STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - of
How Machiavelli Trolled the Elite with “The Prince”
July 31, 2021
July 31, 2021. We can use the same tactics online today to mock and trip-up the elite. ...
“There is No Safety You Dumb Bitch” -The Hound
April 01, 2021
April 1, 2021. As The Hound so eloquently reminds Brienne, “There is no safety you dumb bitch. And if you don’t know that by now, you’re the wrong one to watch over her.” ...
Why I Love an Incompetent Government
November 12, 2020
November 12, 2020. The last thing you want is a leader who really cares. ...
advanced kid
The messed up reason age 30 is the new 20
September 15, 2020
September 15, 2020. How the government makes you feel like a kid in your twenties. ...
How Government Literally Drives People Insane
September 07, 2020
September 7, 2020. Teenagers rebel in opposition to strict rules for the same reason people do crazy things in a society dominated by an oppressive government. ...
Guess who ends up paying those taxes meant only for the rich…
August 25, 2020
August 25, 2020. At first, anyone earning under $76,000 (in today's money)—which was most people—paid no income taxes at all. ...
10 Ways the Communist Manifesto has Infiltrated the USA
August 12, 2020
August 12, 2020. This is why it is so absurd that people think "socialism" would be a radical change for the US. It would be more of the same, a doubling down on every failure you can think of from the last century. ...
How the haunting words of an escaped slave apply today
August 05, 2020
August 5, 2020. "To make a contented slave, you must make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason." ...
6 Reasons Franklin D. Roosevelt was the WORST
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020. How is FDR not widely accepted as the biggest American racist and fascist of the last century? ...
How disbanding police can lead to less crime and less conflict
June 14, 2020
June 15, 2020. Could "common law" hold the answers to solving the problems in society? ...
10 Best Quotes from “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020. Although the essay was written 168 years ago, the subject of Civil Disobedience is more relevant than ever. ...
Caribbean Pirates had a government. And it wasn’t bad.
May 18, 2020
May 18, 2020. How did pirates effectively organize and manage such ruffians? ...
roger williams with native americans
How Roger Williams Started a Free Society
April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020. How Roger Williams and his big mouth started a grand experiment in free thought, free speech, and government by the people. ...
Police Militarization
I could face six months in jail for walking to the beach
March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020. The government’s sole aim is to stop the spread of Covid-19. The economic effect of quarantining millions of people is not part of the equation to them. ...
Writing to you from lockdown
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020. If these measures haven’t hit yet where you live, they’re probably coming soon. ...
Best 10 books for the free-spirited child (stuck at home)
March 16, 2020
March 16, 2020. The best place to start for parents wondering how to keep kids learning without public school. ...
Venezuela wants every woman to have six children…
March 13, 2020
March 13, 2020. The problem he says, is that so many Venezuelans have left their homeland. (For some strange reason they went to find a home where they wouldn’t starve to death or be murdered by their government.) ...
Predictions are hard. But here goes…
March 13, 2020
March 13, 2020. Human beings often cannot accept the possibility that tomorrow could be radically different than today. ...
Anyone with courage and clear thinking will do extremely well
March 12, 2020
March 12, 2020. Bottom line– this is going to be a wild ride, and we’ve barely started. ...
Court demands husband compensate ex-wife for career she never had
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020. Rule of Law is obviously a small price to pay for the illusion of phony social justice. ...
Police Militarization
This Is a Test: How Will the Constitution Fare During a Nationwide Lockdown?
March 11, 2020
March 11, 2020. What is about to unfold over the next few weeks is a test to see how well we have assimilated the government’s lessons in compliance, fear and police state tactics. ...
Police are keeping a list of people who tell offensive jokes
March 06, 2020
March 6, 2020. Police say they track these individuals just in case their humor crosses the line into illegal territory. ...
Negative interest rates in the US are virtually guaranteed now
March 04, 2020
March 4, 2020. Remember that, in a typical recession, the Fed cuts interest rates by an average of 5%. ...
Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?
March 04, 2020
March 4, 2020. For a hint of what’s in store, you can look to China—our role model for all things dystopian—where the contagion started. ...
Decades-old investment wisdom from Albert Einstein
March 03, 2020
March 3, 2020. “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” ...
Of Course Bloomberg Can’t Defend His Nanny Statism
March 02, 2020
March 2, 2020. Stop and Frisk was just the tip of the iceberg for Bloomberg. ...
