STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 2951 - of
Nobel Prize Winners Warn Financial System Is Still Not Out of the Woods
August 25, 2008
This is an astounding statement. It intimates that Keynesian "wage push" is a primary factor in a "wage-price" spiral. Yet inflation, as serious modern-day economists agree, is a monetary phenomenon. To indicate that a "wage-price" spiral can aggravate an infla ...
Lehman Cash Call 'Shunned' by China and Korea
August 22, 2008
The big boys who play in high waters probably never expected things to get so bad so quickly. It is beyond reason to think that those at the very top did not understand the breadth of the bubble and its intricacy – but timing is always tricky, as any investor ...
Canada Corporate ABCP Holders to Fight New Plan
August 21, 2008
In fact, it is one thing to file a suit in court and not receive satisfaction. It is another to have a ruling that makes it nearly impossible to achieve any just compensation right from the start. The Canadian courts, thus far, have made it very difficult for s ...
The Disconnect Between Supply and Demand in Gold & Silver Markets
August 20, 2008
Almost every day now comes word of a new glitch, a new hold up. Gold and silver are harder and harder to come by. Such scarcity remains explainable, at least if you believe the rationales. The US Mint for instance has seemingly stopped selling both gold and sil ...
Switzerland to Tighten the Screws on Banks
August 19, 2008
Thank goodness! Switzerland's central bank is going to make sure that Swiss banks have more assets to cover risk – and that they can't leverage their riskiest lending. These decisions are aimed in part at the giant Swiss bank UBS which has taken tens of billi ...
Conflict Narrows Oil Options for West
August 18, 2008
We've pointed out before that we think the search for oil and gas is more "racket" than real – and we're not dissuaded by the latest news coming out of Russia. Imagine, with all the oil and gas that there apparently is in the world, the great Western companie ...
U.S.: 47% Favor Government Mandated Political Balance on Radio, TV
August 15, 2008
All right, perhaps Americans aren't so smart when it comes to their Constitution, but at least they'll leave the Internet out of it. And it can't be that bad anyway, over there, since they're still free to poll. So let us ask the correct question: Who exactly i ...
Elder Bush: Keep Politics Out of Olympics
August 14, 2008
The Olympics ... Big business! Big money! And yes, big politics, too. No matter what former President Bush says, politics are inextricably linked to the games; in fact, it says a great deal that both Bushes, current president and former president, showed up in ...
Sovereign Funds Become Big Speculators
August 13, 2008
Doesn't this seem more and more to resemble some kind of high-level money transfer? Trouble is, it's so complex and occurs with so much money that regulators will probably never get around to figuring it out. Or more likely, everyone upstairs has already figure ...
U.S. Military Surprised by Speed, Timing of Russian Military Action
August 12, 2008
Of course, there are varying opinions about the current fighting between Russia and Georgia these days. The Internet is crackling with them. The Internet in fact is a wonderful device. If it had been present during the First World War, the reasons for that endl ...
Capitalism Lies in Shambles, and the Left Has Gone Awol
August 08, 2008
Prior to the arrival of the Internet, those who were doing the manipulation could find ready fodder in bright, active people who could easily be led into a leftist cul de sac. But it's a lot harder now because anyone with the aptitude to take a political positi ...
McCain Calls for Economic Surge
August 07, 2008
We don't mean to slam John McCain here as Barack Obama is no better when it comes to the "economic stuff" – at least not if you believe even a smidgen in free markets. But to be fair, McCain is running from the Republican Right, from the "conservative" and fr ...
McCain at Nuclear Plant Highlights Energy Issue
August 06, 2008
Here is the reason that the "energy" business is a racket. You will never, ever find cheap solutions offered. Oil? Drill offshore at $500 million a whack. Or build a nuclear power plant for a couple of billion. Are there ever any cheaper solutions? The kinds of ...
Royal Bank of Scotland Poised for Biggest Loss in UK Banking History
August 05, 2008
How exactly do the people running these big operations invest? Do they watch everyone else and then do the same thing? Do they figure that they can get away with it when others haven't? Surely, they understand business cycles. Surely, they understand what a man ...
Global Political Hypocrisy
August 04, 2008
You can bet Switzerland will be pulled into this Norwegian commission analysis-paralysis before it's all over. Why not? Switzerland seems in the congenital apology mode, with UBS apologizing all over the place. The spectacle of UBS apologizing to the US Congres ...
Merrill Fire Sale Just Another Ponzi Scheme
August 01, 2008
We are well into the "bunch of crooks" part of the business cycle. This is where most top-flight financial writers and analysts begin to tear into Wall Street with a vengeance. This is also the part of the cycle where topnotch journalists make their money on bo ...
Obama to House Dems: If Sanctions Fail, Israel Will Likely Strike Iran
July 31, 2008
One gets the idea that the drums are beating louder and louder and that little can stop continued speculation over yet another war – a third front for America and the "war on terror." Obama's remarks both point to this and tend to confirm a general trend of t ...
What Irritates the Statists
January 01, 1970
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