Exclusive Interviews Showing 1 - of
Doug Casey’s Take: Que mala! Can Trump Delay the Inevitable?
September 08, 2024
  Summary The video explores the contrasts between American and European anarchism, the appeal of Islam among youth, systemic issues in politics and migration, economic challenges under Trump, and the impact of corporate media and class division on Western ...
The Origin of Money: Menger vs. Graeber
September 06, 2024
  Summary The emergence of money as a universally accepted medium of exchange is rooted in individual self-interest and trade dynamics, with ongoing debates between Menger’s and Graeber’s perspectives on its origins and valuation.   Origin ...
Why the Political Establishment Won’t Touch the Chronic Disease Issue
September 05, 2024
    Summary The political establishment in America neglects the rising chronic disease crisis among children due to profit motives from the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries, which prioritize financial gain over public health.   Healthca ...
Doug Casey: Tough Times Ahead
September 01, 2024
  Summary The current state of the world is characterized by a decline in freedom, an increase in government control, and a threat to Western Civilization, and individuals must take personal responsibility to protect themselves and their values. Government ...
Political Realignment? The Trump-RFK-Tulsi Alliance
September 01, 2024
  Summary Donald Trump’s unique position and campaign strategy could lead to a potential realignment of the Democratic and Republican parties, bringing together disparate groups and forming a new coalition that challenges the traditional political la ...
Alex Newman: Global Censorship: You’re Being Silenced
August 25, 2024
  Summary The United Nations is planning a massive global power grab on free speech, partnering with powerful organizations and governments to implement censorship and control measures, including AI-powered surveillance and social credit scores, that could ...
Ryan McMaken: The Only Type of Democracy that Actually Works
August 25, 2024
    Summary A functioning democracy requires the protection of individual freedom, minority rights, and private property rights, and can only be achieved through mechanisms such as unlimited secession, voluntary grouping, and exit options, rather than ...
The Hidden Agenda Behind Transgenderism | Who’s Really in Control?
August 23, 2024
  Summary The transgender movement is a technological and ideological construct driven by transhumanist ideology, aiming to dissociate humans from biological reality, commodify and control human reproduction, and ultimately lead to a virtual reality where ...
Radio Rothbard: History Didn’t End: The Return of the Draft
August 18, 2024
    The return of the draft raises concerns about involuntary conscription, the impact on individuals’ freedom and rights, and the potential for the US to get drawn into larger wars with Iran and China. The return of the draft raises concerns ab ...
Doug Casey: Kamala’s “solution” to price gouging and other questions from the phyle
August 16, 2024
  Individuals should prepare for potential economic crises by diversifying their investments, maintaining physical and financial health, and considering alternative options such as growing their own food and investing in a second home in a resort. Doug Cas ...
Thomas Sowell: Price Control is the Formula of Socialism
August 14, 2024
  Studying history can help us understand the consequences of price control and utopian policies, and how they can lead to disastrous results. Studying history makes you realize how long people have been doing the same foolish things with the same disastro ...
What Bitcoin Did: Escaping Hyperinflation with Mauricio Di Bartolomeo
August 10, 2024
Bitcoin and other digital currencies can serve as a lifeline for people in countries experiencing economic turmoil and hyperinflation, providing a way to protect their wealth and escape government control. Bitcoin as a lifeline in economic turmoil Mauricio Di B ...
Instant Impact on the Economy: What Trump and Every Other Politician Promises that Never Works Out Well
July 17, 2024
“ChIIInah!”  ~ Donald Trump   Guest post from Bryan Lutz, Editor at Dollarcollapse.com:   Have you noticed what almost every politician’s promises focus on?   They focus on immediate results…   The instant impact.    Especial ...
Choose one: law enforcement at Trump shooting was either incompetent or complicit
July 17, 2024
Guest post from Ryan McMaken at the Mises Institute:   Within minutes of the July 13 attempted assassination of Donald Trump, observers were asking how the assassin managed to gain a clear shot of Donald Trump at the Butler Farm Show Grounds near Butler Pe ...
Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden
June 27, 2024
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”—George Orwell   Originally posted by John Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute:   No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political sp ...