it in our humble opinion. It is representative of a larger trend that is taking root in the Anglo-American axis. It is a response to the recognition that government is both profligate and i ...
Play It Again Uncle Sam?
August 28, 2009
It is important to internalize what has occurred in the past year. The Western financial system virtually collapsed. We are aware of course that some believe that a certain element took advantage of the system to extort huge sums of money from panicked governme ...
Have the Immoral Actions of Central Bankers Precipitated the Decline of the West?
August 27, 2009
Wow, wow, wow ... talk about being "slapped upside the head." We just were with this terrific article that was sent to us by the author himself apparently – who is one clever cookie (even though he has a degree from Harvard). ...
Roubini Missed the Stock Rally?
August 27, 2009
Roubini strikes out? Not really. The problem with stock market investing in general is that the timing is difficult. If you are reaching the age of retirement especially in America and most of your income is in equity, you have probably felt sick-to-your-stomac ...
Denis Hughes Named Head of New York Fed
August 26, 2009
Back in May we declared that the American Federal Reserve was all but finished - or at the least that it would emerge from the financial crisis as a very changed institution. The proximate cause of our statement was the disastrous testimony of Inspector General ...
The Internet is Now in Its Third Stage
August 25, 2009
Just as the monetary elite aligns regulation and markets with its dominant social themes to create wealth and social control, so we anticipate that those who stand behind onrushing spontaneous memes will do much the same. Of course we are only at the very begin ...
American Anger Is All the Rage
August 24, 2009
We don't agree with this analysis. We've written before that we think the West and especially America, has entered a second (or third) phase of the Internet era – and that the 'Net is indeed a game changer. The Internet has provided a new view of the world fo ...
Ellen Brown on Debt Money, Why Money is Collapsing and Why Central Banks Need Adult Supervision
August 23, 2009
Ellen Brown developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, her latest book, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and "the money trust." She shows how this private cartel has usurp ...
Will Swiss Banks Have to Reinvent Themselves?
August 22, 2009
At one point the Swiss depended on their mountains to shield them from outside political and regulatory pressures. Now the Swiss bankers will have to depend on their encyclopedic knowledge of financial jurisdictions. While bank secrecy seems to have been penetr ...
A Meaningful Debate on the NHS Must Examine the Premise on Which It Was Founded
August 21, 2009
This was a letter received by the Telegraph in response to an article on the failings of the British health care system. The system, which is constituted actually of several separate branches, is fully nationalized. The government both employs medical workers a ...
Welcome to the 'Help Not Wanted' Economy
August 20, 2009
The American left has the idea that the American consumer ceases to purchase goods every now and then, and that's why economies suffer from recessions. The American right has the idea that it is regulation and fiscal policy that punctures economies. Both points ...
Obama Feels the Heat as Town Hall Genie Emerges
August 19, 2009
This article offers an alternative narrative to the one we have supplied – that it is the Internet and the explosion of non-mainstream media information that has led to US anti-healthcare town halls. And there is a reason for that in our humble opinion, as th ...
Town Hall Protests Not Just About Health Care
August 18, 2009
Every time someone in an American town hall meeting refers to the constitution to make a point that President Obama's version of health care may be unconstitutional a larger insight is being enunciated. That larger insight, as yet un-verbalized by the mainstrea ...
RBS Strategist Issues Fresh Alert on Global Stock Markets
August 17, 2009
We have stated the presence of green shoots is exaggerated. In fact, we have been surprised by the aggressive rise in stock prices around the world, but ultimately this is understandable given the amount of paper and electronic monetary issuance courtesy of cen ...
Are Town Halls a Threat to Democracy?
August 15, 2009
This article and others like it tend to take the point of view that the shouting and yelling taking place at American town halls is detrimental to the functioning of democracy. The idea (it is not ours) is that Americans have always solved their political probl ...
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