California reinvents the English language yet again
February 28, 2020
February 28, 2020. Now California will refer to “at risk youth” instead as, “at promise youth.” ...
How I lost 100% of my investment on the Corona Virus
February 27, 2020
February 27, 2020. Great businesses adapt and overcome. They thrive when others buckle, and they come out of turmoil stronger than ever. ...
A good reason NOT to move to Puerto Rico
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020. Unfortunately, this is a reality that we all have to deal with. Government bureaucracy is unavoidable. ...
The Looming Financial Nightmare: So Much for Living the American Dream
February 26, 2020
February 26, 2020. The U.S. government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are the ones who will pay for it. ...
anonymous at atm
Wells Fargo paid more in criminal penalties than it paid in interest to its depositors
February 25, 2020
February 25, 2020. Why would any rational person continue to put their money in this system??? ...
When the world became unrecognizable in less than a decade
February 24, 2020
February 24, 2020. Think about it: 5 years ago around this time, things still felt pretty normal. ...
UK suspects all kids using chat app are hackers
February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020. UK urges parents to report their kids to police for using normal technology. ...
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett’s worst year since the stock market crashed…
February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020. It’s interesting that Berkshire Hathaway typically has its worst years just before stocks crash. ...
school boy arrested
Compliance 101: Gun-Toting Cops Endanger Students and Turn the Schools into Prisons
February 19, 2020
February 19, 2020. Unbelievably, these tactics are all legal, at least when employed by school officials or school resource officers in the nation’s public schools. ...
New $27 million space scam: Class action lawsuit being prepared against Michiel Jan Mol
February 19, 2020
February 19, 2020. There have already been scam companies that have taken advantage of the hype. ...
The US fertility rate hit another record low
February 18, 2020
February 18, 2020. And the biggest loser in that scenario, by far, is Social Security. ...
Available now: pay $2,500 to be told you’re racist
February 18, 2020
February 18, 2020. A new group called “Race to Dinner” is giving you the opportunity to pay $2,500 to host a dinner (you also have to provide the food), where you and your white friends will be told how racist you are. ...
It turns out the Bolsheviks love the top 1%
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020. They have managed to engineer massive electoral inequality and created a top 1% among voters. ...
We’re All in This Together: A Case for Not Giving Up on the American Dream
February 12, 2020
February 12, 2020. If this experiment in freedom is to succeed, then we’ve got to find some way of relating to one another that is not toxic or partisan or hateful. ...
The average US couple could be facing a new tax of $180,360
February 11, 2020
February 11, 2020. Social Security’s trustees have already indicated that a 23% cut in benefits would cover the short-term funding gap. ...
Government funded feminists suggest banning heterosexual relationships
February 07, 2020
February 7, 2020.  "It may be time to have a conversation about their ban and abolition.”  ...
Elon Musk
Here’s something that makes absolutely no sense
February 06, 2020
February 6, 2020. People are willing to pay more than TWENTY TIMES what Tesla’s assets are worth even though the company is losing money. ...
Apparently all white males are just mindless automatons
February 05, 2020
February 5, 2020. Talent has no gender. It has no ethnicity. It has no sexual orientation. ...
From the creators of Iowa’s voting app: government healthcare!
February 05, 2020
February 5, 2020. They can't even build a voting app, but let's give them control of healthcare, the economy, and education ...
How a second passport saved someone from the Coronavirus
February 03, 2020
February 3, 2020. The US embassy unceremoniously told him his seat had been given to someone else. The flight took off with 210 passengers, bound for California, and left Schneider behind. ...
Licensing Parents? The Latest Bad Idea In America’s Licensure Craze
February 03, 2020
February 3, 2020. It’s chilling that a lawmaker has genuinely and unapologetically proposed parental licensing to the public. ...
Child molester released from prison because ‘he’ now identifies as a ‘she’
January 31, 2020
January 31, 2020. Unfortunately, this appears to be a trend. ...
Fed official: “If there’s a recession, don’t worry”
January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020. “[T]he Fed is very powerful” and has all the tools it needs to support the economy. ...
How screwed up the pension system is
January 27, 2020
January 27, 2020. The old rules simply do not apply any longer. You can’t keep money parked in a savings account for 20 years and expect to have a comfortable retirement or a college fund for your kids… let alone BOTH. ...
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